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Question for Mike Arnold


Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Twilight Zone
IML Gear Cream!
Regarding your Unlimited IML Cycle thread: Can you please post a PCT that makes more sense please? You had a good thread going until you posted an illegal pct to follow a perfectly good and legal cycle. I would like to try this cycle but cant see taking a higher risk on the pct products than I would be on the cycle products. Thank you.
Bro go on a research chem site and buy your pct needs dude....a otc pct wont be as good as that pct
Take risks in life your not going to get jailed for using clomid and nolva dude
CEM product, liquid Clomid, not illegal, research purposes only. Quick and easy. You are after all running PH's which are these days nothing less than designer oral steroids some arguably stronger than some illegal orals of the past. Or read more on IML , buy the stack with their pct protocol. Most offer an entire stack. What more do you want, follow it or don't
Thanks for all your replies. Your advice and criticism is appreciated. Perhaps I should change my Handle to Nervous1. Thanks again for the guideance. God Bless.
More like Uneducated1.
You're nervous about the wrong things. It's understandable that you don't want to break the law, but the PCT is about your health and well being. These products are your best option for PCT, so even they're against the law for personal use it would still be in your best interest to use them. Now you understand the point of the PCT right? It's to help restart your natural testosterone production. Which means on cycle your body will not be producing testosterone. Now take a look at the cycle you're considering, is there any product which will provide you with the testosterone you'll be missing? The answer is no. And yet, testosterone is a vital hormone for good health. So does depriving your body of it for 16 weeks sound like a good idea? Do you even know what methylated prohormones/steroids are? And that this cycle uses them for 12 of the 16 weeks. Be good to yourself and do a lot of research before you even consider taking any type of anabolic product.
Yes, I would be the first to admit that I am not fully educated on the subject matter. That's why I look for people to trust on the board. The Unlimited IML Cycle was started by Mike Arnold who is a 2 year member, a Moderator, and has 71 million rep points. I felt safe with his recommendation on the cycle products however, as my previous posts stated, I was nervous about ordering the PCT he suggested. I see that you have been around here for awhile as well and also appear to be a very respected member and I do value your input. The problem I have found with research is that it always seems to reveal conflicting information: one source says a product is great yet another source states the product is worthless. So, I thought maybe the best research for me to do would just be to try something and see what does or doesn't work for myself. I didn't realize that Mike Arnold was recommending a cycle where I would be without T for 16 weeks and I am very thankful to you for pointing that out. Knowing that, I will stay away from what Mike is recommending and will continue to look for a respected member on here that will actually recommend a cycle of products that can help me reach my goals. Thank you Push.
Healthy1... you really need to research this on your own. I get what you are saying about conflicting information, but this is the internet. I will say this. ALL anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are derivatives of the male hormone testosterone. Your body is like a furnace with a thermostat. When you take any steroid your body detects this and will shut down it's natural production of testosterone, because it sees your requirements are being fulfilled. This is why pct at the end of a cycle is so critical and should not be taken lightly. The potential risk is that your body never fully resumes natural production on it's own.

So good luck finding a cycle that doesn't shut you down. And if any 'respected' member suggests otherwise, then they are wrong. Anavar is probably the safest and has the least impact on shutting you down.
IML Gear Cream!
Yes, I would be the first to admit that I am not fully educated on the subject matter. That's why I look for people to trust on the board. The Unlimited IML Cycle was started by Mike Arnold who is a 2 year member, a Moderator, and has 71 million rep points. I felt safe with his recommendation on the cycle products however, as my previous posts stated, I was nervous about ordering the PCT he suggested. I see that you have been around here for awhile as well and also appear to be a very respected member and I do value your input. The problem I have found with research is that it always seems to reveal conflicting information: one source says a product is great yet another source states the product is worthless. So, I thought maybe the best research for me to do would just be to try something and see what does or doesn't work for myself. I didn't realize that Mike Arnold was recommending a cycle where I would be without T for 16 weeks and I am very thankful to you for pointing that out. Knowing that, I will stay away from what Mike is recommending and will continue to look for a respected member on here that will actually recommend a cycle of products that can help me reach my goals. Thank you Push.

Are you for real? Your blaming Mike Arnold , a very respected and knowledgeable member, for your lack of knowledge. You have balls the size of Rhode Island my friend, but not for long when you jump on a cycle without the right protocol because you we're too lazy to research, they'll be the size of raisins! Unfreakin believable . I've never negged anyone but you come awfully close. Good Luck.
HCG and Clomid aren't illegal, just controlled. Get a doc to prescribe them for you. And if you got lab rats for research purposes you can find some cheaper research chem liquid Clomid and use it for that, but don't take it yourself since that's a great big no no and would make you a bad person.
hcg and clomid aren't illegal, just controlled. Get a doc to prescribe them for you. And if you got lab rats for research purposes you can find some cheaper research chem liquid clomid and use it for that, but don't take it yourself since that's a great big no no and would make you a bad person.

thank you chocolate!
healthy1... You really need to research this on your own. I get what you are saying about conflicting information, but this is the internet. I will say this. All anabolic androgenic steroids (aas) are derivatives of the male hormone testosterone. Your body is like a furnace with a thermostat. When you take any steroid your body detects this and will shut down it's natural production of testosterone, because it sees your requirements are being fulfilled. This is why pct at the end of a cycle is so critical and should not be taken lightly. The potential risk is that your body never fully resumes natural production on it's own.

So good luck finding a cycle that doesn't shut you down. And if any 'respected' member suggests otherwise, then they are wrong. Anavar is probably the safest and has the least impact on shutting you down.

thank you sir!
There is a demand for OTC legal pct's, some people have to keep everything legal and as clean as a whistle for very good reasons, not saying OP is one of them but I do wish there were better OTC PCT for some of the legal ph's