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how do u like your dolphin?

IML Gear Cream!
I like my dolphin with extra dolphin. True Story
if it is dolphin or living with hunger what is the choice? we are lucky we don't know and i'd like to know the situation of the person i'm pointing a criticizing finger at before i make an ass of myself placing a higher value on the life of an animal than a human. reality sucks but in other countries starvation is a fact of life as much as obese, puke inducing human pigs are here.
It is easy from back here to say you wouldnt do it but I bet every one of you would if you had no other way to support your family.
I don't hunt but I believe that they shoot the deer and it's dead, no suffering.

No sufferring? You mean they feel no pain whatsoever? What if a deer is shot in the thigh, does it not slowly await it's death? And to top it off, this deer is dying for the sole purpose of entertainment!!

They don't drag it along the street alive and then cut it open and let it bounce around on the ground in pain for ten minutes.

I agree wholeheartedly(sp?)!! That was painful to watch. Animal cruelty is not cool.

Yes, the intelligence of the animal is significant in how it's treated especially when you're comparing a fish to a dolphin. However, no animal should suffer, including a fish or a chicken, it should be killed instantly if it is to be used as food.

Agree!! No animal should suffer, unless it's for food. But I'm still not understanding the notion of, we're allowed to kill animal A, because it's dummer than animal B. :confused:
if it is dolphin or living with hunger what is the choice? we are lucky we don't know and i'd like to know the situation of the person i'm pointing a criticizing finger at before i make an ass of myself placing a higher value on the life of an animal than a human. reality sucks but in other countries starvation is a fact of life as much as obese, puke inducing human pigs are here.

very true!!!

we, including me, are very lucky to live in the US/Canada. If you guys get a chance to visit a third world country, and see their living condition, we'd all do the same thing to survive.
deer are not killed for the sole purpose of entertainment. I dont know of any hunter who wasted their meat.
deer are not killed for the sole purpose of entertainment. I dont know of any hunter who wasted their meat.

yea deer's good shit. but I'm sure there's other animals us North Americans hunt for enjoyment.

I'm not into it, I can't name any.
deermeat is very good but there are idiots who waste game animals. hopefully it's rare. a few years ago here in maine someone was shooting a lot of moose n just leaving them to rot.
IML Gear Cream!
I think the closest things would be wolves and cyotes but usually they are shot by farmers or farmers give permision to kill the ones one their land.
There are even some people that are such big rednecks that they eat squirels
what about frog legs? gator?
I really enjoy squid tenticles and marinara sauce.
IML Gear Cream!
i'd try them n snake... not snails tho.
what about frog legs? gator?

Yum, it's chicken in disguise.

Never tried gator. I don't know if I can stomache it.

I think food all comes down to perception. What's gross, what's good, all depends on what society tells us, and if we were brought up on it or not.

Eating your pet is the most disgusting thing in the world. I understand this whole thing North Americans have against eating dogs. I had a pet fish as a kid, when it died, my mom cooked it without telling me it was my pet. Till this day, I never ate Tilapia again. I still feel sick to my stomache thinking about it.
Name a domestic US mammal and I probably
have eaten it if it isn't endangered