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Mission Impossible is Nothing

IML Gear Cream!
Every day you make me smile..but today I'm really smiling for you sweetie!! Your wonderful and I'm Very proud of you!!! :)

oh -those shoes are expensive--the only reason I haven't bought them yet...but I am getting them!! I LOVE THEM!:)
Honey, great job on not cheating and being so dedicated to your life shaping goals :)

Your strategy is looking great baby. And so are you :eyebrow:

Tuesday 4th:

Meal 1:
7 whites, 1 yolk
1/3 cup oats

Meal 2:
1 dl whey
3 fish oil

Meal 3:
5 oz chicken
1/2 cup brown rice
veggies,1/5 avocado
1/2 grapefruit

Meal 4:
7 whites, 1 yolk
1/3 cup oats

Meal 5:
1 dl whey
3 fish oil

1641 cals
195g protein 50%
109g carbs 28%
39g fat 22%

*Weights: Push
- Bench press: 2x6-8
- Cable X: 3x8
- Hack squats: 3x10-12
- Leg extensions: 3x8-10
- Up right rows: 3x8
- Lateral raises: 3x7-8
- Over head presses: 3x8
- Kickbacks: 3x8
- AM: 35 min powerwalk
- Biking to gym and home
- 60 min kick ass spinning :nanner:
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Thanks peeps :D I'm in a hurry, bus leaving soon, will write you all later :eek:

Justin :heartpump
Whew, this has been a crazy day :nut: I'm going to Stockholm tomorrow for my Visa interview, flying there in the afternoon. Let me tell you, it's pretty darn incredible how many documents I need to retrieve from different governmental places and papers I need to fill out to get that Visa! One thing I had to do was to list all the countries I've visited in the last 10 years and the year for each visit :p I had to write with TIIIIINY text to fit them all into that box :p Ugh, well it's all done, I just need to get a stamped envelope and that shouldn't be too hard :p I'm ready to get that visa :D Hopefully I won't have any problems getting it :)
I taught spinning tonight and I was really unmotivated at first. I got there 20 mins early and started changing my thinking and motivating myself. It worked! I taught a great class and both the spinners and myself were exhausted when we were done :nanner:

Well, I'm off to bed :)
Hey love :heart:

Have a great time in Stockholm, I wish I was there sitting next to you on the flight over. I know it'll be a good flight and you'll have alot of fun when you get there.

Want to show me around Stockholm some this Summer? :kiss:

Missin ya like crazy! ;)
~ your boy
Hey Dave :wave2: Good too see you :) How are ya??

Justin, hey babe :) Thanks, I'll have lots of fun ;) Sure, I'll be a very personal guide this summer :)
Wuv wou!!
Wednesday 5th:

Meal 1:
7 whites, 1 yolk
1/3 cup oats

Meal 2:
4 oz chicken
1/2 cup brown rice

Meal 3:
7 whites, 1 yolk

*Weights: Pull
- WG pulldowns: 3x8
- WG rows: 3x8
- Smith squats: 3x12-15 :eek:
- Leg curls: 3x8-10
- Hammer curls: 3x7-8 :eek:
- Cable X curls: 2x8-10
- Rope crunches: 3x15
- Crunches: 3x12-20

- Biking to gym and home.. Was racing on the way back, a guy tried to pass me and I thought "nooo way buddy!" and got the pedals spinning :p
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Great workout today :thumb: Meals will be kept clean in Stockholm. I'm starting the day with three real meals before my flight and will have 2 shakes and like a chicken salad when I arrive :)
IML Gear Cream!
FYI - Jenny arrived safely in Stockholm :)

I wish I was there :p Guess I'll have to wait until this Summer :)
Originally posted by Jenny
Hey Dave :wave2: Good too see you :) How are ya??

Justin, hey babe :) Thanks, I'll have lots of fun ;) Sure, I'll be a very personal guide this summer :)
Wuv wou!!

I'm doin' peach... just peachy! ;)

I had a delay in the promotion that I am doing for two bands and *someone special-model wise* Let me know if you'd like a copy! (2 CD's and promotional items!! ) ;)

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Hey guys! :) I'm back!
I've had a lovely time in Stockholm! It's a beautiful town and the weather was so fabulous! I got my visa at the embassy and I found my shoes yesterday too :D Yesterday I walked around for like 6 hours straight :nut: I must have burned like 5000 calories :p Diet has been good, wednesday I had a chicken salad and a salmon salad. Yesterday was a bit higher in fat, since I had some fattier protein at the breakfast buffet and I'm sure the salads I had were a bit fattier than normal. When I got back yesterday evening I was soooo beat and my mom had some leftover meatpie that I had, which was only semi healthy. Had some fruits spread out over the two days, it was the only kind of carbs I did have. Overall I've done okay :)
Friday 7th:

Meal 1:
7 whites, 1 yolk
1/3 cup oats

Meal 2:
1 dl whey
3 fish oil

Meal 3:
4 oz chicken
1/2 cup brown rice

Meal 4:
1 dl whey
1/2 small grapefruit

- AM: 40 min running
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I am happy to hear that everything went well for you at the embassy. So how does it feel being a yankee :rofl: (psst i am just jealous)
Morning Doll!! :D Glad you had a good time! Do you find it hard to stick to your diet when you are away from home?
Hey honey :kiss:

Glad you had a good trip and made it back safely :) Did you have a nice run this morning? Sounds like fun, did you wear your new shoes? :)
hey Jenny, I'm glad everything went good for you and you had a good trip!!!

how are the new shoes?? I realllly want a pair.. let me know how they feel on your powerwalks!:) Thanks!

Have a great weekend!!
Hey guys!

