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I want to have a sexy time!

Yeah, well I have not made my full decision yet, but I never do upright rows. Maybe once a year or so. I don't know about side laterals, but I don't do them that often. I actually do like lat pulldown though, but that still don't leave much. Either way I think doing push/pull supersets would be a lot of fun. I'd probably consider face pulls horizontal, but may put them on a vertical day for variety.

Nice supersets Vortrit!

I've started doing 1 arm lat pull downs as opposed to ordinary ones and i feel i get more of a pull through with them. Just a thought :)
Nice supersets Vortrit!

I've started doing 1 arm lat pull downs as opposed to ordinary ones and i feel i get more of a pull through with them. Just a thought :)

Yeah, that's a good idea actually! A really good one. I like doing independent joint movements such as one are dumbbell rows and such. Thanks for the tip.
nice workout, i hate db stepups, they fuck me up big time
nice workout, i hate db stepups, they fuck me up big time

I think everyone hates them. I'd wish I'd went a bit heavier though. I naturally have pretty big legs. I always have.
IML Gear Cream!
those pullthroughs look...interesting..lol. i dont know, kind of awkward looking to me. looks like a pretty killer exercise though.

Yeah, it's just another lower back exercise like good mornings or hyperextensions.
Core Superset

Hanging Knee Raises x 40
Cable Crunches @ 125 lbs. x 40
Planks x 70 seconds
3 sets


5 x 5

Close Grip Cable Row

200 lbs.
5 x 5

Supported T-Bar Row/One Handed Lat Pulldown Superset

Supported T-Bar Row @ 50 lbs.
One Handed Lat Pulldown @ 80 lbs.

Cable Biceps Fly/Machine Preacher Curl Superset

Cable Biceps Fly @ 70 lbs.
Machine Preacher Curl @ 100 lbs.
3 x 8
great looking workout man:thumb:

is this a drop in volume, and an up in intensity I see or am I blind?

Yeah, I was pretty much doing a strength training session today.
Great job! I love those one handed lat pulldowns, and good job on the CG row!

Thanks. That's actually a PR, I think. My last PR on it was 190, but I did sets of 8, so I wasn't sure if I should call it a PR or not.
awesome workout as usual ;) when did you start doing supersets? did it take a bit of getting used to?

Well, I really just started doing them a lot a few months ago, but I've been doing them as long as I've been lifting, but usually one per session, if that. The best thing to do would be to add more and more each week until you get a whole workout like that. That's pretty much how I did it. I generally like to superset a compound movement with an isolation movement.
IML Gear Cream!
nice very nice
Barbell Bench Press

135 lbs. x 8
145 lbs. x 8
155 lbs. x 6
165 lbs. x 6
185 lbs. x 3
195 lbs. x 2
210 lbs. x 2
215 lbs. x 1 PR

Incline Barbell Bench Press

95 lbs. x 10
105 lbs. x 8
115 lbs. x 8
125 lbs. x 4
135 lbs. x 2
150 lbs. x 2 PR

High Cable Fly/Flat Bench Fly Superset

High Cable Fly @ 100 lbs. x 8
Flat Bench Fly @ 25/35/45 lbs. x 8/8/6
3 sets

Triceps Triset

Bodyweight Dips
Rope Pushdown @ 100 lbs.
Straight Bar Pushdown @ 100 lbs.
2 sets.
Two PRs on the same bodypart...:nail:

Fucking legend. Nice job, man! Really nice job!
Hey thanks everyone. I've got a really busy day, so I won't be posting much other than this and my workout. I'll try to get back with everyone else later. Thanks everyone.

And yeah, Gaz, I was shocked myself, but I don't think I've ever went for an Incline PR in awhile. It just worked out. I spent most of my time on the bench today, obviously.
:adore: love the pressin