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Little Guy With Big Hopes

thanks guys :) you dont know how much i appreciate the support !

- i have to remember to weigh myself tomorrow morning, lol. damnit. the way ive been eating im expecting like 131, last tuesday i weighed 128. i havent been eating that great. i eat healthy, and then i cheat a little bit. its the weed, i gotta stop smoking so many bowls..haha :wacko:
Good work, and good on you for eating more. It's really the way to get bigger. Work hard and eat a lot, but eat clean.
thanks guys :) you dont know how much i appreciate the support !

- i have to remember to weigh myself tomorrow morning, lol. damnit. the way ive been eating im expecting like 131, last tuesday i weighed 128. i havent been eating that great. i eat healthy, and then i cheat a little bit. its the weed, i gotta stop smoking so many bowls..haha :wacko:

One bowl before each meal and i guarantee you'll get plenty of cals, LMAO!
i can read and somewhat understand it, but cant put it to use. haha yeah ive been smoking so much lately, that i have to smoke a ton of bowls just to even get a good high and then i get killer munchies.
Friday 10/31: Push

[-] Flat Bench Press:
1x5 @ 86lbs || 1x5 @ 90lbs || 2x5 @ 102lbs || 1x5 @ 90lbs
[-] Seated BB Press: 5x5 @ 60lbs
[-] Side Laterals: 3x5 @ 10lbs
[-] Front Laterals: 2x5 @ 10lbs
[-] Incline DB Flyes: 5x5 @ 25lbs
[-] Push-Ups: 5x5

[-] Workout rating: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumb: 9 out of 10

[-] my friend came over for todays workout. i was pretty happy that i benched 102 :D and we kept a good pace the entire time. definitely felt like i got a good workout. the seated overhead bb press' were pretty killer.

[-] My current weight: around 133lbs -- i woke up this morning, my stomach felt real upset. i weighed myself on an empty stomach, 135 lbs, then 5 minutes later i had to take a dump. so i decided to weigh myself afterwards, and i weighed 133. lol wtf. then not too long after that i went 2 more times..so who knows what i weigh. around 131-133, and last week i weighed 129ish. i need to watch my eating. i eat a lot and i eat a ton of healthy foods but ill have little cheat foods and its getting to be too much.

well, im getting pretty tired. its 11:00 but if it will take me an hour to fall asleep probably. take care guys !!
IML Gear Cream!
Nice workout. Being younger and all you could probably get away with cheating a little more, I'd think. Especially if your not gaining weight. If your stomach hurts it could be something you ate like something new.
Friday 10/31: Push

[-] Flat Bench Press:
1x5 @ 86lbs || 1x5 @ 90lbs || 2x5 @ 102lbs || 1x5 @ 90lbs
[-] Seated BB Press: 5x5 @ 60lbs
[-] Side Laterals: 3x5 @ 10lbs
[-] Front Laterals: 2x5 @ 10lbs
[-] Incline DB Flyes: 5x5 @ 25lbs
[-] Push-Ups: 5x5

[-] Workout rating: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumb: 9 out of 10

[-] my friend came over for todays workout. i was pretty happy that i benched 102 :D and we kept a good pace the entire time. definitely felt like i got a good workout. the seated overhead bb press' were pretty killer.

[-] My current weight: around 133lbs -- i woke up this morning, my stomach felt real upset. i weighed myself on an empty stomach, 135 lbs, then 5 minutes later i had to take a dump. so i decided to weigh myself afterwards, and i weighed 133. lol wtf. then not too long after that i went 2 more times..so who knows what i weigh. around 131-133, and last week i weighed 129ish. i need to watch my eating. i eat a lot and i eat a ton of healthy foods but ill have little cheat foods and its getting to be too much.

well, im getting pretty tired. its 11:00 but if it will take me an hour to fall asleep probably. take care guys !!

Gr8 job dude!:thumb: You got ur bench PR and the weight you were hoping for, cant get much better than that.. I get the same way about taking constant shits while bulking lol.. And dont worry about those little cheat meals, I cheat almost every day, cuz of my job theres no fridge or any thing to store good food (construction).
Yeah, and good job on your new PR's!
vort - thanks ! yeah i dont know whats going on. i know i need to watch the cheating though. id just rather not cheat. lately things have been changing with my stomach or something..its weird.

jail - haha thanks bro :D yeah i cant use weed as an excuse but it definitely is part of the reason i cheat like i do.

goob - thank you thank you :) you guys give me that extra encouragement and motivation to keep pushing myself. i think soon ill be close to my limits and things will get a lot more tough, though.

