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Recent content by dteran61

  1. D

    Rc chems???

    Is there any RC chem sites that are actually pharm grade chems??
  2. D

    Contest Hardcorepeptides

  3. D


    Did you not like the HCP exesmestane?
  4. D

    RIP Blueboogie

    Heavyiron I saw the obituary of his death someone else es logging into the forums........
  5. D

    RIP Blueboogie

  6. D

    RIP Blueboogie

    I was his friend and couldnt contact him via email made me re think it was too long. I ran his name in google and a obituary came up with his name and his wife and kids. Itd be too ironic for it to be someone else that has the same exact info!... Im sure it him and its sad rip blue!!
  7. D

    RIP Blueboogie

    I was wondering what happened to him, looked around and he passed away!.. Its very sad to lose him a great guy RIP brother!!!!
  8. D

    HG Tested legit and properly dosed ~

    What lot number were the omnas?
  9. D

    Black Lion Research Incinderine

    I just bought 2 bottles ill be running them in 45 days....
  10. D

    Mike arnold help me please

    Mike i need to design a 12 week plan using iml and bsl supps. My goal is to make a rransformation thus shedding bf along with maybe some muscle growth. I have ny diet and everythi g planned out just need the cycle plan. I alreeady have super dmz 2.0 and Super dmz original . I also have 1 cyano...
  11. D

    Help please

    I have alot maybe like 10 bottles.... I cant use them back to back thats suicide
  12. D

    Help please

    I have old and new superdmz and methadrol.. Where i live its humid and hot now and i just put them in the freezer is that ok to conserve them??
  13. D

    Question for Mike Arnold

    Take risks in life your not going to get jailed for using clomid and nolva dude