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  1. M

    M-Drol cycle

    Could I do without the Tamoxifen? And if so, are there any other PCT supps, i should be taking? I was reading about taking an AI and how it leads to delayed gyno with a superdrol clone, so I don't think i want to take one of those.
  2. M

    M-Drol cycle

    okay, so I've decide that the real stuff is not for me, so I'm looking to try a cycle of M-Drol. I'm looking to run just M-drol with cycle assist, and normal things like a multi, and protein. And for my Pct i was going to use Clomid and Tamoxifen. for doses i was thinking about doing...
  3. M

    1st timer, want opinions from the veterans

    What doses should i take of Dbol if im stacking it with test enanthate. And what doses and what post cycle supplements do i need?
  4. M

    1st timer, want opinions from the veterans

    Diet is extremely important. It'll pretty much mess everything up if you have a terrible diet.
  5. M

    1st timer, want opinions from the veterans

    I feel like I've plateaued no matter what I do, I've been switching my workout up, trying to shock my body, took my creatine off cycle, went back on. I want to try to push my body to its limit to make the best gains I could possibly make myself by going on, and lifting harder than I ever had before
  6. M

    1st timer, want opinions from the veterans

    I feel like I have plateaued in most of my lifts whether I change up my exercises, or try new supplements. And I don't believe the weight I've gained is all muscle either. I just want to try to see how far I can push my body. Recover faster, lift longer, make better gains, that's why I want to...
  7. M

    1st timer, want opinions from the veterans

    when I want it to be my diet is good, its all about how I discipline myself at certain times. I would like to know what dosage for a dbol + test enanthate cycle. and what to use post cycle and dosages. Thank you
  8. M

    1st timer, want opinions from the veterans

    that was just the past few weeks from 1 cycle, overall from 2 years ago i started at 185.
  9. M

    1st timer, want opinions from the veterans

    I'm just looking to gain what I couldn't from the low level stuff. Protein, creatine, I've only been able to gain like 2 lbs from it. I don't expect 30lbs of rock hard muscle and my lifts going up by 150lbs... What would be a realistic weight gain if i were to cycle something like say Dbol with...
  10. M

    1st timer, want opinions from the veterans

    and if i did decide to inject what, would be the best to take for me. If injectables are THAT much better and safer, I will take them.
  11. M

    1st timer, want opinions from the veterans

    hey everyone, I've decided that I want to try a cycle and see how it works for me. Just some information for you guys to work with. I'm about 6"3 205lbs. Ive been lifting for a good number of years now, the last 2 religiously. I've taken supplements...Creatine, preworkout stuff, weight gainers...