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  1. R

    Hey guys

    So do you guys have experience with cabergoline during pct ??
  2. R

    Hey guys

    70 mg var ED , 100 mg prop EOD , 100 mg masteron EOD
  3. R

    Hey guys

    I just came off a cycle about 6 weeks ago .. It was test prop /var / masteron . I usually have sex every night but seems my libido is lagging lately .. I can get erections .. But if I try to do it again on the same day it seems to take way longer to get it up .. I did a four week pct protocol...
  4. R

    PCT by Dr. Swale from another bb site

    Just out of curiosity does this protocol work for short oral cycles such as var only
  5. R

    Still waiting

    Still waiting
  6. R

    Bro did you get ant ETA from our boy ?

    Bro did you get ant ETA from our boy ?
  7. R

    Bro can u give me reps

    Bro can u give me reps
  8. R

    Are u in Tampa ?

    Are u in Tampa ?
  9. R

    Did you get ur DVDs?

    Did you get ur DVDs?
  10. R

    Anavar and women..

    Lol ..my question is she is worried about side effects like deepening of voice and hair.. How common are these at that dose
  11. R

    Anavar and pct

    Decided on test prop.. Low dose
  12. R

    Anavar and women..

    Just curious .. My woman wants to take 10 mg of var for 6-8 weeks on a cut to lean down... her body fat is prob 20%, 30 years old 145 lbs 5'8"
  13. R

    Anavar and pct

    Appreciate the help bros
  14. R

    Anavar and pct

    I am thinking some kind of ai too
  15. R

    Anavar and pct

    Hcg will counter the libido loss correct?
  16. R

    Anavar and pct

    How high a dose at least 60 + mg? I can't take cialis it messes with my blood pressure... Makes it too low..:(
  17. R

    Anavar and pct

    Your saying that I wont gain enough of the anavar to justify using it alone , correct,
  18. R

    Anavar and pct

    So your saying no hcg even if I don't use the test? How bout AIs when you were on that...? I may use test next cycle... Just wanting to try anavar by itself and see how it feels
  19. R

    Anavar and pct

    Anxious did you shutdown after that cycle? How long did you run that for?
  20. R

    Anavar and pct

    That's cool ... So what Do you think about test e... Vs propionate ?