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Fu Fu's l337 journal

IML Gear Cream!
Today -

warm up

pause bench press - (1 second pause)
5x3 w/ 225 lbs

bench press -
4x8 w/ 215 lbs

seated cable row -
6x10 #150

OHEE stiff handle -
2x24 #140

single arm preacher curl -
2x16 each side #45

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Good stuff.
Today -

warm up

back squat - (belt, no knee sleeves, didn't wear last week either. was not mentally into it today, sets got easier as they went on)
5x5 w/ 305 lbs

leg press -
3x15 #220

3x5 w/ 355 lbs

roll out from knees -

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Hit my numbers, but felt mentally and physically too relaxed and lackadaisical today.
Yesterday -

bench press -
5x5 235 lbs (felt solid, smooth, pretty fast, a lot left in the tank)

DB bench press -
2x20 w/ x2 70 lbs

unilateral DB row - (straps)
4x9 each side w/ 130 lbs

high cable facepull -
3x10 #140

plank -
3x15 seconds

cable pushdown -
3x23 #110

preacher curl machine -
2x20 #55

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Good stuff.
Today -

warm up

deadlift - (no belt)
4x5 w/ 445 lbs (smooth, didn't really psyche up, more in the tank)

back squat -
3x8 w/ 275 lbs (sets got progressively easier, last set felt fantastic. felt locked in technique wise, definitely more in the tank)

RDL - (straps)
2x8 w/ 335 lbs (snappy, a lot left in the tank)

Great session.
Today -

warm up

pause bench press - (1 sec pause)
5x3 w/ 235 lbs (good speed on all reps. next week, work up with 1 second pause singles, then potentially 3x3 at 245 lbs

bench press -
4x8 w/ 225 lbs (last rep of last set was tough, definitely RPE 10, but because it's worth mentioning, not a lot of psyching up on any bench sets today. next week, go for 2x12 with same weight)

seated cable row -
6x10 #165

OHEE stiff handle -
2x24 #150

single arm preacher curl -
2x16 each side #50

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Good stuff.
Today -

warm up

back squat - (SBD knee sleeves and belt)
5x5 w/ 315 lbs (sets got progressively easier, last set was the best, definitely more in the tank, good depth and technique)

leg press -
3x15 #235

3x5 w/ 365 lbs (felt really solid)

roll outs from knees -
3x7 BW

Good stuff.
Today -

warm up

bench press -
5x5 w/ 245 lbs (felt on point today, more left in the tank every set, all reps were very smooth and fast, except for a couple wonky reps on set 3 (lack of focus and technique))

DB bench press -
2x20 w/ x2 75 lbs

unilateral DB row -
4x9 each side w/ 135 lbs

high cable facepull -
3x10 #150

plank -
3x20 seconds

cable push down -
2x23 #120

preacher curl machine -
2x20 #62.5

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

deadlift - (no belt, MG)
4x5 w/ 455 lbs (beltless volume PR. focus was on point today)

back squat -
3x8 w/ 285 lbs (beltless PR)

2x8 w/ 345 lbs

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

pause bench press - (1 second pause)
3x3 w/ 245 lbs (felt really solid. need to remember, when pressing the bar off my chest, to direct it towards my head. that really helps.)

bench press -
2x12 w/ 225 lbs PR (smooth, in the groove, confident during all reps (but feeling uncertain before sets). felt great to hit a rep PR for multiple sets AND after pause benching AND after losing about 6-7 lbs. and a little left in the tank)

seated cable row -
5x10 #180 PR (it's a PR because this is a relatively new exercise for me)

OHEE stiff handle -
1x30 #170 PR

single arm preacher curl -
2x16 #55

hip mobility
shoulder mobility
t-spine mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

back squat - (belt 5th notch, knee sleeves)
5x5 325 lbs (technique on point, no psyching up, a lot left in the tank, volume PR)

2x8 w/ 370 lbs PR (no psyching up, tough)

leg press -
3x15 #250

roll outs from knees -
3x8 BW

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
IML Gear Cream!
Today -

warm up

bench press -
5x5 w/ 255 lbs (well, I hit my goal. volume PR with 255 doing sets of 5. Sets 2-5 were TOUGH. Technique felt off. Little looseness in the hips, shoulder, core, felt out of groove, uneven/tilty pressing on many reps. I did warm up on one shitty bench, then moved to the less shitty bench. I think this transition mid-working sets contributed. Just couldn't get into it mentally. I hit the numbers, though.)

