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  1. B

    No sperm count/ Need advice please

    Thanks for the advice/info. I have my urologist appt in 2 weeks and hopefully get some answers. Now to be clear I should tell the Dr everything I was taking? I just dont want my wife to find out anything and if the MD office would advise my insurance. Just want to get the little guys back so...
  2. B

    question about aromasin and hcg?

    Me to. pm me with info. Thanks
  3. B

    Advice- cycle shortened for 3 weeks

    Please void post, I found some gear!!!! Life is good now!
  4. B

    Advice- cycle shortened for 3 weeks

    I know have everything on hand, but I was assured that I was to have the remaining vials to complete my cycle but unfortunately I ran into this problem. Let focus on the positive and what I can do to help the process along until I receive the rest of my supplies. I need to ask but what is "PGCL"
  5. B

    Advice- cycle shortened for 3 weeks

    All out, I took the last shot on 4/9- had 1/2 cc left, 200mgs. Was to get my remaining vials today. I have test support left from the Super dmx, but that shit is crap IMO
  6. B

    Advice- cycle shortened for 3 weeks

    Cycle start date 2/27/12 2ND cycle- Test E 400mg/12ml, Super Dmz first 4 weeks and 500mg test/week, extem 12.5 eod. I upped dosage to 750mg a week for the last two weeks. Cycle is going great, good gains and feeling awesome. My plan was to run cycle for 16 weeks. I have all of the PCT...
  7. B

    Started Super Dmz- Injury 4 days into it

    I started Dmz last Sunday(1/29) and today while lifting I injured my shoulder. I have had this nagging injury for the last 6 weeks and figured I could just get threw it but I dont think I can without taking some rest and therapy. My question is should I stop taking the DMZ and rest my body for...
  8. B

    SUPER DMZ questions

    I am going to start a cycle of Super Dmz on Monday and I have a few questions. Along with the DMZ I have cycle support, matrix and all PCT (clomid, extem) Is there any other supplements I should be taking to help my progress, pre workout, creatine, etc... just not sure if I should combine to...
  9. B

    End of cycle- pct advice

    Test E
  10. B

    End of cycle- pct advice

    In 2 weeks I will have completed my first full cycle (14 weeks of just test at 500mg/wk and the last 3 weeks at 750mg/wk with Exemestane at 12.5 EOD). For my PCT I was advised to do this: -get Exemestane for PCT use Aromasin at 25/25/12.5/12.5mgs ed wks 1-4 with Clomid at 100/100/75/50mgs ed...
  11. B

    AIRPORT-Taking Exemestane (aromasin)

    Sounds good- I do have almost a full bottle and I would hate to leave that amount behind- I will if I have too since the shit is cheap and easy to obtain-would I be ok not to take it for a week? What would happen if I skipped a few doses?
  12. B

    AIRPORT-Taking Exemestane (aromasin)

    Flying to Jamaica- there not pills, its liquid form taken from a dropper. (Exemestane from Extreme pep, for my research btw)
  13. B

    AIRPORT-Taking Exemestane (aromasin)

    Ok-I was advised to take 25mg EOD while on my test cycle.
  14. B

    AIRPORT-Taking Exemestane (aromasin)

    I am currently on a test cycle taking Exemestane (aromasin) EOD. I took my last injection last night until I get back from vacation in a week then I will contine with the test for 3 weeks (that will be 13 weeks total for the cycle). The question I have is should I take my Exemestane...
  15. B

    Vacation for a week-9th wk of aas

    I am leaving for vacation on 9/28-10/5 and am currently on Test E taking 500mg/wk (sat, tues shot). Question is should I take a double shot of Test on the 28th before I fly out or just do a normal shot and take again as soon as I get back. Also was thinking bumping up the test to 600-700mg a...
  16. B

    Eq question

    I have been on a test only cycle for 9 weeks and plan on going another 5 weeks. I did test cyp the first 4, 400mg/12ml test sust eod the next 5 and today going to start 400mg/12ml of Test e. My supplier gave me a bottle of EQ (I have been such a good customer he told me!!) and was wondering...
  17. B

    Need advice-what type of test to use

    Thanks for the advice:winkfinger:
  18. B

    Need advice-what type of test to use

    Need some opinions/advice. Here is the backround of current cycle- Started July 11: -Test cyp 500mg/week (mon and thurs 250mg) finished that bottle and started Test Sust on Sept 15- taking 125mg EOD=close to 500mg/wk. I am on an AI taking eod(extem) and also started clen a week ago-plan on 2...
  19. B

    Next test/ should i add??

    Need some opinions advice. Here is the backround of current cycle- Started July 11: -Test cyp 500mg/week (mon and thurs 250mg) finished that bottle and started Test Sust on Sept 15- taking 125mg EOD=close to 500mg/wk. I am on an AI taking eod(extem) and also started clen a week ago-plan on...
  20. B

    Sustanon Log!

    I am taking 1cc on mon and thurs, I know you mentioned to take 1/2 cc eod before but what downfalls is there if I do it 2 times a week instead- you stated about short esters, i am kinda new to this so please explain. thanks