I have tried both tribex 500 and ZMA. Tribex
500 seems to affect people differently. Some people get more aggressive and some say their sex drive increases; bonus! I think it also works better for the over 30 group. I have made steady increases with it, even working
out with an injury. It does make your skin more oily and if your prone to pimples look out. I do believe it has also helped in dropping my body fat percentage with out a change in diet. This could be in my head haha! ZMA, I have also just started taking and I have always been a light sleeper getting away with 4 or 5 hours max. With ZMA
I sleep 8 hours no problem and could sleep even more if I had the time and it's a deep sleep. I take it say, 8pm in bed at 10 for an example. It is supposed to be taken on an empty stomach, so if you have a shake before
bed this timing would be right. Tribex 500 where I live is expensive for a short cycle.
Also check the web site at
www.t-mag.com because the new cycle is different than what is on the bottle. The only problem ZMA is I find it hard to get out of the rack in the morning but once up I feel great! Hope this
helps and I look foward to hearing from others.