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We'll continue sending our samples to an independent GMP certified lab Simec to test our products regularly! Both raws and final products!
As we advertise on several other boards, we also pay for each blood test, labmax or chromotography made by our customers, if they share it online. We can send you cash or you can have the expense covered as store credit.
In fact we are doing this only for you, our potential customers, to provide reliable and verifiable results! We have our internal tests and chromotography, but we prefer an objective result for a maximum of transparency.
From now we are going to provide you all results! Regularly and independent on good or bad they are! If Simec shows that raws are bad you will see it as well!
A while ago we have already sent into an independent GMP certified lab Simec 20 samples of raws which we use in our products. All raws were chosen from a new batch, which we received from our supplier. We have not performed our own testing of these raws yet. So in fact we did not know which exactly results to expect. However we just knew that results will be good in any case, cause we use one and the same supplier within all the time and never changed it. Except a couple of specific compounds.
Several days ago we received the first result namely nandrolone decanoate. We ordered test of purity! Qualitative analysis, not quantitative as Anaboliclab performed with our oxandrolone a while ago. Which result is also perfect by the way. Exact 10 mg as manifested. Back to our qualitative analysis. Y
For those who don't trust this result or think that we could've changed it, please address Simec, provide them individual number of the essay and they'll confirm it!
Here you find contact data of Simec:
Don`t hesitate to contact them by email or phone and ask for confirmation if you have any doubts!
You for sure ask yourself how 100.7% purity is possible?
It is due to the testing technology. Simec is puchasing a reference sample. This is a certified sample of a reference drug. In other words this is the ideal compound, pharma grade purity.
By the way such a sample costs 100 EUR because of certification, etc. And we paid them additionally to get a proper reliable result. After testing this sample by HPLC Simec tested also our sample and compared. Based on comparison is calculated the purity of a drug, how good or bad it is. Reference sample is an ideal drug.
Our sample is by 0.7% purer as certified reference sample! I specially asked Simec about what does it mean and they confirmed it!
Official reply from Simec specialist:
A content of 100.7% means, that in relation to the reference substance your sample is a bit more pure (this is not a very strange thing, it happens, depends also on water content of the substances which can vary within a percent, maybe more).
So a content of 100.7% means, that perhaps your sample is very dry (water content less 0.1%), on the other hand the reference standard may contain some tenths of a percent of water. And because the reference standard is named as 100%, the sample is above 100%.
It is not explicit purity - because there may be some impurities which can not be detected with this HPLC-method. It means extended work with determination of linearity, accuracy, recovery, robustness, range, repeatability, precision etc.
Such validations have to be performed for each product separately. Costs for one validation are between 7000 and 15000 EUR (sometimes more, depends very much on the method and sample)
But it is most likely your sample is very pure, a content of >100% really is a very very good result.
As you see this is not explicit pureness. This is pureness based on comparison with a reference drug. Important is that this reference drug is also used to check for quality pharmaceutical grade products. The reference sample itself is it. Here is what Simec employee said about it:
The reference standard we use is a official certified standard substance, so we can be quite sure, that no relevant impurities are present. Results are calculated with this official standard substance, so there is no doubt that result of content is valid. With a content of 100.7% it is almost evident that there are no impurities in significant amounts.
Nevertheless we cannot make a statement about purity so easy. The content of the sample we determine with an HPLC method which is usable for this substance. But there may be impurities, which cannot be detected with this special method. To be 100% sure, we would have to know all possible impurities and test each of them separately, in worst case each of them with a separate analytical method. There is no global method which can detect all substances at all. And testing for unknown impurities is extremely expensive and time consuming (surely some thousands of EUR or USD).
As we advertise on several other boards, we also pay for each blood test, labmax or chromotography made by our customers, if they share it online. We can send you cash or you can have the expense covered as store credit.
In fact we are doing this only for you, our potential customers, to provide reliable and verifiable results! We have our internal tests and chromotography, but we prefer an objective result for a maximum of transparency.
From now we are going to provide you all results! Regularly and independent on good or bad they are! If Simec shows that raws are bad you will see it as well!
A while ago we have already sent into an independent GMP certified lab Simec 20 samples of raws which we use in our products. All raws were chosen from a new batch, which we received from our supplier. We have not performed our own testing of these raws yet. So in fact we did not know which exactly results to expect. However we just knew that results will be good in any case, cause we use one and the same supplier within all the time and never changed it. Except a couple of specific compounds.
Several days ago we received the first result namely nandrolone decanoate. We ordered test of purity! Qualitative analysis, not quantitative as Anaboliclab performed with our oxandrolone a while ago. Which result is also perfect by the way. Exact 10 mg as manifested. Back to our qualitative analysis. Y

For those who don't trust this result or think that we could've changed it, please address Simec, provide them individual number of the essay and they'll confirm it!
Here you find contact data of Simec:
Don`t hesitate to contact them by email or phone and ask for confirmation if you have any doubts!
You for sure ask yourself how 100.7% purity is possible?
It is due to the testing technology. Simec is puchasing a reference sample. This is a certified sample of a reference drug. In other words this is the ideal compound, pharma grade purity.
By the way such a sample costs 100 EUR because of certification, etc. And we paid them additionally to get a proper reliable result. After testing this sample by HPLC Simec tested also our sample and compared. Based on comparison is calculated the purity of a drug, how good or bad it is. Reference sample is an ideal drug.
Our sample is by 0.7% purer as certified reference sample! I specially asked Simec about what does it mean and they confirmed it!
Official reply from Simec specialist:
A content of 100.7% means, that in relation to the reference substance your sample is a bit more pure (this is not a very strange thing, it happens, depends also on water content of the substances which can vary within a percent, maybe more).
So a content of 100.7% means, that perhaps your sample is very dry (water content less 0.1%), on the other hand the reference standard may contain some tenths of a percent of water. And because the reference standard is named as 100%, the sample is above 100%.
It is not explicit purity - because there may be some impurities which can not be detected with this HPLC-method. It means extended work with determination of linearity, accuracy, recovery, robustness, range, repeatability, precision etc.
Such validations have to be performed for each product separately. Costs for one validation are between 7000 and 15000 EUR (sometimes more, depends very much on the method and sample)
But it is most likely your sample is very pure, a content of >100% really is a very very good result.
As you see this is not explicit pureness. This is pureness based on comparison with a reference drug. Important is that this reference drug is also used to check for quality pharmaceutical grade products. The reference sample itself is it. Here is what Simec employee said about it:
The reference standard we use is a official certified standard substance, so we can be quite sure, that no relevant impurities are present. Results are calculated with this official standard substance, so there is no doubt that result of content is valid. With a content of 100.7% it is almost evident that there are no impurities in significant amounts.
Nevertheless we cannot make a statement about purity so easy. The content of the sample we determine with an HPLC method which is usable for this substance. But there may be impurities, which cannot be detected with this special method. To be 100% sure, we would have to know all possible impurities and test each of them separately, in worst case each of them with a separate analytical method. There is no global method which can detect all substances at all. And testing for unknown impurities is extremely expensive and time consuming (surely some thousands of EUR or USD).
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