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Open your eyes the dangers of Muscle milk

IML Gear Cream!
Just had a Muscle Milk RTD. Mmmmmmmmm! Good stuff.
Pardon my being cynical here..

What is the difference between a blended whey powder and a MRP?

MRPs will have added carbs, fats, vitamins and minerals ++++++, whey has whey in all the various forms and maybe maltodextrin, lactoalbumin, amino acids.

Water, maybe??

Like I said, the only questionable items I found in this product was the MCT content and the use of CLA.

Musclepump: you need to read a bit on more recent evidence on long-term use of CLA (mroe than a few months). Most CLA sold is a mixture of isomers. Its possible, but very expensive, to produce nearly pure enantiomers (note that they can be bought from chemical supply companies..but they are for research purposes, not human consumption, plus they are expensive).

One of the two enantiomers is counter intuitive as a supplement - it decreases insulin sensitivity. The mixture of isomers varies from suppliers, and some studies used pure enantiomers.. The confusing mixed results of CLA effects on metabolism from years of previously published studies was partially resolved recently (2000-2004) when mechanisms of action became better understood. Part of the problem lies in species specific reactions (an important consideration when examining results derived from animal models).

You must be an organic chemist or biochemist?

I think that the profile of CLA is quite good from CNP (Chemical Nutrition), the Dorian Yates Approved stuff, and from Reflex. Both are UK companies.

I may be a bit more thorough looking at it now though, as they do cost cost between $ 0.50-0.75/ 1 g cap.



Pro-CLA 1000mg

The term CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is a collective one, referring to a mixture of isomers of linoleic acid. However, the studies identifying the anticatabolic properties of CLA and its ability to reduce bodyfat while enhancing lean body mass gains refer to a specific blend of only two isomers. The cis-9, trans11 and the trans10, cis-12 isomers are the only ones found to have any activity, the patent on CLA is for its weight management properties applies to a special 50:50 blend of these two isomers and no other. Due to the cost and protection offered by the patent, many companies have simply forged ahead by using cheap impure material, high in inactive isomers, yet they are claiming all the benefits referred to in the studies. Pro-CLA contains only the original patent-protected material and is provided as clear capsules, so that you may see that it is pure and devoid of the sediment normally found in other CLA products (most CLA is sold in brown capsules for this reason). It has over 80% total CLA content, -the highest on the market by far, so that you may realise the scientifically proven benefits of using the correct material.

> Lipolytic Blend of CLA Isomers

> Reduces Adipose Tissue and Improves Immune Function

DIRECTIONS: Take 2-3 capsules twice a day with food.

INGREDIENTS: Conjugated Linoleic Acid 80% (from safflower oil), glycerin and gelatin.

Cut and paste
We making a big issue out of the opinion of some guy on another forum. How sure are that he's telling the truth?
TheBigA why are you so against it and so concerned about the health the of other's? You seem "over-concerned" like your coming to this site trying to put a bad rep out there for Muscle Milk.
Well youve got the wrong view of me if u think I am doing this to just rubish a company.

I like many comsumers like to know when my health could or will potentially be harmed and I feel others should know just like I would like to know if I was using a certain supplement and I didnt know the health risks associated with that supplement.

I on the other hand dont know what your gender is with what u have said.
has anyone doubted the fact that this article came from a competitor? I'm not taking anything away from its valadity, but we all know how the press and forums can manipulate the public.
has anyone doubted the fact that this article came from a competitor? I'm not taking anything away from its valadity, but we all know how the press and forums can manipulate the public.
Finally someone who agrees with me! And it had to be my pal Juggernaut
MRP= protein, carbs and fat for schmucks who don't know their biochemistry
Whey= protein, which can be readily converted to both glucose and fatty acids.

I was thinking of RTDs as MRPs, since CytoMax has recently released them Muscle Milk as high end RTDs.

Many, many protein supplements have additional goodies, including MCTs, inositol, choline, lethicin, fat soluble vitamins, etc --> all are added fats.

Many have additional carbs (sweetners, dextrose, and fiber).

They are labeled as protein supplements, not MRPs. A weight gainer might be an MRP.

Just for kicks. Good price on Muscle Milk
has anyone doubted the fact that this article came from a competitor? I'm not taking anything away from its valadity, but we all know how the press and forums can manipulate the public.

I wish I would have read it a year ago, now I'm dead from drinking Muscle Milk and it's too late.
I wish I would have read it a year ago, now I'm dead from drinking Muscle Milk and it's too late.

I was gonna say, Foreman is clinically dead by now, drinks that stuff like water
We had this discussion about glycocyamine about 2 yrs ago when syntrax came out with Swole. Their competitors claimed the same thing. From what I remembered is that the small amount in swole was actually beneficial and that, like Trouble stated, it was not enough to build up to toxic levels. I think this is just some sort of marketing ploy. I would not worry about it.
Seriously, with all the safety measure in the U.S. post 9/11, do you honestly think the FDA or USDA will allow companies to sell something that could potentially harm you?

Like Trouble has stated, they don't care as long as you don't claim to prevent a disease. It would be possible if they started having deaths from it, but you won't see it. But even with Ephedra and PH's, you didn't have the problems with it that should have brought them to their end. The number of people that had problems with Ephedra either abused it or used it incorrectly and was a very minute percentage vs. the total number of people who used it.
One of these days we'll have to go back to food only proteins.
They'll ban everything, they will start with banning Foremanrules and that will be it!


"And the devil came here yesterday. Yesterday the devil came here. Right here." [crosses himself] "And it smells of sulfur still today."
Venezuelan President at The U.N. Assembly