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Gazhole Journal #189: Now with 34% More Nudity


Elite Member
Oct 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wales, UK
IML Gear Cream!
Haha. Yeah. That other journal i made a little while ago lasted about as long as me in the sack after a bottle of JD. Gonna keep a sporadic log of my progress in life, gym, and a PT business in the new year. Currently happily married, finally have enough dough to have started my PT certification post-sport med degree, training and working as much as possible. Currently taking a fairly abbreviated program.

Pretty happy with how things are going right now. Here is a set of recent pics sitting at 85kg / 187lbs:



Halfway into my 8-week training cycle now. Yesterday was a press-a-thon:

1. CGBP (Paused on Chest)
10 x 20kg / 44lbs
5 x 50kg / 110lbs
4 x 60kg / 132lbs
3 x 70kg / 154lbs
2 x 80kg / 176lbs
1 x 90kg / 198lbs

23 x 70kg / 154lbs
5 x 70kg / 154lbs (After 60sec)

2. Incline Bench
12 x 60kg / 132lbs (Rest Paused 9 + 3)

3. DB OH Press (Feet Together)

5 x 12 x 15kg / 33lbs

4. Rope Pushdowns
100 x 8kg / 17.6lbs

5. Straight Back Situps
20 x BW
5 x BW + 5kg / 11lbs(Behind head)

Good session overall. Started the cycle at 70kg x 20/10 so i've added 3 reps to that first set. Totally messed up the second one though, haha. Should be aiming for 50% the reps i got in the first one but didnt even end up with a quarter. Never mind. Everything else went great, too. With warmup and cooldown this was just over 60mins.


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Looking good but chest could use some attention. Especially upper. But keep up the hard work. it'll pay off
Hello Gaz, so what program are you following these days?

Hey dude, how goes?

I was doing DC but since i started this PT course my recovery went to shit on that program. Had to reduce the volume a lot. Actually quite happy with this so gonna run it for a while. Annoyed though, DC was going awesomely. Before that i was doing a heavy prog for about 6 months and that was cool too.

What you upto these days?
Looking good but chest could use some attention. Especially upper. But keep up the hard work. it'll pay off

Thanks man. Chest has always been a weakpoint for me, believe it or not this is a vast improvement :p
I'm good thanks getting married, holidays have got in the way of doing any kind of rigid program. Just using a push pull with emphasis on legs and back volume. Going well over all, Getting bigger each year!
1. Seated Calves (5-8sec Negatives)
15 x 30kg / 66lbs
15 x 40kg / 88lbs

2. Squats (Paused ATG)

10 x 20kg / 44lbs
5 x 70kg / 154lbs
4 x 80kg / 176lbs
3 x 90kg / 198lbs
2 x 100kg / 220lbs
1 x 110kg / 242lbs

12 x 100kg / 220lbs

3. Front Squats (ATG)
8 x 80kg / 176lbs

4. Elevated RDL

4 x 25 x 60kg / 132lbs

5. Ab Wheel Rollouts
15 x BW

Yeah this was a good workout but fuck me was i dying. Got this into about 90 mins with warmup and cooldown. A lot of that was lying on the floor near the end of RDLs though. Need to man up next time and just bang them out. Squats are feeling good, even though i've had to take the weights down to do them ass to grass and paused it seems like this is the only way i can do them regularly and make consistent gains without getting injured. So fuck it, i'll take the ego hit.
how long have you been training?
these are some seriously low #s
you did dc? isnt that all heavy weight and constant progression
whats the strategy with the lady weights?
Looks like your dropped some weight there gaz
Looks like your dropped some weight there gaz

Yeah got a bit fat for my liking a while back so actually cut for once. You're always fatter than you think, haha.

How you doing dude?
IML Gear Cream!
Yeah got a bit fat for my liking a while back so actually cut for once. You're always fatter than you think, haha.

How you doing dude?

Fatter than I think without a doubt lol. Same old around here still trying to get lean trying out some new shit.
how long have you been training?
these are some seriously low #s
you did dc? isnt that all heavy weight and constant progression
whats the strategy with the lady weights?

I used to be an elite level powerlifter until I found Jesus and realised the folly of my ways. Since then i only lift things that are pink or chrome.

True story.

But seriously, I just train because I enjoy it. So long as the numbers are going up and I'm having fun I'm happy. Don't really care about it outside those two things mate.

Did some novice strongman shit with hilarious results, though. Crushed my hand under a barrel etc.
Fatter than I think without a doubt lol. Same old around here still trying to get lean trying out some new shit.

Haha, nice! I'm due for another cut in a few months myself. You got a journal going these days?
I'm good thanks getting married, holidays have got in the way of doing any kind of rigid program. Just using a push pull with emphasis on legs and back volume. Going well over all, Getting bigger each year!

Congrats man! :) when's the big day?
1. Strict Pendlay Rows:
10 x 30kg / 66lbs
10 x 40kg / 88lbs
10 x 50kg / 110lbs
10 x 60kg / 132lbs
10 x 70kg / 154lbs
10 x 80kg / 176lbs

2. Chins:
5 x BW
5 x BW + 20kg / 44lbs
4 x BW + 25kg / 55lbs
3 x BW + 30kg / 66lbs
2 x BW + 35kg / 77lbs
1 x BW + 40kg / 88lbs

26 x BW
7 x BW (After 60sec)

3. DB Shrugs:
32 x 65kg / 143lbs

4. Rear Delts:
100 x 3kg / 6.6lbs

5. Situps:
20 x BW
8 x BW + 5kg / 11lbs


Good workout to end the week. Back day is always my favourite!
1. Klokov Press:
10 x 20kg / 44lbs
5 x 35kg / 77lbs
4 x 40kg / 88lbs
3 x 45kg / 99lbs
2 x 50kg / 110lbs
1 x 55kg / 121lbs

