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Search results

  1. delcapone

    crimpson pharmer all good

    I'd rather send cash, if you get burned using WU, how are you going to report it? W.U. asks ALOT OF questions.
  2. delcapone

    Best Bulking cycle

    The best combo Ive tried was Test cyp/750/week--Tren-E 400mgs/e. 4 days/ inj. D-bol 50mgs/E.D. after 30+ yrs. lifting went from 226lbs to 248 and actually leaned out a bit.
  3. delcapone


    peptideman .com
  4. delcapone

    Who is the GEICO commercial, bodybuilder?

    I dont think its Kali muscle its Tricky Jackson See trickyjackson.com hes entered in this yrs Arnold classic either light heavy or 202
  5. delcapone

    Best steroid for cutting fat?

    I was at my leanest and muscles still looked full on test cyp, tren-e and letro, 500/test/wk/tren-e/200/every 4 days letro/1ml a day 1st 2wks/1/2 ml. For rest of cyclr.
  6. delcapone

    Adding proviron to bulk?

    I agrer with vision ,ive been liftin for 30+ yrs cycling for 15, ,3 yrs ago i added,100mgs/dsy to my decs/test/ dbol/cycle, I've been doing this long enough to know what I should look like, with the provirom i was def. More cut, just overall look better, after that I started brewing my own, as...
  7. delcapone

    Testosterone Only

    I Concur, sir!
  8. delcapone

    GENEZA any good??? Come on guys...someone knows.

    I love inj. D-bol, i blow up FAST,i tried Geneza inj. Dbol, nadda, nothing, zipp ,zilch, thats the only product I can speak on
  9. delcapone

    Input/Ideas for possibly a 3rd compound.

    Tren-e 200mgs every 4 days, I went from 224lbs to 248 lean lbs in 10 weeks, test cyp @ 750/week and im 51 yrs. old!!
  10. delcapone

    How Exercise Can Calm Anxiety

    For 30yrs ive been saying" when i walk out the door of the gym, thats the most relaxed i feel all day" heres proof, good read Bro!
  11. delcapone

    Seeking Some Advice on First Real Cycle...

    I cant say it any better than Darth did, 600, 12wks. Im 52 still do test only at 750wk ,with the occasional tren-, or deca cycle.
  12. delcapone

    P.I.P. Question

    Just 250 , only doing 2mls a week, I told him you gotta try different inj. Sites ,cant keep pinning the same spot over and over again, the kids 23 and has been lifting for 5 years ,if he brings hos bottom half up he could compete, he only lifts with me wknds or his bottom half wouldn't be...
  13. delcapone

    P.I.P. Question

    Its just you.
  14. delcapone

    P.I.P. Question

    The compound is test e , my brew using 3% B.A.- 20% B.B.- G.S.O./E.O. 50/50 . Its not the EO ,due to the fact theres no issues in his delts, there is 4 of us using this gear with no issues , i pinned his quads with 2mls perhaps i should have started with 1ml. The way i see it is if your gonna...
  15. delcapone

    P.I.P. Question

    My nephew is on his 2nd cycle, 1st Injection cycle. If I pin his Delts no problem, Glutes or quads he claims he's Crippled I bust his Balls and call him a sissy cuz he has a bad temper, tell him its virgin muscles ,keep pinning it will go away, but he says its way above any normal pain. Does he...
  16. delcapone

    Has anyone tried high test (700mg-1g wk) low tren (100-150mg wk)?

    I just came off test-cyp/750/week/ tren-e/200mgs E4Days ,. Absolutely the best cycle to date, started@ 224 12weeks later a leanish, 248, not any water retention ,can see my abs, also did 1/2 ml. Letro/day. @ 51 yrs old and 30+ yrs lifting, ive never looked better. In 8weeks doin exact same...
  17. delcapone

    Test E cycle or Test E & Tren E cycle ADVICE

    Im on week 8 test cyp-750/wk-tren-e 200mg e4days freakin best cycle to date. Also .5 letro ed/ caber .5mg 2 a week
  18. delcapone

    Raw testosterone powder need help with it.

    Basskillers.com good place to start bro. You have ? P.m.me
  19. delcapone

    My test e & tren e cycle!!!! What ya guys think!!!

    Im on week 8 tren-e 200mgs e4days- test cyp-750wk. letro .5mg day- caber .5mgs 2 a week. Great results. Im an acetate guy wasnt sure i would like the E, but lovin it
  20. delcapone

    "Home Brew" fourm

    I second the motion !!