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Pump Junky
Dec 12, 2000
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IML Gear Cream!
I need ideas for my arms. I am stuck at 16 1/2 inch arms. My forearms look great,shoulders even better and I am feeling better about the chest but my arms have stopped growing.HELP!!!!!
close crip bp, french press, varations of the tri pushdown
Yes, I do these, I think I've tried them all. I was looking for some ideas as far as sets-weights-how often-light-heavy??????? I read once that Arnold gives credit for his arms to light weight concentration curls done very slowly, 25lbs?????
what I do is, I do cgrip BB with reps of 8,6 and 4 then I do french press set of 10 (light)6-8, and as heavy as you can go for 3-4 reps. Them go to pushdowns with the straight bar, with light weight and blast your tri's, you can also use the rope for the last few sets. When you blast your tris, I talking sets of 12,15,25,50 and even 100 every so often; with very minimal rest between sets
For pushdowns, I like using the ropes for a 3 sets of 10, followed by 3 sets of another 10 using the single arm pushdown. I can feel more of a contraction using ropes, but more weights can be thrown in using a straight bar.

BTW, what is French Press?
Try weighted close-grip chins and weighted tri dips on a set of parallel bars.3 sets of 4-6 reps.Compare the weight you use for curls to the weight you use for close-grip chins.The more weight you can use in good form, the better you can stress the muscle.

matt toupalik
"Try weighted close-grip chins and weighted tri dips on a set of parallel bars.3 sets of 4-6 reps.Compare the weight you use for curls to the weight you use for close-grip chins.The more weight you can use in good form, the better you can stress the muscle."

The amount of weight you can use in different exercises has nothing to do with how much stimulation you provide the muscles. You can handle more weight in chins and dips because the Lats and Chest are the primary movers.

Complex problems have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers.
for once I agree with you, weighted dips are a great exercise to add size on the tricep
Basically, what I am saying is that close-grip chins are going to be more productive for size and strength than concentration curls.Compare the stress(poundage)you impose on a muscle using each exercise.Compare a lifter performing 6 reps with a 45 ib dumbell doing concentration curls with a lifter(who weighs 180 ibs)doing 6 chins.The total workload for the set performed by the first lifter is 270 ibs(45 x 6=270).The total workload for the set performed by the second lifter is 1080 ibs(180 x 6=1080).Isn't that the way to build big strong muscles?By overloading them.Yes, the lats are involved in chins and the pecs/shoulders are involved in dips.The arm muscles are still being subjected to heavy stress.Alot more than by a single joint exercise like concentration curls or bar curls.Are you saying that the amount of weight used in exercise does not contribute to size and strength?If that is the case, shouldn't we be able to get the same benefits from single joint exercises(exercises performed with fairly light weights) that we do with multi joint exercises(exercises performed with heavy weights)?Please explain.

matt toupalik
IML Gear Cream!
"Basically, what I am saying is that close-grip chins are going to be more productive for size and strength than concentration curls."

Overall, definitely. For the biceps, nope.

"Compare the stress(poundage)you impose on a muscle using each exercise.Compare a lifter performing 6 reps with a 45 ib dumbell doing concentration curls with a lifter(who weighs 180 ibs)doing 6 chins.The total workload for the set performed by the first lifter is 270 ibs(45 x 6=270).The total workload for the set performed by the second lifter is 1080 ibs(180 x 6=1080).Isn't that the way to build big strong muscles?"

Like i said the poundage doesn't matter.

In case you didn't see my post on a previous thread, I'll re-post it here:

Some of the so called shaping exercises are more effective than the so called mass building exercises at building muscle. For example, the cable cross-over. The cable cross-over removes the primary weak links of the bench press, which means the pecs have to do all of the work to complete the motion. Muscle fibers are stimulated by the nervous system by way of alpha motor neurons. Each neuron may control only several muscle fibers or as many as a thousand or more. Each muscle fiber, however, is innervated by only one neuron. A neuron and the fibers it innervates are referred to as a motor unit. All of the muscle fibers in a motor unit (stimulated by the same neuron) tend to be of the same fiber type. You may have heard of the 'all-or-none' theory in regards to this subject. It states that all of the fibers in a motor unit must fire or none of them, although this may not be 100% true in certain cases (such as fatigue).