17 x 45kg / 99lbs
5 x 45kg / 99lbs (After 60sec)

2. Push Press:
12 x 60kg / 132lbs (Rest Paused 6+4+2)

3. Incline DB:
5 x 12 x 25kg / 55lbs

4. Plate Front Raise:
200 x 5kg / 11lbs

5. Ab Wheel Rollouts:
15 x BW
6 x BW + 15kg / 33lbs


None so bad today, really busy so crammed this into like 40 minutes before work. Doing regular pressing after going to failure on Klokovs is a cunt, but the klokovs are creeping up slowly.
1. Klokov Press:
10 x 20kg / 44lbs
5 x 35kg / 77lbs
4 x 40kg / 88lbs
3 x 45kg / 99lbs
2 x 50kg / 110lbs
1 x 55kg / 121lbs

17 x 45kg / 99lbs
5 x 45kg / 99lbs (After 60sec)

2. Push Press:
12 x 60kg / 132lbs (Rest Paused 6+4+2)

3. Incline DB:
5 x 12 x 25kg / 55lbs

4. Plate Front Raise:
200 x 5kg / 11lbs

5. Ab Wheel Rollouts:
15 x BW
6 x BW + 15kg / 33lbs


None so bad today, really busy so crammed this into like 40 minutes before work. Doing regular pressing after going to failure on Klokovs is a cunt, but the klokovs are creeping up slowly.

Klokovs you say.. I had to look those up, and cunt is probably the est way to describe them. Damn
IML Gear Cream!
Klokovs you say.. I had to look those up, and cunt is probably the est way to describe them. Damn

Ugh, yeah they're a bit of a bastard for sure. It's like the deadlift of overhead pressing. Horrid!
1. Standing Calves (3-5sec Negative):
15 x 60kg / 132lbs
15 x 100kg / 220lbs

2. Leg Press:
4 x 25 x 130kg / 286lbs

3. Deadlifts:
5 x 70kg / 154lbs
5 x 90kg / 198lbs
4 x 110kg / 242lbs
3 x 140kg / 308lbs
2 x 160kg / 352lbs
1 x 170kg / 374lbs

15 x 160kg / 352lbs

4. 6" Block Deadlifts:
8 x 140kg / 308lbs

5. Ab Wheel Rollouts:
20 x BW
10 x BW + 20kg / 44lbs


Really good workout. Deadlifts flew up, and the block pulls were a bit of fun - the bar was up on blocks rather than me standing on them like my RDLs, feels a lot 'deader' to me. Also gave rollouts another go now that my shoulders aren't fucked like they were on monday.

Good times!
Man those Klokov Press's are really interesting, I'm going to have to try them some time.

Gazhole, no offense but I always thought you were a chick :) I remember you had a women as your avatar back when I used to patrol these boards ~2004...and I just assumed it was you lol


Haha, no offence taken dude. The internet is funny like that - i could be a bit of both for all you know. Mino Lee style.

But yeah, Klokovs are become my favourite shoulder exercise. If you try them out make sure to focus on pushing outwards towards the ends of the bar and don't worry if it takes hours to get moving. That happens a lot :-S

Man those Klokov Press's are really interesting, I'm going to have to try them some time.

Gazhole, no offense but I always thought you were a chick :) I remember you had a women as your avatar back when I used to patrol these boards ~2004...and I just assumed it was you lol

1. Dumbell Rows:
10 x 20kg / 44lbs
10 x 30kg / 66lbs
10 x 40kg / 88lbs
10 x 50kg / 110lbs
10 x 60kg / 132lbs
10 x 80kg / 176lbs

2. Pullups:
5 x BW
5 x BW + 22.5kg / 49.5lbs
4 x BW + 27.5kg / 60.5lbs
3 x BW + 32.5kg / 71.5lbs
2 x BW + 37.5kg / 82.5lbs
1 x BW + 42.5kg / 93.5lbs

24 x BW
7 x BW (After 60sec rest)

3. Barbell Shrugs:
40 x 140kg / 308lbs

4. Axel Bar Curls:
50 x 20kg / 44lbs


I love back day i really do. Dumbell rows are strict untill the last heavy heavy set where i just power the thing up. Really helping with deadlifts, that. Rest of the workout was cool - dropped two reps on chins but the weighted ones before my BW set are getting pretty tough now. I think i'll see my BW numbers go up in the next cycle when the weights go back down.
heh mino lee, is he/she still around?

I'll def try them but not for a bit, still just easing back into it. ty
1. CGBP (Paused on Chest)
10 x 20kg / 44lbs
5 x 55kg / 121lbs
4 x 65kg / 143lbs
3 x 75kg / 165lbs
2 x 85kg / 187lbs
1 x 95kg / 209lbs

24 x 70kg / 154lbs
6 x 70kg / 154lbs (After 60sec)

2. Incline Bench
12 x 65kg / 143lbs (Rest Paused 9 + 2 + 1)

3. DB OH Press (Feet Together)
5 x 12 x 17.5kg / 38.5lbs

4. Rope Pushdowns
150 x 8kg / 17.6lbs

5. Straight Back Situps
23 x BW


Great session today and the last bench session for a while. Good stuff!
Oh it's coming. It's coming ;)

Have been laid up with flu all week so training (and moving in general) has been out the window. Felt iffy on monday, dragged myself through work tuesday then fell over when i got home and haven't really eaten anything negligable untill today. Tried to work on Thursday but rightfully got sent home. I can't sell memberships if i vicariously murder our leads with christmas germs.

Not a good time but i actually feel a bit better today. If it goes away as fast as it came on fingers crossed im okay by monday. Have a week off for xmas after next week anyways.

Fuck me this has NOT been a good time though.