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Asilf1127's Female IML Osta Rx log

I'm back...I'm not gonna lie Easter was a rough one!, with three kids you can imagine all of the candy they got from their grandparents, sooo I started a detox on Monday, I am still taking one capsule of osta in the a.m. and another in the p.m.
Monday~ started detox....off day
Tuesday~ Day two of detox. Ran two miles, bis and tris/ nine sets of curls and nine sets of tricep dips.
Wednesday~(today) day three of detox... I plan on running three miles, and doing legs.
Other than the constant hunger everything is ay o.k. ;-)
Day 18
With a combo of the cardio and detox I have been doing I lost 7 pounds!.. that puts me two pounds lighter than when I started osta!, I couldn't be happier, and I love the muscle definition I am starting to see :)
Day 20

Yesterday~ I ran 2.5 Miles, and did back and shoulders; 3 sets of seated rows, 3 sets of shrugs, 6 sets of pull downs, 3 sets of over head press, 3 sets of front raises, and a burn out set of lateral raises... This was my last day of detox, I weighed In at 131 pounds... 4 pounds lighter than when I started Osta!!

Today~ I ran 1 mile and did 20 minutes of spinning.... today was Chest; 3 sets on the flat bench, 3 sets on incline, 3 sets of flies... I am still taking 1 capsule in the a.m. and another in the p.m. any side effects that I was experiencing have subsided, and I am leaning out and retaining muscle beautifully as I was hoping I would do... THANK YOU!!!!
Week 5... so I'm pretty close to the end of my cycle, and the results are mostly positive; I retained muscle, as well as gained muscle, the only downside was the constant craving for sweets.... I am back up to 137, this could be a result of muscle gain, or the feeling of constant munchies... either way this product was ok. Thank you for the opportunity to test it out and share my results!