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Abcess / re-using needles

IML Gear Cream!
a great link I came across in my antibiotic research. I'm sure it doesn't go into detail like,"will hamper gains" but I'm assuming if they don't "interefere with each other than they shouldn't hamper shit too much. I also don't doubt personal experience either. I'll just use myself as another test subject. not stepping on anyone's toes.
Well it's Wednesday afternoon, and it still hurts but it's not as red and swollen as last night. Still sore like a bruised muscle but not as inflamed and puffy as it was yesterday evening. The pain in my hip and hip socket is diminished somewhat as well. I'm not wincing getting in and out of my bucket seats today. Could be the 1500 milligrams of amoxicillin I've injested in the last 24 hours too. Tough to say but better safe than sorry. IMO
maybe your gear is high in BA content? That will cause it to get really sore and irritated around the injection site.
I just got up on thursday and I'm starting to think it may just have been that. A lot of the fluid that was swollen around the whole ass cheek has gone down somewhat and now it simply feels like a badly bruised muscle. it's not specifically sore around the injection site, my whole left glute is sore, even my hip socket a little where the muscle wraps around it. I spent the last ten minutes slowly trying to stretch it. It doesn't seem too willing but it feels better than when I first rolled over onto it in bed. If it was infected, it seems to be going down a bit. If it was just the test spreading through the muscle and the BA irritating it, than it was that. either way I feel safer knowing I started the anti biotics asap. I work at a school with medical assistants and asked one of them, hypothetically of course(the whole my friend...) what would be the proper procedure if someone came in after sitting on a pin or button( I bluffed the example that he sat on my Applebee's server pin that was fell off and was siting on a chair he sat down on) and they said normally if you come in with that situation and it's started to swell, the doc's gonna prescribe antibiotics to be on the safe side. The most excruciating part of my day today is getting in and out of my car. I have an IS300, and has little ass bucket seats that you wind up plopping all your weight on your left ass cheek everytime you get in the driver's seat.. Ouch!
Oh yeah. The gear I'm using is British Dragon's Test Cypionate, 200mg/1ml, and I shot about 2.5ml into the ass cheek Sunday.
I feel like I've heard others complain of high solvent levels in BD gear. Thats probably what it is....better safe than sorry.
So is it normal for them to swell up and be warm to the touch very similarly to an infected injection site?
I seriously have ADD. I never remember everything I wanna post in the first message. An update on the sore left glute.... slightly and I mean SLIGHTLY swollen today, barely any pain and I blame it on getting laid 4 times last night for the first time in almost a month. maybe the test just needed to be worked in and out of the muscle better. It also might have still been an infection that took a few days for the AB's to kick in. 2grams of amoxicillin a day probably didn't hurt so far if that was the case.
well BA won't make the area really warm to the touch....just sore as hell. I've thought I had something wrong when shooting high mg/ml gear. It turned to just be REALLY sore...Red and hot is usually a sign of infection.
IML Gear Cream!
well since being on AB's for a few days the swelling has reduced as well as the redness and heat, so I'm pretty sure I might have had some infection after all.