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What's your max squat!

IML Gear Cream!
the secret to up and better your max squat . is there any really great exercice to help . box squats reverse hyper . do they help.
455. Failed at 470. Lost my balance could have gotten it. Need to try again. I was 225 and I'll be 40 next month. I'd like to hit 500 for my back squat a 600 Deadlift and a 400 bench.
495 squat, and it kills my knees lol. I must be getting old too fast.
I know it's nothin crazy but I did a 560 with sleeves and trt only a fue wks ago at about 230... Video if needed.
When I was 22, at 5'4", 156 I did 8 reps with 435. No wraps, no belt.
In 2012 I did 572 pounds raw in a competition. Just a belt and knee wraps. 400 pound bench and 650 pound deadlift all raw no suit. I havnt lifted a single weight since... but life isnt over