DB bench press -
1x20 w/ x2 80 lbs PR (wow, felt surprisingly light, definitely more in the tank)

unilateral DB row - (straps)
4x9 each side w/ 140 lbs (felt light for this weight)

high cable facepull -
3x10 #160

plank -
3x25 seconds

cable push down -
2x23 #150 PR

machine preacher curl -
1x20 62.5 lbs (accidentally did last week's weight on first set)
1x20 70 lbs

hip mobility
shoulder mobility
t-spine mobility

Overall, a very good session. Barbell benching was wonky, but it was a significant volume PR (last time benching 255 I did 6x3) and shoulders felt really healthy (and then a strong PR in the dumb bell bench press right after). The issue was mental focus, amping up, and tightness/technique.
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Today -

warm up

deadlift - (belt, MG)
2x5 w/ 465 lbs
1x8 w/ 465 lbs PR (still had at least a couple reps left in the tank, and that's even without psyching up and a couple wonky reps. all deadlift sets felt great today, confident without big psyching up)

back squat - (belt, no knee sleeves)
3x8 w/ 295 lbs (tough, no psyching up)

1x8 w/ 355 lbs (felt the slightest tweak on right lower back. a few hours later I feel perfectly fine, but I wasn't going to push my body any further since I felt pretty fatigued at this point)

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

pause bench press - (1 second pause)
3x3 w/ 250 lbs (no psyching up. felt really solid, each rep smooth, in the groove, and good speed. definitely more in the tank each set. held my arch really tight on way down and while pausing, this helped a lot, focus on this each following session progress each week by 5 lbs)

bench press -
2x8 w/ 235 lbs (no psyching up, some more in the tank. progress each week by 5 lbs)

seated cable row -
5x8 #195

OHEE stiff handle -
2x24 #160

single arm preacher curl -
2x16 each side #60

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility
hip mobility

Awesome session. Felt mentally and physically tired going into the workout and warming up, but then had a great, strong session without needing to force anything mentally.
Today -

warm up

back squat -
3x4 335 lbs
1x6 335 lbs PR (sets went pretty well today, although had a hard time getting amped up and warm ups felt off with a lot of quad and knee discomfort/aching. felt a bit lackadaisacal during last set with the PR, was in my head. Felt a bit off, leaned to the right sometimes. New gym, new squat rack to get used to, and the floor felt a little uneven. not sure if that was the reason why technique was weird.)

RDL - (straps, no belt as always)
2x8 w/ 375 lbs PR (2nd set was better due to being more mentally focused and physically amped up)

leg press -
3x12 w/ x2 160 lbs

roll out from knees -
3x9 BW

Good stuff.
Today -

warm up

bench press -
5x3 w/ 260 lbs (sets felt progressively easier 1-4, then a bit out of groove on 5th set which lead to slower reps. overall, very fast, smooth and confident reps.)

DB bench press -
2x10 w/ x2 85 lbs

unilateral DB row -
3x9 each side 150 lbs (next workout, go for 3x7 w/ 155 lbs)

high cable facepull -
3x10 #77.5 (different gym, units represent way different weights than I am used to)

plank -
3x30 seconds

cable push down -
2x12 #85

cable curl -
2x15 #55

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

deadlift - (chalk, MG)
2x4 475 lbs
1x7 475 lbs PR (felt great, solid technique on all reps, and definitely a good amount more left in the tank. didn't even get super psyched up for this either)

back squat - (belt, knee sleeves)
3x8 305 lbs (solid)

Cutting back on volume with meet coming up in 5 weeks.

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session.
Today -

warm up

pause bench press -
3x3 w/ 255 lbs (felt super solid, stick with 3x3 for one more week)

bench press -
1x8 w/ 240 lbs
1x7 w/ 240 lbs (didn't psych up as much as I could have. could have fought for it I think regardless, but decided not to strain myself. Dropped the bar to my chest, popped it to my hips, and stood up. All happened very quickly. Glad to know I can easily recover from bar on chest with this level of weight. I am 10 lbs lighter than I was when I hit 245 3x8 a couple months ago, and I did today's benching not psyching up, not totally peaked, and after pause benching)

seated cable row -
5x6 #210 PR (add 5 plate addition next session)

OHEE stiff handle -
2x24 #85 (whatever that number means. stick with 2x24 for another week)

single arm preacher curl cable -
2x12 each side #32.5 (I think?) it was the first weight plate where the stack got longer)

Despite failing that bench press, awesome session.
^Note on pause benching. I've been letting the weight really sink into my chest (holding a super tight arch), and letting my arms relax a little, then getting a bit of momentum off the chest when pressing up powerfully. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjwGOWtqPFg&t=5s