How does the neuron "innervate" it's associated muscle fibers? Well, the neuron "connects" to the fibers at their center (their length-wise center). To innervate them they transmit an electric current to the fibers, which travels out from the center of the fibers to their ends, thus setting off a contraction. That is a nut-shell how contraction works. What i am getting at here is that the actual exercise does not matter, it's the force of the contraction. Doing a flye, at maximum intensity, to failure, will produce the highest possible force of muscle contraction to the pecs! This means - more muscle growth. There are also other reasons that isolation exercises induce more localized growth than compound exercises (localized hormone release, sarcomere multiplication is series, etc).

"Isn't that the way to build big strong muscles?By overloading them."

Yes it is, but what you are talking about is not overload. Overload is training at a level that exceed the normal level. Progression.

"Yes, the lats are involved in chins and the pecs/shoulders are involved in dips.The arm muscles are still being subjected to heavy stress.Alot more than by a single joint exercise like concentration curls or bar curls."

If we are talking strictly biceps and triceps, this statement is incorrect.

"Are you saying that the amount of weight used in exercise does not contribute to size and strength?"

Not exactly. I'm saying that the comparitive differences in weight between a multijoint and single joint exercise does not matter.

"If that is the case, shouldn't we be able to get the same benefits from single joint exercises(exercises performed with fairly light weights) that we do with multi joint exercises(exercises performed with heavy weights)?Please explain."

For the same muscle, yes. Potentially an even greater benefit.

Note - all of this is muscle growth specific.

Complex problems have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers.
TAKE IT EASY, SUPREME BEING!You run the show.We all know you are the man.Atleast, that is what I think.I mean, I haven't see a post yet where you admitted you were wrong about anything.And you seem to have an answer for everything.With all the knowledge you possess, you must be a state level bodybuilder or powerlifter.Which is it?(yes, my words are dripping with sarcasm, but, I don't care)

matt toupalik
Ok,ok.I'm just f***ing with you.The laws of kinesiology and physiology are what they are.But, I'll still be doing chins and my arms will still be getting bigger.

matt toupalik
Supreme said,
Basically, what I am saying is that close-grip chins are going to be more productive for size and strength than concentration curls."
Overall, definitely. For the biceps, nope.

*** I'd be curious to see a study proving this.

What i am getting at here is that the actual exercise does not matter, it's the force of the contraction. Doing a flye, at maximum intensity, to failure, will produce the highest possible force of muscle contraction to the pecs! This means - more muscle growth.

*** Is this a fact or is it a theory that you have come to a conclusion about?

There are also other reasons that isolation exercises induce more localized growth than compound exercises (localized hormone release, sarcomere multiplication is series, etc).

"Isn't that the way to build big strong muscles?By overloading them."

Yes it is, but what you are talking about is not overload. Overload is training at a level that exceed the normal level. Progression.

"Yes, the lats are involved in chins and the pecs/shoulders are involved in dips.The arm muscles are still being subjected to heavy stress.Alot more than by a single joint exercise like concentration curls or bar curls."

If we are talking strictly biceps and triceps, this statement is incorrect.

*** Can you be more specific?
Is there a EMG test you can share with us that shows this??

"Are you saying that the amount of weight used in exercise does not contribute to size and strength?"

Not exactly. I'm saying that the comparitive differences in weight between a multijoint and single joint exercise does not matter.

"If that is the case, shouldn't we be able to get the same benefits from single joint exercises(exercises performed with fairly light weights) that we do with multi joint exercises(exercises performed with heavy weights)?Please explain."

For the same muscle, yes. Potentially an even greater benefit.

*** Have you ever seen a strength trainer who has built a impressive physique soley from doing "isolation" movements?

Exercise, my drug of choice

<font size="1">[This message has been edited by Maki Riddington (edited 06-08-2001).]</font>
Well, I'm tired as hell and am soon going to bed, so we'll have to pick this up a little later.

But, to adress some simple issues...

"*** I'd be curious to see a study proving this."

Your very own EMG tests have proven this.

"*** Is this a fact or is it a theory that you have come to a conclusion about?"

Based on physiology.

