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.. Roy Moore: America Was 'Great' During 'Slavery' ..


Jan 11, 2012
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Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate under fire for alleged sexual misconduct with teenage girls when he was in his 30s, apparently believes America was a better place when slavery was still legal.

At a campaign event, an audience member asked Moore for his opinion on when the last time America was "great." Moore responded: "I think it was great at the time when families were united even though we had slavery they cared for one another. Our families were strong, our country had a direction." In stating this, Moore seemingly implied he'd be able to overlook the enslavement of other human beings as long as families are "united," an interesting perspective from a man accused of repeatedly preying on young girls.

Moore's comments at the rally bring to mind President Donald Trump's slogan, "Make America Great Again," which many have interpreted as a rallying cry to incite white nationalists. Trump has controversially endorsed Moore, despite widespread condemnation and the damning allegations the Senate candidate faces. Trump reportedly said
"Go get em, Roy!"
during a recent phone call with the candidate.

Trump apparently believes a man who was reportedly banned from an Alabama mall for harassing teenage girls would be "tough on crime" and is urging voters to support him. Trump has received support from many alt-right groups, including the KKK and a host of white supremacists groups.

Beyond his views on slavery and allegations of sexual misconduct, Moore also has referred to Native Americans as "reds and yellows," has questioned former President Barack Obama's place of birth (following Trump's example) and once suggested Muslims should not be allowed to serve in Congress. In spite of all this, Moore still seems to have a shot of becoming a United States senator.

America was great during slavery?! For who?
Some peole call it slavery, others call it gainfully employed.
Greatness is to be strived for. America may have been great before we came over here and committed genocide on the natives but it has not been great since. Greatness could be in our future but the fear and hate mongers continue to hold us back. Roy Moore? He's a scumbag racist pedophile.
Greatness is to be strived for. America may have been great before we came over here and committed genocide on the natives but it has not been great since. Greatness could be in our future but the fear and hate mongers continue to hold us back. Roy Moore? He's a scumbag racist pedophile.

All of you seem to have a very poor understanding of the English language. You don't seem to be able to distinguish the difference between "great" and "perfect" as you assume or think they are the same thing. They are not, never have been, never will be. America has always been "great" it has never been "perfect". There are always problems to work on there will always be racists and bigots and ignorant people like the ones who post their hate speech here. None of that means that America is not "great" it is great if it were not, people would not flock here and put themselves in danger in the hope they can live here. Of course some come to exploit us and our generosity, some come to do harm and commit crimes, but I think most just know that America is the best and only place they can come and hope to have a chance for a better life.

Yes, America is great! It's great not because of you, but in spite of you and all the others; the ignorant, racist, bigots, leftists, socialists and so on, the list is too long to write all and I'm sure I don't even know all. There are so many people who want to tear down what is good; I suppose because they know they have failed or they don't want to do the work to succeed, so they think if they can tear down those who are, it makes them better.

People like you hold us back just as much as the Roy Moores do, your ignorance and laziness in not wanting to discover the truth of things holds us back, just as racism, bigotry and hatred do.
You don't know me. Your judgements of me are therefore meaningless. I'll agree that compared to many other countries America may appear great, but compared to eating worms and larvae, McDonald's food may seem great. It's not. You appear to be saying that because there are worse places to live than we must be great. That's a lazy copout. We need to learn from the countless mistakes of our past so we do not repeat them. We need to be progressive and move forward, not wax nostalgic and pretend that we had it right once upon a day.
You don't know me. Your judgements of me are therefore meaningless. I'll agree that compared to many other countries America may appear great, but compared to eating worms and larvae, McDonald's food may seem great. It's not. You appear to be saying that because there are worse places to live than we must be great. That's a lazy copout. We need to learn from the countless mistakes of our past so we do not repeat them. We need to be progressive and move forward, not wax nostalgic and pretend that we had it right once upon a day.

I didn't say that. I said we always have had problems and always will and need to work on solving them. It does no good to anyone to pretend that because there is a Roy Moore, America is not great. America is great because of American exceptionalism. I could write a lengthy explanation of that that means, but I think if you want to know what it really means and understand why it makes America great, you need to dig in and discover it for yourself. I'll give you a hint, American exceptionalism has nothing to do with the people who live here, it does have to do with how we perceive and limit those who we elect to govern, but that barely scratches the surface.

The problems we have now are directly related to leftist / elitists who are destroying or trying to destroy this very American thing of exceptionalism. They want us to become subservient to them; the elites, which is how most people have lived through out known history. America is very much the "Exception" to human history. You do not seem to understand this basic fact, so I suggest you dig in and learn about it.
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I think you mean on the 'right'. Or maybe you think trickle down economics exists. It might were it not for greed. The 'elites'? Republican policy benefits them, so unless they have a conscience they are Republican.
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I think you mean on the 'right'. Or maybe you think trickle down economics exists. It might were it not for greed. The 'elites'? Republican policy benefits them, so unless they have a conscience they are Republican.

