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IML Gear Cream!
So Trump hasn't lied in his presidency?

Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk

You're really that dense, aren't you? Clinton lied under oath to Congress. Trump has lied but not under oath to Congress.
You're really that dense, aren't you? Clinton lied under oath to Congress. Trump has lied but not under oath to Congress.

That's what is so ignorant about lefties, they don't mind Obama lying about their health care costs or how we need to be nice to the Mullahs in Iran! Those lies really hurt a lot of people and caused a lot of damage. Trump lies, but his lies are pretty much all bragging or exaggerating his own accomplishments. I can't think of anything he has lied about that actually hurt people. The Dems all lie constantly trying to undermine Trump because they have nothing that can compete with they have no plan, no accomplishments unless you look at all the examples of how well they do things; think LA, Chicago, Detroit, San Fran, Seattle etc. those formally great and beautiful cities have devolved into cesspools of human debris. Such a waste.. What I have a hard time with is why the people there keep voting in these morons and idiots?
So let me get this straight when you anglo's first arrived to my land you were legal immigrants? You're all illegal immigrants unless you have native blood, fuckin hypocrite's

Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk

I?m also half Native American and grew up on a reservation and nothing irritates me more than seeing another native talk about ?we? about the past like you yourself were there. They didn?t come to your land. Also, go get yourself a dna test to find out your ancestry because almost no native Americans today are a full 100%. A lot of rape happened back then and throughout history since, people have been having sex and making babies outside their race. I can bet by your light skin that you are not 100%, therefore you are also part illegal immigrant according to your logic. So you are in fact a hypocrite to your theory.
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I?m also half Native American and grew up on a reservation and nothing irritates me more than seeing another native talk about ?we? about the past like you yourself were there. They didn?t come to your land. Also, go get yourself a dna test to find out your ancestry because almost no native Americans today are a full 100%. A lot of rape happened back then and throughout history since, people have been having sex and making babies outside their race. I can bet by your light skin that you are not 100%, therefore you are also part illegal immigrant according to your logic. So you are in fact a hypocrite to your theory.
In your fucking head dress wearing, tomahawk throwing, long bow shooting, bareback riding, fire dancing, kill the white devil face Tonto!
You need any blankets? I have some special ones for your people

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Trump should just come out publicly and say Oxygen is a great thing, then all of the Lib-Tards will stop breathing air.
IML Gear Cream!
They all woke up confused this morning because Trump is still their president.
They all woke up confused this morning because Trump is still their president.
It's crazy to me the amount of tweets that said he isnt president anymore. I try not to think little of those with zero understanding how government actually works, but this could have been answered with a simple google search. One doesn't need to pull out a pocket constitution to get the answer to this.


Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Rob always bragged that trump would never be impeached, over and over again... trump is now impeached

No piss match !

Do you care that there are only 'defenders of trump' posting and that Rob made all the followers of trump mods or super mods ??? :thinking:
Rob always bragged that trump would never be impeached, over and over again... trump is now impeached

No piss match !

Do you care that there are only 'defenders of trump' posting and that Rob made all the followers of trump mods or super mods ??? :thinking:
Trump isn't going anywhere.. Its all bullshit. And now the senate will have the last say... What a shit show.. So once trump is back at the helm and wins the election again. Whats next? Dems move out of the country like they said?
Rob always bragged that trump would never be impeached, over and over again... trump is now impeached

No piss match !

Do you care that there are only 'defenders of trump' posting and that Rob made all the followers of trump mods or super mods ??? :thinking:
I'm not a trump follower or fan. I don't care to be involved in politics really.

I watched a lot of the media coverage.

It looked like a witch hunt to me.

Nobody who was directly linked to the call gave any support to the claims.

A guy who heard something from someone who said they heard it from this guy was the base of the entire case if I'm not mistaken.

The guy who was supposedly strong armed even said that's not the case.....i just don't understand I guess.

Trump is an ass sure, but, the democrats turned this into a targeting campaign and weren't going to stop until something, anything, stuck. How many times now have they tried to pin him with something that didn't happen.

Just my outside view looking in.
Rob always bragged that trump would never be impeached, over and over again... trump is now impeached

No piss match !

Do you care that there are only 'defenders of trump' posting and that Rob made all the followers of trump mods or super mods ??? :thinking:
Charley, you totally avoided my question.

Do you honestly think trump will be removed from office?