"*** Can you be more specific?
Is there a EMG test you can share with us that shows this??"

Yes there is. Do i have it handy? No. But i do remember that straight-bar preacher curls were the most effective exercise for the biceps based on EMG tests.

"*** Have you ever seen a strength trainer who has built a impressive physique soley from doing "isolation" movements?"

Nope. I never said compound exercises aren't better for overall development. but, if you have a lagging bodypart then using an isolation exercise will help.

Anyway, off to bed.

Complex problems have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers.
"Have you ever seen a strength trainer who has built an impressive physique soely from doing "isolation" movements?
-of course not.However, since the superbeing says it is so, then it must be so.Here is my new routine:
Day 1(chest and back)
1-incline flyes 3x8
2-decline flyes 3x8
3-nautilus pullovers 3x8
4-posterior flyes 3x8

Day 2(legs)
1-leg extensions 3x12
2-leg curls 3x12
3-standing calf raises 3x12

Day 3(shoulders and arms)
1-dumbell lateral raises 3x8
2-tri pushdowns 3x8
3-dumbell concentration curls 3x8

Day 4(rest)
Yep!Looks like a productive routine to me.

matt toupalik
Don't sweat TheStrangeBeing ballast, he wants to argue with everybody and you're better than that bro!


Try a combination of light and heavy, this has been very effective for me! 4 sets, (8, 15, 8 15) and all to failure. You can do the same exercises you've been doing but this will put a new spin on their effectiveness!

If you build it they will come
Thanks for the advice! This has really been bugging me.

Supreme, can I ask you a question and also give you some advice. 1. Are you here to help people or simply argue? 2. My advice, if you are here to help (which you do seem to have a lot of knowledge)then might I suggest you simply post your idea's and opinions and stop argueing with everyone. I have gotten to the point that I no longer read your post because you are always argueing with the previous post.
I enjoy getting and giving advice and I understand that we do not all agree but life should not be one huge debate. Enough said
Charger, you already know all the exercises to do but I can tell you what has realy helped my tri's.
Use a underhand grip instead of an overhand, for scullcrushers, narrow grip bench and tri-push down. All I can say is my strength realy went up and they started to grow again.
I thank Large for that tip.

Just another day in the gutter
IML Gear Cream!
Well spoken Charger.But, you are right.Enough said.

matt toupalik
Ballast, did you miss this statement?

I never said compound exercises aren't better for overall development. But, if you have a lagging bodypart then using an isolation exercise will help.

BTW, that routine would build muscle if you progressed.

Complex problems have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers.
Originally posted by Scotty the Body:
Charger, you already know all the exercises to do but I can tell you what has realy helped my tri's.
Use a underhand grip instead of an overhand, for scullcrushers, narrow grip bench and tri-push down. All I can say is my strength realy went up and they started to grow again.
I thank Large for that tip.

Wrong, never heard of reversing your grip on skulls? I will have to give that a try Thanks Right now I am doing
Skulls, narrow grip bench and push downs. I think I am going to drop the push down and try dips for a while and definitly try reverseing my grip on skulls
You may need to use a straight bar instead of the ez curl bar if your doing the underhand grip, thats what I found anyway.

Hope it helps.

Just another day in the gutter
I repeat, "YOU ARE THE MAN!".

matt toupalik
Check out ideas here <A HERF="http://www.geocities.com/jonishuge/mail/tricepspump.html">Triceps Pump</A>
In what way does muscle pump contribute to an increase in muscle mass?

Just curious.

Complex problems have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers.
Depending on the exercise you would have completed a strip set or drop
set. This is on of the fastest ways to achieve a pump I know. If you???re
really serious about getting HUGE triceps or if you???re just plain nuts
than complete this last set immediately after the strip set???

*** How does a pump corelate to growth? Are you implying that without a pump there will be little if any stimulation for muscle growth?

Exercise, my drug of choice
I'm not saying muscle pump is the direct cause of an increase in muscle mass, rather that a increase of blood flow to the target area, i.e. triceps, is a good way to stimulate growth. Blood carries oxygen, vital nutrients and hormones which are required for growth to occur. So I ask you, how couldn't getting a good pump help increase the size of ones triceps?