BW today on a highly calibrated electric scale was 205 wearing gym clothes and shoes, so I must be around 203 right now. I want to maintain this weight till my PL meet so I can be on the upper ends of the 204.5 lb class. (93 kg)
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Good luck with your PL meet.
Today -

warm up

back squat - (belt, knee sleeves)
4x3 345 lbs
1x6 345 lbs PR (last rep was a grinder, but felt super confident and comfortable. didn't psych up AT ALL for this set. go for 1x6 next week at 10 lbs more) (I realized I tend to set the bar a little off to the right too much, be mindful of this

2x5 385 lbs (super solid, confident)

leg press -
3x12 w/ 4 plates on each side (8 total)

roll outs from knees -

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session. Calm, focused training.
Yesterday -

warm up

bench press -
3x3 265 lbs (in the groove, fast, smooth, confident)
1x5 265 lbs (went for 6 but failed about midway up last set. I matched my current 5RM PR, and at a lighter bodyweight, so that's something. Maintianing strength at a lighter bodyweight is technically getting stronger in a lb for lb sense. Still, was very disappointed as I got very psyched up for this lift. No real reason why I I failed except that I wasn't strong enough. I felt good physically, mentally, and technique was on point. BW is 203 lbs right now. after failing final reps on last 2 bench workouts, need to be more conservative.)

unilateral DB row -
3x7 each side 160 lbs PR (felt really strong, more in the tank. this is a good indicator strength is being gained in other areas, and that my bench performance is specific to the bench)

high cable facepull -
3x10 #85

plank -
3x35 seconds

cable pushdown -
2x12 #92.5

cable curl -
2x15 #62.5

hip mobility
t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Great session.

warm up

deadlift -
2x3 w/ 485 lbs
1x7 w/ 485 lbs PR (felt fantastic. technique was on point)

back squat -
3x8 w/ 315 lbs (sets for progressively easier)

t-spine mobility
shoulder mobility

Awesome session, despite several days of not sleeping great. Body felt great.
Yesterday -

warm up

pause bench press - (1 second pause)
5x3 w/ 260 lbs PR (felt super solid. many reps just popped off my chest seemingly effortlessly, as I was right in the groove. I mis-grooved 1 rep which took longer to get up, but I knew exactly what I did and corrected on subsequent reps. last set was the best set.)

seated cable row -
5x6 #215 PR

2x24 #92.5

single arm preacher curl -
2x10 each side #40

Awesome session.
Yesterday -

warm up

back squat - (knee sleeves, belt 5th notch)
3x3 355 lbs
1x6 355 lbs PR (felt super solid, despite feeling pretty damn tired. today I approached squats pretty calmly, not psyching up, and I felt really in the groove, confident and strong. 6 reps at 355 yesterday was a lot faster than 6 reps at 345 last week. Didn't even listen to music for most sets, which is rare for me.)

RDL - (straps)
3x3 w/ 385 lbs (solid, more in the tank)

leg press -
3x12 w/ x2 4 plates each side +5 lb plate each side

roll outs from knees -
3x11 BW

Awesome session. Volume is going down, while intensity is rising. Weight is down to 202 lbs, which means I am solid for my meet. 5th notch on the belt is significantly less tight, so I might experiment with 6th notch).
Yesterday -

warm up

bench press -
3x3 270 lbs (confident sets)
1x4 270 lbs (matched previous 4RM at 12 lbs lighter, and the 4th rep went up pretty quick)

unilateral DB row -
3x8 each side w/ 160 lbs PR

high cable facepull -
2x10 #92.5

plank -
2x45 seconds

cable push down -
2x10 #100 (go for 12 reps next week)

cable curl -
2x10 #70

Good stuff.
Yesterday -

warm up

deadlift - (belt 5th notch)
2x3 w/ 495 lbs
1x6 w/ 495 lbs PR

back squat - (belt 5th notch + knee sleeves)
3x8 w/ 325 lbs

Awesome session. Deadlifts and squats felt great, and no major psyching up.

pause bench press - 1 second
5x3 w/ 265 lbs PR (most I've ever pause benched, more in the tank)

seated cable row -
5x6 #220 PR

1x20 #100
1x10 #100

single arm cable preacher curl -
2x10 #47.5

Awesome session. Benching felt on point.
Today -

warm up

back squat -
3x3 365 lbs
1x5 365 lbs PR (psyched up, felt very confident, some upper back rounding)

3x3 w/ 405 lbs

roll outs from knees -
3x12 BW

Great session.
Yesterday -

warm up

bench press -
4x3 275 lbs (smooth, confident reps, no psyching up)

unilateral DB row -
3x5 each side w/ 165 lbs PR

high cable facepull -
2x8 #100

cable pushdown -
2x11 #100

plank -
2x50 seconds

Awesome session. Everything felt strong. Body feels good.