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  1. T

    do have to take test with anavar

    do you have to take test with anavar
  2. T

    Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

    i have a question about the lbm generater? could i use metha-drol extreme for the kickstart and ep-stane for the ending hardener and i only have enough gear to run eq for 15 weeks at 400mg and test e at 500mg for 15 weeks. would that pose any problems
  3. T

    metha-drol extreme question?

    ok thanks, im going to go with the drol
  4. T

    metha-drol extreme question?

    what about HAVOC over metha-drol?
  5. T

    Cut, bump, blitz carbs

    has anyone heard or used a carb cycle like this: for a 180 pound bodybuilder it would look like this monday cut carbs 90 calories 3000 tuesday cut carbs 90...
  6. T

    metha-drol extreme question?

  7. T

    metha-drol extreme question?

    im about to start a cycle of test e and eq. and im wondering if i bought some metha-drol for a kickstart for the first four weeks, i wouldnt need to start the pct until the full 12 weeks is over right? and is the metha-drol worth adding to my stack?
  8. T

    Plase help

    i 7500mgs of test e and 6000mgs of eq and all the pcts to go along with it. i also have some clen to cycle on and off two weeks at a time for eight weeks. im looking for a real lean look so how should i stack these and how long ? im 5 foot 9 190 lbs 15 % body fat have done three other cycles two...
  9. T

    help with dosing

    i 7500mgs of test e and 6000mgs of eq and all the pcts to go along with it. i also have some clen to cycle on and off two weeks at a time for eight weeks. im looking for a real lean look so how should i stack these and how long ? im 5 foot 9 89.1 kelos 15 % body fat have done three other cycles...