Oh now that is rich! LOL hahahahahahaha!!!! Whoa man you're wearing some kind of Democrat "beer googles" LOL... You don't get any more elitist than Nancy and Chuck, Hill and Bill. But then they are such hypocrites maybe you still believe their stick. You're hilarious man!
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I'm not a Dem. I do have a conscience and am not hate and fear filled so not a Republican either. Looking for an end to the 2 party system which is failing us, also looking for an end to the century+ outdated electoral college. You humor me as well. Thanks
I'm not a Dem. I do have a conscience and am not hate and fear filled so not a Republican either. Looking for an end to the 2 party system which is failing us, also looking for an end to the century+ outdated electoral college. You humor me as well. Thanks

I would never support ending the electoral college; there was a very good reason the founding fathers made that how our elections operate.

We are not a democracy, we are a democratic republic. An actual democracy is a dangerous thing, where you can pretend to be Santa Claus like the Democrats and socialists to; promise all kinds of free stuff to get people to vote for you and as soon as you have bought off enough people you own everyone which is what the Democrats and Socialists want to do.

If you want to get rid of the Electoral College, you're more ignorant than I thought. You don't have a clue what it's for or why we have it. Or why it was agreed to and made part of our founding documents and law.
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Greatness is to be strived for. America may have been great before we came over here and committed genocide on the natives but it has not been great since. Greatness could be in our future but the fear and hate mongers continue to hold us back. Roy Moore? He's a scumbag racist pedophile.
I suggest you read a book and turn off CNN.

The Indians committed genocide on other tribes. They were an ignorant and brutal stone age people. All peoples of all lands, all country's all continents have been attacked and taken over by someone else. I love the uneducated people who think it is just evil whitey who did that.

As for Roy Moore or any other man or woman, you and I are not Judges. Let the courts take care of any crimes.

To date Roy Moore is still innocent. It looks like that witch hunt died when he lost. Just more fake news from the Anti-American scum who hate this great nation.
The electoral college did have a purpose a couple of centuries ago. Now, if you get more votes, you should win. Does that not make sense to any of the brick walls I'm talking to? I said America MAY have been great. I don't know, I wasn't there. I don't watch CNN. Proceed with self righteous hate speech.
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The electoral college did have a purpose a couple of centuries ago. Now, if you get more votes, you should win. Does that not make sense to any of the brick walls I'm talking to? I said America MAY have been great. I don't know, I wasn't there. I don't watch CNN. Proceed with self righteous hate speech.

What has changed since the founders wrote and all the states agreed to the Electoral College? Why would we want to throw away something that has worked so well for more than 200 years? Talk about a brick wall, what the hell do you think were the reasons the states would not agree to join the republic until the Electoral College was approved?

Come on Einstein, lets us hear your deep thoughts on this and why we would want to change it? Why have Senators? Just get rid of the Senate and go with the House of Representatives? Sheesh you and your type if ignoramus are really something. It's not what you don't know that is so bad, it is what you "know" that is bull shit.

There are excellent reasons the founders did not make the USA a Democracy, they made us a Democratic Republic. There are very good reasons why we have "States Rights" the fact that we have idiot socialists and Democrats who want to destroy the greatest Country and Republic in the history of the world is extremely telling to those who have the ability to think and reason and understand why we have what we have and where it came from. The Democrats who we now have in Washington want to destroy this greatness so they and only they will have power and control, they do not want the people to be able to do what they want to do. It is so disgusting to see the ignorance the younger generation thinks is truth. And you are part of that total ignorance.
What has changed since the founders wrote and all the states agreed to the Electoral College? Why would we want to throw away something that has worked so well for more than 200 years? Talk about a brick wall, what the hell do you think were the reasons the states would not agree to join the republic until the Electoral College was approved?

Come on Einstein, lets us hear your deep thoughts on this and why we would want to change it? Why have Senators? Just get rid of the Senate and go with the House of Representatives? Sheesh you and your type if ignoramus are really something. It's not what you don't know that is so bad, it is what you "know" that is bull shit.

