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Primo is it worth the cost?


Jul 18, 2013
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In my own Mind.
IML Gear Cream!
Primo is it worth the cost of a 18 week cycle.. Should the money be spent on something else?
not worth.....+ real schering primobolan is not cheap and for 18 weeks you need a lot of money..its me..:=
The unfortunate truth about injectable Primo is that its a very expensive chemical to obtain, and that price is reflected in the cost to the average consumer. Ten dollars per 1ml/100mg ampule is not unheard of, and Ive seen it go for more. This is, of course, absurd. As if thats not enough, this is also the most commonly counterfeited steroids on the black market
I personally like primo and whether or not its worth it would depend on your economic situation... For instance I don't think that a 140,000 dollar Mercedes SUV is worth it. Yet I see them every where at my daughters school when I pick her up.

I would say that primo is one of those steroids that make a bigger difference the lower body fat you are IMHO.
I personally like primo and whether or not its worth it would depend on your economic situation... For instance I don't think that a 140,000 dollar Mercedes SUV is worth it. Yet I see them every where at my daughters school when I pick her up.

I would say that primo is one of those steroids that make a bigger difference the lower body fat you are IMHO.

What BF was you at when you ran it Skinny and what dosage did you run?
400 a week for 10 weeks.. and my bf was too high thats why I said that. I could tell my muscles were hardening but my bf was to high to see the benefit. I was probably close to 20%.. but honestly I would never say I was lower cause I dont get it tested and people on here take that shit seriously.
Gotcha bro if I run it I was going to run it 800mg per week. I do believe my BF is too high even after my current cycle I do believe I would see it everywhere but the abs... I know I very low in shoulders arms that was per my shoulder doc he showed me the fat layer on my shoulder. I also dont know my BF i use a tape to measure but that is the most I do. I know people on here take it very seriously.
i am actually pretty happy with the look I have now all but the stomach... I know I am still carrying too much fat there but from may 1 I have dropped tons.
Yeah there are other roids that achieve similar results but are a little cheaper winny, mast, or var are a couple.

To be honest though i like short estered test and tren as my favorite recipe so far. not complicate and Im seeing results.
I personally love primo, it keeps me nice and lean and i see great results, i also agree with the lower your bf the better your results will be.
It's worth it if you have the money to burn. Dont tolerate other arromatizing steroids well. Need a very mild anabolic in general. I've been running 600mg primo 600mg mast and 100mg test per week with 4 iu hgh for about 7 weeks now. I'm about 8% bf, I can tell you that I look incredible. Very happy with the look. I have about 8 weeks to go. Will I spend the money again.? I don't know.
IML Gear Cream!
It's worth it if you have the money to burn. Dont tolerate other arromatizing steroids well. Need a very mild anabolic in general. I've been running 600mg primo 600mg mast and 100mg test per week with 4 iu hgh for about 7 weeks now. I'm about 8% bf, I can tell you that I look incredible. Very happy with the look. I have about 8 weeks to go. Will I spend the money again.? I don't know.

See, I don't tolerate aromatizing steroids well at all. I scored some primo cheap from a personal stash and I'm very excited to give it a go.

It's just too bad that if I love I I still don't know when I might be able to afford it again!
I kick started my primo cycle with tren ace!! Idk thinking of dropping the primo and saving it for next summer. Tren is giving me great results at just 50mg eod! I'm goin to start my bulking in the begging of September cause I'll be in Vegas the last week of August and I wanna stay lean till then lol has anyone used primo to bulk I know it's great for a cut cycle to help retain muscle mass. Should i switch it out for eq or npp?
What if the primo was $18 a bottle? PM me for info on THAT!
$18 is crazy... Trying to raise some gear money. My craigslist sales aren't going anywhere. Apparently other people don't want my old shit either...
there is a reason its 18 a pop... not fake so dont get the wrong impression... trust me. rc is NOT making any money on this sale lmao check it out tho.. anyone that knows how real primo is will deff be able to tell the quality right away
$18 is crazy... Trying to raise some gear money. My craigslist sales aren't going anywhere. Apparently other people don't want my old shit either...
there is a reason its 18 a pop... not fake so dont get the wrong impression... trust me. rc is NOT making any money on this sale lmao check it out tho.. anyone that knows how real primo is will deff be able to tell the quality right away

Clearing out stock, eh?

Primo E or A? I know E is usually in oil and A is usually oral, but I have seen some UGL's with Primo A in oil as well so I'm curious
Ace oil 50mg/ml
Primo is it worth the cost of a 18 week cycle.. Should the money be spent on something else?

not worth it (Too much volume of injections ew IMO) + cost