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How to care for an animal. (Hey danny, read this)


Thats Dr. Keke to you!
Jul 26, 2005
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In my imagination.
IML Gear Cream!
I have heard about, and seen myself first hand, animals being neglected and taken care of poorly, and it makes me both sad and angry. I have taken care of animals since I was old enough to remember. I'm not naturally good many things, but taken care of an animal was second nature to me. The most important aspects of caring for an animal are food, water, love, compassion, and patience.

Keep fresh clean water in the animal's bowl at all times. Feed the animal twice a day unless it is a special animal that requires special feeding instructions e.g. spiders, scorpions, snakes. Mammals are emotional creatures that need love and attention to grow into healthy pets, so make sure to take a few hours a day spending time with your pet. Just sitting next to your pet or letting them lay on you while you watch tv or surf the web is a great bonding experience and good for your pet.

For god's sake, before making a decision regarding your pet, put yourself into the place of the animal and consider how you would feel if someone did it to you, SO DON"T STICK YOUR ANIMAL IN A CAGE OR TIE THEM TO A TREE WHEN YOUR NOT AT HOME!!! Don't lock them in a small or dark room all day. Take time to play with your animal. It is necessary for the mental heath of the mammal's to spend time playing, and if you don't have two animals that can play together, you have to be the animals play buddy.

Take some time everyday to train your pet. Most animals are smart, so with enough positive reenforcement for good behavior, almost any animal can be well behaved. Some negative reenforcement is ok, such as spraying the animal in the face with a water spray bottle or saying "bad dog" with an angry voice. DON"T SLAP YOUR PET AROUND LIKE AN ALCOHOLIC FATHER!

Take time to research everything you can about your pet. Spend time on pet forums asking questions and learning why your pet does things that you don't understand. Buy some books about your animal.

Always be aware of where your animal is. Don't let your animal roam around a busy neighborhood to get shot or run over by a car. If you live in a rural area, letting the animal outside to run around and play is probably fine. If your animal isn't well trained, it is a bad idea to take the animal outside without a leech.

Make sure that your animal's shots are current and that your animal has their annual vet visit for checkups. If you don't plain to breed your animal, getting them spayed or neutered is a good idea.

I'm sure there are more things that I can't think of right now, but the important stuff is covered. If you can't do all of these things for your pet, you should not keep the pet.
Good post. I'm an animal lover and hate people that treat them like shit. It says alot about the person.
Very well said, KelJu! :clapping:

I think it's fair to say that a large percentage of pet owners mentally neglect their animals.

I watch some of the shit that people do to animals on Animal Planet's Cops. It's a good thing that I don't work for the SPCA. Because, if I did, every other perp would go down Rodney King style.
Im not even a particularly animal-keeping person, but even i cant see why - or how - anybody could mistreat an animal.

Sure, im not a fan of pets, but its still a creature. I hate it when i see dogs that are just scared for their lives everytime their owner even looks at them. What a horrible, miserable existence some of them must have.

Its not right, yknow. Im coming around to the idea of having a dog more and more. I was playing with a pair of terrier pups the other day, and they were awesome, really affectionate and friendly.
You seriously expect danny81 to be able to read all that. I mean Really?
Few things say more about a person than their compassion toward animals. Anyone who neglects an animal is a very low class person IMO.
Good advice KelJu:thumb:
One thing i would add, concerning dogs, is that they need a "productive environment".
Dogs are very social creatures. And need "things" to do. My german shepard loves to have his squeaker hidden in garden.Only one time did i catch him out, by hanging it from a washing line.:)
Also i hide food bits in garden, rather than just putting there food in bowl.
I have seen some items, like holders, for food, that require the dogs to treat like marrow bones, takes abit of initiative to get there food out.
Dogs also need there own toys, items, that they know are theres...unless of course you like your furniture shredded:eek:
Dogs need to bite..chew..sniff out things..and require a lot of patience.
As far as animal cruelty is concerned..there are sick people about. A few months ago i posted a petition to the moonbears petition, and did some research, on tube, concerning the fur trade . HORRIFIC.
Also really consider whether or not you are ready to have a pet. Having a pet requires a lot of dedication - that translates to "don't hang out with the homies all night." Not only that, but it's cruel to just lock your pet up for long periods of time while you're at work or school.

I want a pet pretty badly, but I know that I just can't care for one properly right now. Hopefully in a few years if I'm telecommuting at least a few times a week, then I can dedicate enough time to have a pet.
IML Gear Cream!
I think it's fair to say that a large percentage of pet owners mentally neglect their animals.

We give you lots of attention!

Seriously though, nice post K.
^^^ Someone give that guy a scooby snack!