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Shear curiousity


Worst Nightmare
Elite Member
Jan 22, 2001
Reaction score
IML Gear Cream!
This isn't to try and one up people or see who the strongest is, but I'm curious. I've seen a whole lot of stats of people who are about my same size. 5'8, 230# (ok same height
). What weights are people working out with? i.e. bench, squat, leg press? And how long have you been working out?

bench - 270#
squat - 315# (approx.)
leg press - 410#
Working out about 3 years out of the past 15 years...ok I have a slight case of A.D.D... religiously for the last 3 months.

Like I said, I'm just curious. This isn't meant to try and embarrass anybody.

Shut Up and LIFT!!
So, I'm 5' 9" (respectively), and weight about 140. 19 years old.

I took about 2 years off of anything exercise related,(sat in front of my PC and ate Wendy's triple cheeseburgers all day) and just started lifting about 2 months ago.

This is of recent:

Bench: 150 5 times.

Squat: Can't do it because I have a large gap in between to of my vertebrea, and it will cause me excruciating pain.

Leg Press: 550

So, I'm kind of getting more buffer. Big pimpin, or something like that.


Life is fun!!
5'6, 150lbs (xmas and valentines goodies)...normally I weight 145lbs....I can bench my weight.....squat, my max is 215lb.....however, I stay away from flat benching usually..I prefer incline and with db's...
I am 5"8'
23 years old last Wednesday.
I don't do barbell bench work due to a spot of carpal tunnel but
Incline DB Press 135lb for 8 reps
Flat DB Press 145lb for 8reps
Squat 350lb for 12 reps
Leg press 850lb for 15reps

What doesn't kill us
makes us strong
Hi folks
bench 250x8 have bad shoulder
leg press last May 900x8, had MS attack in
June been in rehab since Sept. but I'm back
between 620 and 810 all depends on how I feel. Can't squat because the MS affects my
balance and workout from in and out of my wheelchair. I am 46 and 205lbs. and about 5'8
or 5'9. I KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING (old as dirt)!!!!haha
Steve2, I'm 33 and as far as I'm concerned you're only as old as ya feel.....and, when ur dead, ur not dead, ur only gone
I'm 6'0 tall and around 175-180#'s(varies).
I've been working out for about 7 months now.
Age = 27
Bench Press - 265
Squat - 325 (never maxed)
Leg Press - 500
Deadlifts - 250# 4 sets of 10, never maxed.
I maxed out sophomore year when I was 15. Haven't maxed since, but these are my maxes from '00 . I weighed 180 and was 6'...now I weigh 185 and am 6'. These maxes were from about June of '00.


Bench: 200

Squat: 305

Clean: 190

Deadlift: 365

"The Greatest Mistake You Can Ever Make Is Continually Fearing That You Will Make One"
-Elbert Hubbard
I'll bite,
Bench 265 x 2
Deads 315 x 4
Squats 305 x 3
Age 38 Height 5' 11" Weight 195
I started this journey 2 years ago this June
When I started I was so out of shape my bench was 125 x 4
speaking of journey....when I started lifting 2 yrs ago, I could barely squat the bar and I do not remember ever benching the bar until later on.....no matter how far I've come, I still feel weak.....
IML Gear Cream!
I started one year ago and I didn't know anything about lifting or diet. Now I am beginning to learn more, which could be a dangerous thing heh.
I have been doing reps lately so here they are:

bench= 225 x 10-12
leg press= 705 10-12
squat= 305 10 - 8 (no belt)

I have never maxed out and I've been lifting for about 2 1/2 years, i never seen the purpose, I would rather look like I could bench alot than that I can or not.
height 5'7 barely
weight 165-170

squat-265 I know I know
I started about a year and a half ago at only 135. I am still pretty small but not compaired to what I used to be or the rest of my faimly. I neglected legs which is why my squat is so bad, and i just started deads about a month ago.
I never try for my max so I don't know--if I did I might not find enough weights

Bench Press: 155 x 8 (I don't have a spotter)

Leg Press: 350 x 10 (I was up to 400 but my knees couldn't take it)
Smith Press: 215 x 10
Iron Press: none.. I don't have an iron ha ha!
Hight - 5'10"
Age - 30
Years lifting - On and off for 16years steady last 1.5 years
Weight - 188lb 17%bf
I don't usaly max so here's what i rep at:
bench - 245lbx5
squat - 315x8
leg press - 720x6
deadlift - 315x8
35 years old

This past week I did:

Benchpress 205x8
Deadlift 255x8
Squat 175x15

Thoughts are more powerful then Matter
This is why I like this site, most of you are around my age (30), and are mostly around the same fitness level so the advice I get / give will aply to most here.

Group hug, snif, snif.
Accept for EarWax, Scotty..........I think he's a lost cause LOL

If you build it they will come
don't say that too loud...u might get attacked by Earwax...

There are others...but you're actually posting. That's more than the others have been doing recently.

Shut Up and LIFT!!
IML Gear Cream!
I have to keep EarWax on a short leash, I think he's been scaring off the ladies! But I like hugs............Stay away from me EarWax, down boy

If you build it they will come

[This message has been edited by Large And In Charge (edited 03-02-2001).]
5'10", 27 yrs old, weigh about 185-190.
bf% at about 15-16%
Bench-180*10 (bad shoulders)
Can't squat (cant handle wait on shoulders)
leg press-540x10
working out for 2yrs, last year seriously.
I'm not near 30

"The Greatest Mistake You Can Ever Make Is Continually Fearing That You Will Make One"
-Elbert Hubbard
I am 17 and a senior highschool. Currently playing baseball for the varsity team.

Bench max= 280
Those are the main lifts everyone is talking about on this post. Right now I am cutting up to get in shape for baseball.
I have a hard time gaining the weight and keeping it. Right now I am at 106, the heaviest I have gotten too is 108, I am shooting for 115. I am 39 years old. My bests so far are:
Height: 5'02"
Bench: 100lbs
Squat: 210lbs
Leg Press: 340lbs
OneKikAssWoman.....I'm a woman too, so I won't be shy and I'll post...

chest: 30# DB
shoulders: 25# db
biceps: 40# preacher curls
triceps: 30# (not sure what the name of it is)
pull-ups: 6
squat: 110#
deadlift: 130#
sldl: 110#
leg extensions: 120#

2 sets of each til failure


[This message has been edited by me (edited 04-03-2001).]
Originally posted by OneKikAssWoman:
group hug? am I the only female here?

Kinda...I don't do that kinda stuff. Hey just call me lazy, Kidding. I am just not really into that kinda stuff yet, heck I may never be...LOL! (HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!