As to the mods are all trump supporters... you couldn't be farther from the truth.
Rob always bragged that trump would never be impeached, over and over again... trump is now impeached

No piss match !

Do you care that there are only 'defenders of trump' posting and that Rob made all the followers of trump mods or super mods ??? :thinking:

The House has a limited amount of time to send articles of impeachment to the senate to complete the impeachment process. Technically he's not impeached. Should the House do so it will take a 2/3 super majority vote in the senate to convict and remove him from office. Saying Trump is impeached is essentially meaningless at this point.
The House has a limited amount of time to send articles of impeachment to the senate to complete the impeachment process. Technically he's not impeached. Should the House do so it will take a 2/3 super majority vote in the senate to convict and remove him from office. Saying Trump is impeached is essentially meaningless at this point.

Impeachment was only included in our founding document with the strict caveat that it had to be that the President was actually guilty of a High Crime or Misdemeanor, a real and actual crime. The founding fathers were worried about this and feared that at some future time, this could be used as a political tool to try and damage to remove someone duly elected because one party or the other disagreed or didn't like the President. This is what the UK has a parliament who can get rid of any Prime Minister for political purposes and they did not want that. But now we have the totally corrupt and dishonest Democrat Party who has actually done what our Founders feared. The Democrat party is anti American, anti free market, socialists / communist party and they hate Donald J Trump because he is showing the people just how useless the Democrats are. They know they can't beat him in ideas or policies their only chance now is to try and smear and damage him. And at this they have failed and continue to fail the same as their partners in crime the Fake News Media.
IML Gear Cream!
Charley, you totally avoided my question.

Do you honestly think trump will be removed from office?

As to the mods are all trump supporters... you couldn't be farther from the truth.

NO !!! trump will not be removed... OK ??? if all are not trump supporters, why are there none here ?? Rob puts guys as Mods who he knows will back up his every lie... it's a republican thing.. anyway, not one of my 'old friends' spoke out or stood up for me when I got banned for voicing an opinion not in line with the 'trump mind set'...
NO !!! trump will not be removed... OK ??? if all are not trump supporters, why are there none here ?? Rob puts guys as Mods who he knows will back up his every lie... it's a republican thing.. anyway, not one of my 'old friends' spoke out or stood up for me when I got banned for voicing an opinion not in line with the 'trump mind set'...

Probably because you kept beating it day in and day out. We got sick of it.
You lack or just choose not use the basic communication skills needs to have a civil and half ass reasonable conversation when you talk about trump, Republicans, Christians, white people, black, yellow and or brown people for that matter... all your posts are centered on ?my way is right, you?re wrong, racist and a sheep, if you?re don?t agree with me... that?s the perception everyone gets because that?s exactly what you post, then if that not stupid enough, you are a senior citizen keyboard warrior and likely a white one at that ... it?s not to late to change tour ways.... do you see a thing wrong with that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You lack or just choose not use the basic communication skills needs to have a civil and half ass reasonable conversation when you talk about trump, Republicans, Christians, white people, black, yellow and or brown people for that matter... all your posts are centered on ?my way is right, you?re wrong, racist and a sheep, if you?re don?t agree with me... that?s the perception everyone gets because that?s exactly what you post, then if that not stupid enough, you are a senior citizen keyboard warrior and likely a white one at that ... it?s not to late to change tour ways.... do you see a thing wrong with that

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Fuck Off ? you are a follower... I write what I feel, you write for 'group approval' .. very weak ..
Probably because you kept beating it day in and day out. We got sick of it.

who is the 'we' you speak of.. you have no loyalty.. you are so Trumpian, you need to control the conversation, then brag about 'standing up for free speech'.. which trumpers don't believe in... :roflmao:
who is the 'we' you speak of.. you have no loyalty.. you are so Trumpian, you need to control the conversation, then brag about 'standing up for free speech'.. which trumpers don't believe in... :roflmao:

Those are your shoes, buddy. Even with your overboard ranting I still think you're a good guy and consider you a friend. Your attempts at insults not withstanding. I suppose three years past the election you've spent so much time raving about Trump you may as well keep picking at that scab. So you have yourself a nice day and I hope you are able to find some peace for whatever it is you're going through.
You want to speak of loyalty? I still consider you my friend and you've chosen to throw that aside simply because I don't agree with you politically. How's that for loyalty. Speaks more about your loyalty, or its lack, than it does mine.