scar -
thanks bro !! yeah im glad ive been able to raise my numbers almost every time, that definitely helps motivate me and stuff. gotta enjoy it while it lasts :(
also: i was having computer problems the past 4 days and wasnt able to use my computer. just got it fixed yesterday, had to go spend 82 dollars on a graphics card :mad: which sucked. there went my syntha-6 i planned to order..plus a weeks worth of food i was goin to buy. anyways its fixed, i guess i had to do it. i was kinda going crazy with no computer. i did my leg workout friday but yeah, couldnt post it. i wrote it down somewhere, it was actually another pretty good one. tried hack squats for the first time and think i did 150lbs 4 times, and 130lbs 10 times. ill have to check. i will either post it some time tonight or tomorrow, or might just wait and post it with this fridays leg workout to see if there are some improvements.
today is pull day, goin to go pick up my friend in about 45 minutes and we're going to workout. john from taylors nutrition sent me some cmi no3-overload pre-workout packets so im going to try one of those today instead of my usual n.o xplode. he also sent me some cmi fire caps and cmi post workout creatine packets. i love samples :D anyways, goin to smoke a bowl real quick. missed you guys ;) haha

take care everyone, good luck training !
ahhhh sorry

sorry for dissapearing again. ive been having internet problems and have also been very sick. been spending a lot of time laying around and sleeping, resting. i still havent missed a workout. i will post them later tonight. theres like 3 to post. im about to go to a couple fitness stores and look at benches. hope you all continue to read my journal :] i appreciate the kind words, motivation, and help. ill be posting some pictures the 17th. take care everyone
IML Gear Cream!
I think, if you've been very sick, you should've been resting. Workouts are hard on the body and it has to devote it's attention to repairing you. This leaves less energy for fighting any bugs in your system. Your priority should be good health. Working out while sick can make you sicker.

Give you body a chance. Kick back with some bodybuilding-related reading. Learn something useful while your body heals. You won't turn to mush over night!

Stay healthy,
PS. If it's taking you an hour to fall asleep, get some Melatonin & ZMA (Zinc Magnesium). I hear the 5mg melatonin pills really knock you for a loop. My 3mg ones work just fine for me though. It's an all natural hormone (pro-hormone?) your body produces to aide production of L-dopa (I believe) which makes you fall alseep. Something like that anyway. It works though. And it's cheap (maybe $2.99 for 100 tabs, taken 1 per night).
And what's the deal with the MySpace Gayspace reference? Fudgepacker, are ya!?
big g - hey bro, yeah it was pretty hard to get through most the exercises but i managed. when i wasnt working out i was resting or just barely doing anything. i feel a lot better now, finally. lately ive lost my appetite, in the morning i almost have to force myself to eat some times. ive been smoking a lot more weed lately, if it wasnt for that i dont know if id be eating that much. hmm i will have to look into those, if theyre that cheap and can possibly help me sleep ill definitely give it a shot. thanks.

ok so i could record the last 4 or so workouts ive done while i was sick, i dont know why i do but i remember them all like what i had for breakfast this morning. which was a banana.

but i thought i could just start off clean tomorrow with my pull day, i think its goin to be a good one. been dieting better, although i still havent gotten any vegetables in my diet yet. eh. going to weigh-in tuesday, last week i was 135. taking pictures the 17th.

found me a bad ass bench, going to go pick it up thursday for 220$. although its a christmas present, so i have to wait a while :mooh: :daydream: also since its really big (has an awesomeeee squat rack :D !!) i have to clean out my current room, which is pretty small and has a fairly low ceiling, and put it all in my current workout room, which is extremely small and has an angled ceiling, and its low. ill have to take pictures. but basically my workout room i have now is going to be my new room, and my room is going to turn into my new workout room. its going to be an interesting switch heh, and take a lot of work.

well, sorry for not getting on. i was sick as fuck and when i get sick..i get sick. last time i was sick was almost a year ago, so i dont get sick too often. hope you guys are enjoying your weekend !
that sucks your sick, but you shouldn't push yourself too much when you're sick. rest up and get better man.
enjoy the melatonin, i have taken it on and off a couple of different times.
what i like about it is the vivid dreams you have. mixed with a little smoke it could be pretty real like. hopefully you dont have such a good dream that you do something terrible in your sleep- like shot your load or piss the bed, or worse yet die. ok, maybe not that vivid of dreams

anyways get better and get back on the weights. and start eating your veggies.
scar - hey bro, good to hear from ya :) yeah i know it probably wasnt a good idea to workout while i was sick, but i just didnt want to miss any days. especially leg day. im all better now though, ready to hit the weights tomorrow :D

other half - hey man ! :) yeah i cant wait to get that stuff. if its even better mixed with a little smoke then im really going to like it, cause chances are ill be mixing it with A LOT of smoke, haha. yeah im going to start eating more veggies starting tomorrow ! thanks other :D :D
get better and get back to the gym....

I've tried Melatonin also,,, didn't do anything for me... I still wake up 5-10 times a night.... always have, I'm a very light sleeper....
Yeah, I hope you get better and to see you back around soon.