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  1. P

    Reason for being "natural"?

    Dude, the trolling really isn't funny anymore. All this anti-steroid talk on a ?bodybuilding? forum gets old very quickly. If I were a moderator I'd have banned you a long time ago...you're lucky that they're being so tolerant of your degenerate bullsht
  2. P

    How to Look Like Zyzz Without Drugs?

    Plz cut naturally to below 10% bodyfat and see how full you look... 99.99% of people will look flat as chit at that sort of bodyfat naturally... Furthermore obtaining that sort of muscle whilst remaining lean natty...lol
  3. P

    Reason for being "natural"?

    Your bias is very irritating to say the least... Save the scaremongering and misinformation for yourself... And last but not least, if you look so fcking good why don't you post pictures of yourself/your amazing father/all the other ridiculous people who happen to look better than steroid users.
  4. P

    Reason for being "natural"?

    Not trying to convince anyone to do anything... But natural test peaks in the 20s-30s... And natural test levels (in the high range) are around 1/10th of a low dose cycle dose... Natural hormone levels do barely anything. Same with GH, 2ius per day would be far more than natural levels for most
  5. P

    Reason for being "natural"?

    Many teens I know, spend more money on supps than it would cost them to run 500mg test per week... wot? Cals at maintenance Low fats Increase proatz to 2g/lb bw increase carbs to fill remaining cals HOW IS THIS STRICT IMO
  6. P

    BodyBuilder Diet Example

    Anything to hit my protein/fat needs and fill the rest with carbs... If on, it's mostly carbs and protein with <50g fats...
  7. P

    want to gain mass 16 years old ecto pictures inside

    OP, Ecto's don't exist...just eat more food. I used to be 130lbs 2years ago Now I'm 225lbs... FOOD IS THE ONLY SECRET
  8. P

    Yo, new member here

    Thanks a lot guys! Hoping I can contribute what little knowledge I have, and learn as much as possible too. Ps. Thanks for the reps...not sure who repped me or I would return the favour with my poverty reps.
  9. P

    Yo, new member here

    Hey! Just making an account across here for logging/discussion/whatever... Been training seriously for about 2 years, but trained for around 4 years in total... Current stats: 225lbs 6' ~16%BF Currently shredding down and will be blasting and cruising through 2013...