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New to ironmag

bayou boy

Oct 24, 2014
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
Heys guys I just wanted to say what's up and let you'll know I joined the family. Its late and I just got home I will get on here tomorrow and do some research and tell you'll a little bit about me and maybe get some advice on some of my goals. I will pick back up right here on my opening topic where I'm leaving off.
Welcome to the community.
Hey guys I'm new to iron mag and I'm liking it already. I'm also on a couple other forums but I joined this one cause iron mag has some of the support and info I was looking for. I have been working out for couple years now in my late 20's. I'm 5'10.5"... I'm running about 200 PDS at this point. Oh well I'll keep this one short going put some stands up in woods.
Welcome man
Welcome bro....
IML Gear Cream!
Hey guys I'm new to iron mag and I'm liking it already. I'm also on a couple other forums but I joined this one cause iron mag has some of the support and info I was looking for. I have been working out for couple years now in my late 20's. I'm 5'10.5"... I'm running about 200 PDS at this point. Oh well I'll keep this one short going put some stands up in woods.
Good hunting down there in the bayou. I worked down in ventress. Around false river and got to do some hunting.