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Specific Supplement Advice


Jan 14, 2010
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IML Gear Cream!
Hi Y'all-
I am 60 yrs. old, just had a complete physical and all is well- except the cholesterol thing. I have never messed with pharmaceuticals, but did the PH cycle(s) thing back in the late 90's- early 2000, until the Feds yanked this cool stuff from the shelves.

I am a former pro cyclist (70's-80's) and need some help with recomp supplements. I need to get the visceral and subcutaneous fat levels down, and build some all around, fast twitch power and speed.
I am no stranger to the gym and decent dietary habits. What I am hoping for is some guidance with these 'new age' supplements and PH's. Liking the appearance of the MK-2866 and Halo Extreme formulas, per se.
Could I please get some qualified advice from those who are experienced with my dilemma? :thinking:
Thanks loads!
The mk-2866 or ostarine is very mild on lipids and is compared to deca-nandralone in higher doses. It is designed to be Anabolic in the muscle and not effect the lipids, prostate or hairline much. Out of the current anabolics it is probably one of the safer ones out there. However you may find at higher doses your libido wains a bit. You can expect to add some muscle while leaning up.

HALO is great a good bit stronger but has a few sides. Still considered quite mild and over the counter cycle support for the liver and lipids is considered important to use. Strength and muscle increases are common and a boost in libido will occur but you will definitely need a Oct of some sort and more than likely a good idea to have a SERM on hand. If health and lipids are a concern out of the two I would go with the mk-2866.

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Also check into iForce Heart Help for your lipid if you are not on a statin from your doctor it is an amazing product we carry it and the Osta-Gain. And all of the ironmag labs products at www.orbitnutrition.com and both for great prices.

Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk 2
Hey, Kleen, I am thankful for your response. Yeah, I have studied the ostarine in length and think it is the way to go for recomp. The Dr. had given me a couple of months to clean up my diet or he was going to put me on a statin. I won't take one, as the common side effects aren't worth it to me-ie- muscle and joint pain. Besides that, I don't really wanna go through the roulette of tryin' different statins to find one that works good for me. I am pretty busted up from accidents throughout life and my former best friend was the bone mechanic.
I am not really sure what to stack with the Halo. From what I have read, it has similar effects to Oxadrin(AV). What specific SERMs would you advise for PCT?
Of further note, I have had excellent results with Muscle Link GH Stak (Symbiotropin). Never used it in a stand alone state, rather stacked with androstenedione and androstenediol products back in the day. I miss that Biotest Mag10, also.
As I tried to imply earlier, my prime goal is recomp. I need to get down to 172 lbs. from 195-200. My hips and knees, in conjunction with the effect of gravity are raising hell with me.
Thanks again!