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Anavar and pct


May 1, 2011
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North pole
IML Gear Cream!
Hey there planning on doing a anavar only cycle 40 mg ED for 6-8 weeks. I heard debate wether or not to use hcg during my cycle .. I was plannning on using it after my 2-3 week in /2x weekly 250ius up untill about a week before my cycle ends to prevent libido loss and nat test suppression ... then start clomid or nolvadex 100 mg ED for 4 weeks after the last var pill I take... Any advice from any veterans ? I'm dieting right and trying to pick up my endurance .. Cut down body fat a little bit and up the strength ...:shooter:
Post your stats and be more specific on your goals. If you are training for endurance then aas should not be considered, especially if your body fat is not under control.
Post your stats and be more specific on your goals. If you are training for endurance then aas should not be considered, especially if your body fat is not under control.

I beg to differ.... CERTAIN aas should not be used... Others can be quite beneficial, and I speak from experience.

I do agree he needs stats, and more info regarding his goals, and what he's training for.

Anavar without test isn't gonna do much for you unless you have a vagina.
Age 36 .... 205 lbs 6'2" about 15% body fat right now...
Is that the proper protocol for hcg with avanar? I just want to add maybe a couple pounds of lean mass while cutting... Been working out for four years religiously .. Don't want to add to much muscle mass... I did test and got to brawny from it... just want to chisel and sculpt the muscle I have .. I'm in really good shape for my age..
The "proper protocol" is to run test with anavar, and yes hcg to keep the boys from shutting down.
Is that the proper protocol for hcg with avanar? I just want to add maybe a couple pounds of lean mass while cutting... Been working out for four years religiously .. Don't want to add to much muscle mass... I did test and got to brawny from it... just want to chisel and sculpt the muscle I have .. I'm in really good shape for my age..

Test doesn't put too much size on you unless you train specifically for that. When I was focused very much so on endurance I ran Test E, EPO, GH, EQ, and HCG. I was at 400mg Test, 5,000 iu/wk EPO, 4iuED GH, 500mg EQ, and only 250iu E4D HCG. I didn't put much weight on at all, yet I leaned out like mad, had great performance increases, and phenomenal recovery. I maybe put on 5lbs running it. Trust me, I ate as much as I possibly could as well. You have some misconceptions about test my man.
That's cool ... So what Do you think about test e... Vs propionate ?
Anxious did you shutdown after that cycle? How long did you run that for?
IML Gear Cream!
I didn't shut down. The test was low for me, GH, EPO don't shut people down, and the EQ wasn't too high. I was still a horny guy, still got it up, and had no ball shrinkage. My body suffered some issues, but that was due to training and not gear. It looked like this... Test for 20 weeks Started this into the GH cycle when I started the EPO. EQ for 20 weeks started with the Test, and EPO. GH for 8 months EPO for 10 weeks, then a maintenance dosage after that. HCG started three weeks into the Test, EQ cycle. I don't recommend this for you, but I do recommend using test with the Var. It will help you out much more. Just don't lift for size gains. Some male fitness/ figure models run test, some being rather average in size... 185-205. Use test my man.
That's cool ... So what Do you think about test e... Vs propionate ?

I think for a first Test cycle go with Test E. It is an easier compound to run IMO. Prop requires more pinning, and some beginners, forget to pin at times. I recommend E for you. You will get a tad bit of bloat, but the Var will keep that down, so will running an AI.
So your saying no hcg even if I don't use the test? How bout AIs when you were on that...? I may use test next cycle... Just wanting to try anavar by itself and see how it feels
Your saying that I wont gain enough of the anavar to justify using it alone , correct,
Some people will disagree with this, but on var only you won't need HCG at all. You will lose sex drive most likely however so look into some cialis... It also gives great pumps at the gym. You are set on Var only so enjoy, just remember most people will say run test with it for better results, and for endo reasons. I used Adex 1mg EOD. No pct, just cruised. I cruised because I was still in training, and didn't want to stop running it and then go into PCT.
Your saying that I wont gain enough of the anavar to justify using it alone , correct,

Yes I am... You may gain 1-3lb LBM unless you run a high Dose.
How high a dose at least 60 + mg? I can't take cialis it messes with my blood pressure... Makes it too low..:(
You should have some blood work ran before starting whatever you are planning. I run 80mg while on cycle, with Test E, TNE, EQ, Dbol. You really need blood work man.
Hcg will counter the libido loss correct?
I am thinking some kind of ai too
IML Gear Cream!
Appreciate the help bros
You are 36, so do your research... Do you need an AI on var only? NO, at most dosages it does not aromatize, therefore no need for an AROMATASE INHIBITOR... HCG: Bro it grows your balls back... Which shrink down because you are injecting syntetic TEST... If you're not injecting test, then ask yourself why you need HCG... Most people don't even run HCG on Test@500mg/wk.
I took winn and var (50mg, 100mg) ED. No hcg. My sex drive went down, but I could still get it up and keep it up lol and for how little we were having sex, my stamina was through the roof lol
Decided on test prop.. Low dose