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Little Guy With Big Hopes

IML Gear Cream!
goob - haha yeah i have just been laying back, smoking and watching movies pretty much. definitely cant complain there lol.

katt - hi katt ! and thanks :) yeah i guess i could say im a fairly heavy sleeper..once i finally get to sleep >.<

vortrit - thanks bro, i WAS feeling better for a few days...

yes, im sick again. my throat and head feel like shit, a bad cough that is getting worse, and my head kills when i cough. bleh. i feel better for like one day, then the next i feel worse. i weighed myself this morning, i weighed 134. so i lost a pound over the week. which didnt surprise me, i thought itd be more maybe. this is kind of TMI, so sorry. but i wake up and every morning like 5 mins after i wake up i have to 'do work' in the toilet. and some times ill 'do work' like 3 times in 30 minutes. i also can barely eat in the mornings, even after ive smoked some weed. i used to eat oatmeal with 2 slices of bread a banana a shake, all sorts of stuff. but now some times, like today i cant even finish a protein shake with 8oz of milk and 2 scoops protein. later on during the day i begin to eat a bit more, but still nowhere near as much as i used to. hopefully things go back to normal soon.

Monday 11/12: Pull

[-] Bent Over BB Row: 1x8@ 80lbs || 1x8 @ 110 lbs || 1x8 @ 80lbs
[-] BB Shoulder Shrug: 1x8 @ 100lbs || 1x8 @ 130lbs || 1x8 @ 110lbs
[-] BB Curl: 3x8 @ 60lbs
[-] T-Bar Row: 1x8 @ 90lbs || 2x8 @ 120lbs
[-] Supine Row: 3x8 @ BW

Workout rating :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: 6 out of 10

[-] since ive been sick i just took it kind of easy. didnt push myself as hard as i usually do, made sure i was able to keep good pace and form going with the weight i was using. i didnt feel the n.o xplode at all, not even a little bit. ive gotten sick from n.o xplode once, and almost happened again. lately my stomach must not like it or something. wasnt a bad workout, but just one of those days for me i suppose.

im going to finish watching up a movie, smoke a bit, and then sleep. gotta get good rest for push day tomorrow. thanks everyone for still visiting ! im sorry for not visiting your journals but i swear as soon as i start to feel a bit better ill get caught up. take care everyone.
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Even being sick it looks like you got some decent work in. Just make sure not to push yourself if your sick. You might make it worse.
glad to see your back at it, don't over do it though where you are still sick. that workout is nothing to sneeze at though given your current condition:thumb:
vort - yeah i broke a little sweat but nothing like usual. today i just have a bad cough and runny nose but im feeling a lot better.

goob -
thanks goob ! :D

jail - hey bro. haha yeah, im trying to :D smoking big definitely has NOT been a problem for me lately, but eating big has.

scar -
scarrr ! thanks man :) yea ive been trying not to over due it but ive been sick for nearly a week and a half now :mad: so maybe i do need to take a good break and rest after this week. i guess ill have to see how i feel monday.
Wednesday 11/14: Push

[-] BB Bench Press: 2x6 @ 100lbs || 1x1 @ 116lbs || 1x5 @ 100lbs
[-] Seated Military Press: 2x6 @ 60lbs | 1x5 @ 60lbs
[-] Side Lateral Raise: 3x6 @ 10lbs
[-] Flat DB Flyes: 3x6 @ 26lbs
[-] Close Grip Bench Press: 1x6 @ 50lbs || 1x6 @ 80lbs || 1x5 @ 80lbs
[-] Various Push-Ups

Workout rating :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumb: 7 out of 10

[-] lately i just dont feel any kind of rush, or pump before im about to workout you know. usually i always have. also once i start to workout it never comes, i never get those extra pushes or shoves it seems. i gotta kill myself to bust out the last few reps usually, too. either way though this wasnt a bad workout, i just thought i could do a littleee better i guess. still been sick, but today i feel a lot better. hoping ill be all better by monday, its good ill have the weekend to rest after todays leg day. going to be perfect cause i got movies and just bought an eighth. i have nooo idea why i did the side lateral raises really. i know that day i wanted to work my shoulders a lot for some reason, so i probably mistook the lateral raises for a push exercise and did them. plus i have 2 10lb kettle weights and i rarely use them. oh well, it was just 10lbs so nothing major. the bench press was pretty hard, when i did 116lbs i had to have my buddy help me get it off the bar lol. and i only could do one good, solid-form rep. i went to try a second rep and couldnt make it all the way and was already about to die. lol, i feel weak :( but being sick also sucks, its holding me back and keeping me from seeing if i have made improvements. a lot of my exercises that day i couldnt finish the last rep. i was going for 3 sets of 6 reps on all my exercises, since im sick and all i thought itd be a good plan to not work myself too hard. but on like 3 of the exercises the last set i could only bust out 5 and then i was damn near failure. monday is a new week :) ill be better ! im taking pictures tomorrow, today is leg day so thats always cool.

hope everyone has a good weekend ! ill be sipping hot chocolate smoking bowls and watching movies allllll weekend. its getting pretty chilly outside.
Looks like you got a decent workout in.
I'm Alive !!!

well, i know its been quite a while since i have been around and i apologize for that. i missed this forum and a lot of you guys, seems like its been forever but i think its been just a month or so. i had a lot of computer trouble, which was the main problem. i now have a new laptop as an early christmas gift and ive very happy with it. i actually got this laptop about a week ago, but we were having problems trying to switch to a different internet service provider. so it really sucked to have a nice, shiny new laptop and no internet heh. torture i tell you..but now i have wireless internet and loving the shit out of it.

life is at a bad point lately. kinda feel like my life is like watching a re-run of a show you cant stand, over..and over, again. i lost my job and have been broke ever since, ive been trying for nearly 3 weeks to find a job and its just impossible. i did manage to pass my GED test a few weeks ago, so that really made me feel good at least, but it hasnt seemed to help me get a job. im just glad i passed though, and on the first time taking it. but no money, sucks. im running hella low on supplements like my protein and creatine.

ive still been sticking to my workout, i took a week off though, and for some reason when i came back i was a bit weaker it seemed. but i guess its because with the money situation, i havent been able to diet the way i used to, and the way i liked to. im forced to eat whatever is at the house, which is either hardly anything, or nothing healthy at least.

but yeah, im glad to have a laptop and really good internet. that will keep me happy for a while. hope you guys didnt think i died or something, i thought about going to the library to post but could never find time, and when i had time the weather was usually too shitty to go out. im actually getting ready to work out, as soon as i post this. today is leg day.

i will get my rents camera and take some new pictures, although i dont think ive made any changes..and unfortunately ive possibly lost some, thats how i feel, at least. i will probably end up just making a new thread, seems like the best way to start.

missed you guys, hope youre all having a good holiday season and staying safe.

- Sean
Sorry to hear about all that. I'm sure things will improve soon.