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*** IronMagazine Forums Was Hacked ***

IML Gear Cream!
We also checked a million times today, for a second we thought were banned.

I must admit we did get a lot of things done around the house today.
All day I've been looking forward to discuss the "Hank era" with the Yankee contingent here on the board.

Thanks, Prince.

Eat my anus, whoever did this.
How do they hack into a site like this anyway.....do they steal your password?
How hard is it and does it cost a lot of money?
The biggest question would be why?

I am guessing a sql injection.

I figured I was banned, deleted the bookmark/tab/cookie from the work computer, got home and started firefox to do the same and saw a pm pop-up saying everything was fine..............sike!!!! I really thought it might have been down for updates or something never thought anyone would want to hack this place...
Awesome work Prince.:thumb:
Whoever hacked the board...theres this saying....
"What goes around, comes around".
Nice going, Prince! Those idiots stood no chance :thumbs:
I think it was that weasley little shit DOMS. We should hunt him down and shoot his sorry as like the dog he is. :bash:
I think it was that weasley little shit DOMS. We should hunt him down and shoot his sorry as like the dog he is. :bash:

Why you gotta be hatin'?
How do they hack into a site like this anyway.....do they steal your password?
How hard is it and does it cost a lot of money?
The biggest question would be why?

Yes Prince, please tell us how we can hack this site. :)
Did something like this happen again today?

Couldnt get on here all day cos there was a database error, now some posts are missing from after the original hack :-S
Yea, it definitely happened again..
Did something like this happen again today?

Couldnt get on here all day cos there was a database error, now some posts are missing from after the original hack :-S

I realized last night that a lot of old data was missing from the database and had to re-import a back-up again last night, was up until 3am. And yes, we lost yesterday's data because the most recent back-up was from 3am the previous morning.

I do think everything will be good from here forward. :)

(fingers crossed) :nail:
As Yogi would say, it's like deja vu all over again.