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how to get bloodwork done more often?


Aug 7, 2013
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IML Gear Cream!
I have health insurance so my blood work is free, but I always need my doctor to call it in. I believe normal blood work is done once or twice a year?

Wanting it to get done more often anyone have any tricks or ideas how to get more blood done without my doctor being wtf is he doing?

Only if you pay out of pocket, insurance have doctors in a narrow leash, and everything has to be justifiable. If you doctor finds a condition that merits more blood-work, then you will get it. Maybe if you explain doctor your concerns that might be a good way to go about it. If not find another doctor that is more down to your needs.
Privatemdlabs.com. Hit me up if you want a discount code. They change monthly. If you're looking for a standard hormone panel with e2 then purchase the female hormone panel. Is $60 but with the discount code it will drop it to $50.
Privatemdlabs.com. Hit me up if you want a discount code. They change monthly. If you're looking for a standard hormone panel with e2 then purchase the female hormone panel. Is $60 but with the discount code it will drop it to $50.

might take you up on that!
Sherk is spot on with the link. $50 is well worth the price to make sure your levels are all good. I'd much rather pay that than have to argue with a doctor.
Just tell the doc your liver hurts.
I think it's somewhere close to your crotch so just hold your balls and moan a little.

Better yet, tell him you just got back from a trip to Asia and while you were at Shanghai International you accidentally got airport toilet water up your ass.
You know how it splashes up and as soon as it hits, your asshole slams shut like a timelock at the bank.
That oughta do it.

(thank you Robert Schimmel...R.I.P.)
Are you saying that I should infer that I got some sort of parasite while in Asia to get the desired tests (DHT and E2 and all that?)

Coincidentally I was just in China some 2 months ago for about 3 weeks. I am just not too sure as to what I should be alluding to when I speak with my doctor.
PrivateMDLabs is the way to go. If you go with the "female hormone panel" it actually includes quite a bit of tests in that package that are beneficial. Test/estro/more..
Privatemdlabs.com. Hit me up if you want a discount code. They change monthly. If you're looking for a standard hormone panel with e2 then purchase the female hormone panel. Is $60 but with the discount code it will drop it to $50.

I'll second that. $50 is baby shit to know where you stand in your health.

Just found a location near me. How do I get the coupon code for $50.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
call them first to make sure they are cool with it then tell them what you want to test for. Say you are having a hard time getting it up (ED) and insurance should cover it. I just did this last Friday and it was all covered. You have to be specific what you want them to test for though.