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New vial new pip


Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
Did an injection of test c 250 from a fresh vial and got the pip bad , almost like my first time do you think it's from nicking a vein or just variation from vial to vial of supposedly the same gear?
Who's gear is it?

There are so many factors.

Where did you inject?

The bad pip? Is there good pip?
The gear is aa my wife who is a nurse injects my upper thigh and at least for me there is bad pip and better pip.
I fucking new it dude. I was going to say "and don't tell me you injected in your fucking thigh."

That is the worst place to inject. Always have the worst problems. It could be a bad inject, hit a vessel, vein.

Make sure the vial is crystal clear. Inject in your ass next time. Bad pip then means bad gear. More than likely just a bad inject.

Take a lot of naproxen and some penicillin, or amoxicillin if you have it.

Whenever I inject in my thigh now I use a slin pinn. No more problems with hitting shit. Just push kind of hard to get it deep.
Thanks for the reply, I'll definitely be looking into that for sure.
The quads are tricky. I can do both but prefer the glutes.
I pinned my quads on my last cycle & never had an issue at all. Usually had a muscle cramp the next day or so but nothing serious

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IML Gear Cream!
Sling pin in the thigh huhhh? I'll have to try that

Just use a 27g 1 inch. Just relax the muscle and push it in firm. You can get a 1 inch slin to probably 2.25 inches in if you push hard and straight enough. If you use a 28 or 29 the needle is so fragile you have to be more carefull not to bend it pushing in. Farvas crazy putting those torpedos in his quads. I start sweating just thinking about it....
The quads are loaded with nerves, whenever I try injecting them they jerk and push the needle out. Never tried glutes. I pin delts only now. Even if it's everyday pinning my delts handle it fine.
Never done a glute shot, prob never will.

Delts and quads. Add pecs, bi's and tri's if I'm on a long prop run