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Britney's Cutting Conquest


Jan 20, 2003
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
Hello all:wave:
I have been lurking this board for some time. Finally got up the nerve to join:D

I supposed the best way to begin is to lay all the facts on the table:
I am a 24 year old female with a desk job. Competed in Figure last year, and was told I needed more Upper Body Mass. I look back at my pictures and think I was too emaciated. I do need more muscle. EQ has helped:eyebrow: I have my workout routines down, but I am leery on my nutrition. I will admit the holidays and the terrible ???bulking??? excuse, plus the water retention from the EQ, has made my BW sky rocket. I have been trying to follow something of a Dr. Pain nature.(Since he seems to know what he is doing and lends a helping hand to us newbies. The transformation of Leslie2196 was incredible and W8lifter looks terrific) I used carb cycling for my show- more carbs on w/o days and less on non w/o days. I have just recently started to eat normal again. I plan to do the ECA stack along with a little Winny to assist with my cutting efforts. This board does not seem to be anabolic, but I figured I must state all the facts. I loved the gains and strength I have made with EQ and the Winstrol helped me with my competition and cutting efforts.

Pre contest BW 138lbs
Post Bulk BW 167lbs

I will gather my meals for the past two days.
I hope you guys can offer some great advice and opinions!
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Saturday 1/18/03

2 Scoop Protein Powder
2 tbsp PB

1 can tuna
2 tbsp Newmans Balsamic
1 Mozz stick

5 ounces Chicken
2 tbsp Newmans
½ apple

½ Pro42 Bar
1 Grande Starbucks coffee

*Prepared by Chevy???s Mex Restuarant
Chicken Breast
Sweet corn Tamolita- damn them!

2 scoops Protein Powder
2 tbsp PB

SUNDAY 1/19/03

½ cup Oatmeal
2 tbsp PB
6 eggwhites

1 can tuna
2 tbsp Newmans Balsamic Vinegar
¼ cup Mozzarella

4 bites of Lean Steak
4 ounces Chicken
1 tbsp PB
5 oz Sweet potato

1 Grande Starbucks Decaf
1 Pro42bar

2 scoops Protein Powder
1.5 Tbsp PB

**PB is NOT natural:grin:
Hey Britney! :wave:

Welcome to IM! Good luck on your goals! ;)

Btw, are you a Britney fan too? :D :grin:

Thank you Nike Girl:)
I love your pic!
Britney is better than Christina;)
Monday 1/20/03


2 scoops Powder
2.5 tbsp cream
1 apple

5 ounces Chicken
½ c Brown Rice
2 tbsp Balsmaic Vinegrette
1 tsp flax

1 can tuna
1 tbsp Olive Oil n Vinegar
1 mozz stick

FOUR- preworkout
1 Grande Reg Coffee
2 tbsp table cream
1 Pro42Bar :grin:

FIVE- post workout
4 ounces Sweet Potato
5 ounces chicken
1 tsp flax
2 tbsp Balsamic Vinegarette

Passed out on the couch and awoke at 2 am to have Meal Six:D

2 scoops Powder
1.5 tbsp PB


Chest 37???

Waist 27???

Hips 37???

Thigh 22.5???

Calf 15 ¼???

Bicep (flexed) 12 ¾???
Originally posted by Britney

Britney is better than Christina;)

Hi there, welcome aboard :D

Don`t want to flame with my first post..but I have recently seen some pix that leave me disagreeing with you :grin:
Originally posted by kuso
Hi there, welcome aboard :D

Don`t want to flame with my first post..but I have recently seen some pix that leave me disagreeing with you :grin:

Hey Britney, welcome.

Looks like you know your stuff, we are glad to have you. You are correct in that this board is less "anabolic" as you put it (and even on legal supps) than many boards. But still, its the best collection of people I have seen.

Ignore Kuso, most of us do. ;)

Are you preparing for another show, when? Where? You work in Jersey too, or The City?

P.S. You might want to post some progress pics. Hell, if nothing else, post your comp pics for us to see!
IML Gear Cream!
Yes, I have. I will no longer include those in my meal plans- UNLESS I am craving SWEETS. They were good while they lasted:D I will say I have NOT been eatting protein bars regualrly- so my stats are not a reflection of that. I KNOW which foods contributed to the "bulk"

Thanks for visting W8!:wave:


BW 164 lbs last night:D....................down THREE lbs after ONE week?:scratch:
Originally posted by Britney
BW 164 lbs last night:D....................down THREE lbs after ONE week?:scratch:

Quite possible. One can easily loose up to 7-10 pounds in the first week. Of course most of it is water. I have no idea, though how the winny effects your body. Since you can loose 2 pounds of fat per week, I can speculate that 3 pounds with winny is indeed possible.