There are excellent reasons the founders did not make the USA a Democracy, they made us a Democratic Republic. There are very good reasons why we have "States Rights" the fact that we have idiot socialists and Democrats who want to destroy the greatest Country and Republic in the history of the world is extremely telling to those who have the ability to think and reason and understand why we have what we have and where it came from. The Democrats who we now have in Washington want to destroy this greatness so they and only they will have power and control, they do not want the people to be able to do what they want to do. It is so disgusting to see the ignorance the younger generation thinks is truth. And you are part of that total ignorance.
I think we can agree the population has dramatically risen since then. That's why it's not worked well in a very long time. The rest of your response is so much like 90% of your posts I could have wrote it myself by just pretending to be a disgruntled old racist white guy. If you think that the person who gets the second most votes should win an election, I'm guessing you've spent your entire life coming in second and wishing you won something you didn't win/earn.
IML Gear Cream!
I think we can agree the population has dramatically risen since then. That's why it's not worked well in a very long time. The rest of your response is so much like 90% of your posts I could have wrote it myself by just pretending to be a disgruntled old racist white guy. If you think that the person who gets the second most votes should win an election, I'm guessing you've spent your entire life coming in second and wishing you won something you didn't win/earn.

You just proved my point, you have no clue why we have an Electoral College. What difference does it make how much the population has grown? There are now 50 states not 13, that could possibly have some relevance but since you have no clue about why we have the Electoral College in the first place, I'm guessing that you would not have a clue why that could be relevant either.

Tell you what, I'll put my lifetime accomplishment up against yours any time you want to compare and we'll see who came in second or last. Like I said, it's not what you know that's wrong; hell you don't know shit. It's what you think you know that is bullshit that is the problem. Hahaha you think that the population has to do with how we elect people to federal office? LOL you're really as dumb and ignorant as most other Democrats , Liberals and Leftists I've talked to. You must have gone to the same schools as Ocasio-Cortez. Towering idiots of our higher education system run my Democrats.
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I'll put my lifetime accomplishment up against yours any time you want to compare and we'll see who came in second or last. Like I said

:roflmao: @ soiledasshole what a joke. go ahead , lets hear your 'lifetime accomplishments', and don't be posting your 'sick religious beliefs' [he's a morman who enjoys the company of young boys]? ok , let's hear the list, don't pussy out ,,,,
:roflmao: @ soiledasshole what a joke. go ahead , lets hear your 'lifetime accomplishments', and don't be posting your 'sick religious beliefs' [he's a morman who enjoys the company of young boys]? ok , let's hear the list, don't pussy out ,,,,

Well Motto, sounds like you're still getting all your info from CNN, but OK, go ahead, you go first
Well Motto, sounds like you're still getting all your info from CNN, but OK, go ahead, you go first

dumb fuck, do you remember your post ?? "
I'll put my lifetime accomplishment up against yours any time you want to compare and we'll see who came in second or last."

,, now post it up, you offered first, we will wait, or are you proving to everybody that you are a liar and don't follow through on your shallow promises ??,,

still waiting !!
The electoral college did have a purpose a couple of centuries ago. Now, if you get more votes, you should win. Does that not make sense to any of the brick walls I'm talking to? I said America MAY have been great. I don't know, I wasn't there. I don't watch CNN. Proceed with self righteous hate speech.

are you a product of the government run public school system?

do you also believe Abraham Lincoln started the civil war to end slavery?

?A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49." - Thomas Jefferson
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I think we can agree the population has dramatically risen since then. That's why it's not worked well in a very long time. The rest of your response is so much like 90% of your posts I could have wrote it myself by just pretending to be a disgruntled old racist white guy. If you think that the person who gets the second most votes should win an election, I'm guessing you've spent your entire life coming in second and wishing you won something you didn't win/earn.

I don?t think you understand what the difference between a republic and a democracy is.

also the goal of running for president is to win the electoral college not the popular vote. so why would you waste your time campaigning around the country trying to win the popular vote when that has nothing to do with the presidential election? if Trump wanted to win the popular vote maybe he?s come up with a strategy to do that but that?s not the goal to win the presidency. so stop using that phony argument about who won more votes because that means nothing.
?Democratic operatives created fake Russian bots designed to link Kremlin to Roy Moore in Alabama race?

?Democratic operatives, backed by a liberal billionaire and facilitated by a former Obama official, created thousands of fake Russian accounts to give an impression the Russian government was supporting Alabama Republican Roy Moore in last year?s election against now-Sen. Doug Jones.

The secret project, which had a budget of just $100,000 and was carried out on Facebook and Twitter, was revealed after the New York Times obtained an internal report detailing the efforts.

?We orchestrated an elaborate ?false flag? operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet,? the internal report said. It also took credit for ?radicalizing Democrats with a Russian bot scandal? after experimenting ?with many of the tactics now understood to have influenced the 2016 elections.??
swiper..it's hard to understand your posts with all the question marks.. you & prince use ?'s where not appropriate ,,:hmmm:
swiper..it's hard to understand your posts with all the question marks.. you & prince use ?'s where not appropriate ,,:hmmm:

that?s Tapatalks issue. every time I post using Tapatalk it does that and 99% of my posts are through Tapatalk. before I hit reply everything looks normal and then once it posts it changes all apostrophes into ? it?s annoying I know.
Oh and by the way your Eagles are losing by three in the fourth quarter.
