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Bill Gates Donation

and Windows XP Pro...

You don't get any tech support though:(
I don't need tech support, I called them once for my cell phone and ended up fixing my phone myself while I waited for the guy to find out how to fix it, I then walked him through it. Not very helpful for me. Besides I can always jump on one of my other 4 computers and google the answer;)
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Regardless, sending money into Africa is a total waste. They're over there spreading it like wildfire anyway, just let them wipe themselves out.
If I was going to donate to something, I would donate to cancer research or juvenile diabetes, or something like that. I would not donate to help cure something that is contracted largely by the fault of the person. If you don't use heroin and you don't have permiscous unprotected sex, you have virtually no chance of contracting aids.

I feel a lot worse for some up-standing citizen who contracts terminal cancer through no fault of their own than I do for some guy who contracts aids through his own actions.
If I was going to donate to something, I would donate to cancer research or juvenile diabetes, or something like that. I would not donate to help cure something that is contracted largely by the fault of the person. If you don't use heroin and you don't have permiscous unprotected sex, you have virtually no chance of contracting aids.

I feel a lot worse for some up-standing citizen who contracts terminal cancer through no fault of their own than I do for some guy who contracts aids through his own actions.

The vital execption to this is children born with AIDS.
If I was going to donate to something, I would donate to cancer research or juvenile diabetes, or something like that. I would not donate to help cure something that is contracted largely by the fault of the person. If you don't use heroin and you don't have permiscous unprotected sex, you have virtually no chance of contracting aids.

I feel a lot worse for some up-standing citizen who contracts terminal cancer through no fault of their own than I do for some guy who contracts aids through his own actions.

I believe cancer is avoidable to more of an extent than people commonly think, however I do understand with your rationale here. Thought I'd just make that comment.
I believe cancer is avoidable to more of an extent than people commonly think, however I do understand with your rationale here. Thought I'd just make that comment.

True Story. If you eat healthy and exersize you probably greatly minimize the risk. If corporations weren't so fucked and didn't release the chemicals, and pesticides in the environment, that would probably eliminate the rest of the risk with the exception of a freak case or inheriting it genetically.
IML Gear Cream!
i wish he'd start a scholarship fund.

low income scholarships by bill.