Whew, I'm so tired today, both emotionally and physically :) I had a great time with the other instructors at my gym last night. We did some salsa dancing, had dinner and then went bar hopping a little :) It was fun!

I miss my honey :heart:
Saturday 8th:

Meal 1:
7 whites, 1 yolk
1/3 cup oats

Meal 2:
7 whites, 1 yolk
1/3 cup oats
1/2 apple

Meal 3:
5 oz tuna

Meal 4:
7 whites, 1 yolk
IML Gear Cream!
Originally posted by Jenny
Saturday 8th:

Meal 1:
7 whites, 1 yolk

Meal 2:
7 whites, 1 yolk

Meal 4:
7 whites, 1 yolk
Have you ever considered buying your own 'real live' chicken? :laugh: It might save you some $$$ in the long run.:lol:

You could keep it in your back yard:shrug: :lol:
Originally posted by Jill
Have you ever considered buying your own 'real live' chicken? :laugh: It might save you some $$$ in the long run.:lol:

You could keep it in your back yard:shrug: :lol:

Well at that rate (Jenny Meal post today), she would need at least 21 chickens in her backyard! :lol: ;)

Imagine if Cows laid eggs? E-I-E-I-ooouch! :hehe:
Originally posted by Jill
Have you ever considered buying your own 'real live' chicken? It might save you some $$$ in the long run.

You could keep it in your back yard:

:laugh: I know, I've thought about it :rofl: There were a lot of eggs yesterday :grin: I was so tired after being out clubbing (I think I'm getting old :eek: ) and eggs are easy :p
But those chickens would be burned out after a week :rofl:
Dave, I know, 21 cickens would be kinda noisy :lol:

Haha, you guys know what I'm doing tonigh? :D I'm going to a Britney Spears concert in Copenhagen with my sister :D It's going to be fun :laugh:
Originally posted by Jenny
Dave, I know, 21 cickens would be kinda noisy :lol:

Haha, you guys know what I'm doing tonigh? :D I'm going to a Britney Spears concert in Copenhagen with my sister :D It's going to be fun :laugh:

Are you going to wear a school girls outfit with a white button down shirt tied in a know? :D I love Britney... she's awesome!

Jenny, did you get the email I sent early on about the CD package I sent you? BTW, nice shipping charges! :haha: :)
Oh no David, I didn't want you to pay money for shipping me stuff :no: You'll have to give me your address so I can send you something from Sweden!!! :) I'd like that!

I love Britney too, she's such a great performer :D No school girls outfit, but I'm going to dress sexy :D I might take a pic for Justin, and I might post it too :p
Have a great Sunday! :)
Sunday 9th:

Meal 1:
7 whites, 1 yolk
1/3 cup oats

Meal 2:
4 oz salmon
lotsa veggies

Meal 3:
6 oz pork tenderloin
1/2 cup brown rice

Meal 4:
1 dl whey
3 fish oil
(I made this shake at the bathroom in the concert arena. All the girls were staring at me like I was crazy, but I really didn't care :rofl: )

Meal 5:
1 dl whey
3 fish oil

Cals probably too low again today.. Um, will check fitday..
Okay, macros:
1464 cals
186g protein 53%
80g protein 23%
37g fat 24%

*Weights: Push
- Bench press: 3x8
- Cable cross: 3x8
- Arnold presses: 3x8
- Lateral raises: 3x8
- Leg press: 3x12-15
- Leg extentions: 3x8
- Tricep pushdowns: 2x8
- Over head presses: 2x8
- Kickbacks: 3x8
- Standing calf raises: 3x10
- Seated calf raises: 3x8

- 40 min running :) My new shoes totally inspire me, I love them :D
- Biking to gym and home

- 20 min yoga stretch. I really like this and it's making me more flexible, which really really feels good. I've always been pretty flexible (old gymnast), but I've been getting some stiff areas that are doing me no good..
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Hi Jenny!! :) how was the Britney concert?
did you ned up getting those pink sneakers??
ahhh I love stretching, pilates is awesome to me! :D

Have a great day girlie!
Hey Baby :kiss:

Have a great time at that Britney concert. Going to take me a pic huh? I'd like that ;) Wish I could be there with you... we'll have to go to a Britney concert together some time :)

I'm glad you like your new shoes, and that you're seeing increased flexibility with your yoga :) You're doing such a great job with your diet and workouts hottie! Makes me all proud that my girlie is so consistant and dedicated. :)

Talk to you soon amazing lady :heartpump
Originally posted by Jenny
Oh no David, I didn't want you to pay money for shipping me stuff :no: You'll have to give me your address so I can send you something from Sweden!!! :) I'd like that!

I love Britney too, she's such a great performer :D No school girls outfit, but I'm going to dress sexy :D I might take a pic for Justin, and I might post it too :p
Have a great Sunday! :)

:lol: No, don't worry about the shipping charges, I was more amused at it than worried. It's funny about all the paperwork that had to be done in order to ship it. I had to do that paperwork for NT as well. The funnier part of it was after I did the first paperwork for Global Priority was I said to the Post Office worker, "I wanna put a confirmation recipient..... what slip do I use?" He said, well, you have to redo everything (including the box) and put it in a Global Express box" I started laughing and said, "I've been here for 40 mins already!!" I sent out packages for 3 international and 7 in the United states. Scaringly enough, I have to send up to 100 soon!!

Again, this promo pack I'm sending is my part within the music industry where I "Give back" to the music industry and to expand the growth of those who also, have belief and love for music as well.

The Britney show.... I'd love to see your outfit..... rats! No schoolgirl outfit. Well, Brit has outgrowned that image and has some "beyond provacative" club-wear gear!

Have a great day/night. I'm off to the beach!! :)