Are you taking caliper measurements?
Hello Lina, Kuso and Twin Peak:wave:

No pics yet:scared:
Originally posted by Twin Peak
Quite possible. One can easily loose up to 7-10 pounds in the first week. Of course most of it is water. I have no idea, though how the winny effects your body. Since you can loose 2 pounds of fat per week, I can speculate that 3 pounds with winny is indeed possible.

Are you taking caliper measurements?
I am not on the Winny yet. I just took my last dose of EQ last MOnday. I started the E/C/A stack yesterday- although its been so long since I have done this- I forgot the schedule- everyday everyother?

I think it is probably water, although I HOPE its fat.

No calipers. I dont even want to know.....
WELCOME BRITNEY!! You do know your stuff!!! Good Luck with your goals, and I'm glad you joined us here!!! :)

I have one question though~ What is EQ & What is Winny???

Good luck girl!! :)
EC can be used daily. Some people prefer to cycle it (taking weekends off or 1 week per month, etc) but you need not alternate days.
Sheesh, no feedback:(

I can't be doing everything right.

DAY 2 of the ECA, I have taken ONE dose MON and today- and I forgot how much it supresses the appetite! I am STRUGGLING to put my oats down, I want to :barf: ....

Also just found out I will not be able to assist my cut with Winny:mad: Guess I will have to work harder and wait a lil longer. Just as well as I have been reading some purdy scary things about women and Winstrol.

BTW I noticed my abs a bit in the gym, seems like the bloat is going DOWN:clap:
Originally posted by Britney
Sheesh, no feedback:(

I can't be doing everything right.

Well....no, but since you asked :D ....you're eating protein bars, sugared peanut butter, Sweet corn Tamolita...not sure what they are but if you're damning them you shouldn't be eating them, taking e/c/a and doing cardio :D

Now...I'd excuse the cardio since it was HIT ( :thumb: ) and since I only see 1 this week (hint) but the e/c/a at the beginning of your cut...and all that shit you're eating? :finger:

Fix it! :p

p.s....it appears that you know what to do, but just aren't doing it ....hence the "fix it" :D :p
Wow...I just had to check to make sure that was me writing that and not DP :laugh:
Originally posted by w8lifter
Well....no, but since you asked :D ....you're eating protein bars, sugared peanut butter, Sweet corn Tamolita...not sure what they are but if you're damning them you shouldn't be eating them, taking e/c/a and doing cardio :D

Now...I'd excuse the cardio since it was HIT ( :thumb: ) and since I only see 1 this week (hint) but the e/c/a at the beginning of your cut...and all that shit you're eating? :finger:

Fix it! :p

p.s....it appears that you know what to do, but just aren't doing it ....hence the "fix it" :D :p

OUCH! Well I asked for it. No more bars, and I am finishing up the "sugared" PB. I must make my taste buds bland again:rolleyes: I think I DO know what to do, just need a lil ass kicking a direction.

As for the cardio- I am doing ONE session a week after 2 MONTHS off, HIIT of course:p Nearly kicked my ass.

E/C/A stack Ir ead was BEST after coming off- because your body is catabolic.....Is there truth to that?
Originally posted by Britney

E/C/A stack Ir ead was BEST after coming off- because your body is catabolic.....Is there truth to that?

You're excused, lol....I don't know...that's DP's area, not mine :D

And um...anytime! :D
Originally posted by w8lifter
You're excused, lol....I don't know...that's DP's area, not mine :D

And um...anytime! :D

Well I dont know if it is true or not....DP?
No....Britney...Eqiupose is oil based and dissap8s smoothly......you may get a big flux of estrogen, a little acne...and then later as the estrogen calms down an unscheduled period .......but you're not going catabolic......

......if anything the E/C/A could promote catabolism depending on the state or your neurotransmitters and adrenal hormones.

Yes, you "were " in a more anabolic/ mild androgenic state........but now with continued heavy lifts and adequate protein, it should all work out.......about 10 days to 2 weeks

So......SHould I put off the E/C/A stack til later? I am seriously worried bout losing my strength and not losing the extra poundage.
1/21/03 TUESDAY

2 scoops Powder
2.5 tbsp cream
1 apple

½ c brown rice
5 ounces chicken
2 tbsp newmans dressing

1 can tuna
2 tbsp newmans
1 tsp flax

FOUR- pre w/o
5 ounces chicken
2 tbsp PB

6 eggwhites
½ c oats
1.5 tbsp PB

SIX- totally NOT hungry for this meal:barf:
1 can tuna
2 tbsp newmans
1 tsp flax

Totals 1911 cals 79F 98C 194P


Also picked up a client that wants to train:evil: :clap:
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