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Horny as hell on the juice

IML Gear Cream!
he is still ass chapped from getting canned, dont even try and be PC with him... Cute pic BTW Amino
he is still ass chapped from getting canned, don't even try and be PC with him... Cute pic BTW Amino

No bud i promise this on my kids that i care less that im not on your team.There's plenty of sources out there to rep. for and will give more then 2-3 bottles a month like you give out.I would like to apologize for making the claim that it is the test and maybe everyone is right that it could be this or that as i jumped the gun to say its the test.Im not here to bash a source or claim i know this and that like some people claim they know.
im here to conduct business and make friends on the way.Oh well life goes on ill still go on with my cycle and do what i do.I hope everyone takes this post on what i posted on with a grain of salt.

This got well of topic!

In regards of the original direction, im pumping in 1050mg of test a week right now. Cant stop beating off and fucking. I have a little free time when I get off work alone at the house, spanking it. Woman comes in from work, gettin in work orally or sex. Then off to the gym and I usually blow another before bed! 2-3x a day average and could squeeze out a few more if I had more time! TEST baby hell yeah