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Search results

  1. L

    Amount of liquid clen

    I searched the archives but didn't really find exactly what I wanted. I am going to run liquid clen with winstrol and sustanan, however I am unclear how much clen to use. Like all the research chems, it comes as 200mcg per ml. Do I take one ml per day...all at once....? I generally drink about...
  2. L


    I got my hands on some androgel. What do you guys think of mixing it with a prohormone powder....like 4ad or 1T? Each pack already delivers 5mg test.
  3. L

    mixing liquid nolva/clomid

    I searched through the past postings and didn't find the answer, so if it is there sorry to bother you. I am going to give the nolvadex and clomid research products a whirl. Does placing the nolva or clomid in a drink..say a protein shake or glass of juice...affect the inherent chemistry or...
  4. L


    I hope joining this forum will be informative. I am a very avid intermediate body builder who took to body building to recover from a football injury. My first question......has anyone heard of EuroPharma, and if so are they reliable? Thanks