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Steroids illegal, but not tobacco/alcohol???

IML Gear Cream!
It may have meant knowlege of pain and lies and so on, but either way, how are humans to know these things.
....and then John H comes in and explains to us that it is natural that the evil religion is the one making the laws for steroids to be illegal and that we all should be open minded about his bisexuality... Then Souped_up, his alter ego will come in and call him crazy, but that Bisexuality and all types of sex that come from nature are just variety........:D

"Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I'm a Schitzophrenic
and so am I"
Sorry for turning it religious, I figured since we were on ironic hypocrisies I add some of my favorites. :grin: , probably where Vie[]pe was headed too. Or maybe his food was spiked with some Jesus wine and he's now a devout catholic.
maniclion said:
Sorry for turning it religious, I figured since we were on ironic hypocrisies I add some of my favorites. :grin: , probably where Vie[]pe was headed too. Or maybe his food was spiked with some Jesus wine and he's now a devout catholic.
Vieope said:
I agree 100% with the government but they should ban tobacco and alcohol as well. Why would you need any type of drugs to live a meaningful life? It is against God´s law, if he intended for you to take any drugs you would be born with syringes and pills under your arms. Follow the light, follow Jesus path.
Why should anyone else dictate what I can or cannot put in my own body?:hmmm:
du510 said:
Why should anyone else dictate what I can or cannot put in my own body?:hmmm:
Because it is against God´s law and Jesus, not to mention it is a problem with morality and social conventions as well.
Would you go against Jesus? Yeah, I don´t think so.
First off steroids are not "illegal". You can get them and use them legaly if you have a doctors prescription. Secondly tobbacco and alchohol kill more people then every illegal drug combined. Is that a good argument for legalizing crack or smack?

Lastly the health consequances of using these steroids are pretty well documented. Oh I suppose if you stack correctly you will probably be safe and not fuck yourself totally. Hey they could legalize them for all I care. Take comfort in the fact that most of us street cops couldnt give a shit if you use them or not...........................Rich
Rich46yo said:
First off steroids are not "illegal". You can get them and use them legaly if you have a doctors prescription.

the only way you will get an Rx for steroids is if there is a legit medical reason and they will only give you an amount to put your T levels in normal range.

either way, I am talking about prohormones which are natural supplements that are not active hormones, they are not steroids, and should not be classified as steroids.
Couldn't we just go to the doctor postcycle when are test levels are really low and get test supplementation or would they check frequently with blood test to make sure were not using them as cycles?
It's not a good idea to try to trick your doctor like that.
IML Gear Cream!
Souped_up said:
Couldn't we just go to the doctor postcycle when are test levels are really low and get test supplementation or would they check frequently with blood test to make sure were not using them as cycles?

because they fear losing their license it is not that easy. :)
Souped_up said:
Couldn't we just go to the doctor postcycle when are test levels are really low and get test supplementation or would they check frequently with blood test to make sure were not using them as cycles?

What would be the point anyway? So that they can give you an andro script? If you are one of the few "lucky" ones you get to do your own cypionate shots, and we aren't talking enough to cycle with. Unless you are trying to beat the system, and with a test only cycle at that, there is little point in trying to fake numbers to get put on HRT.

Plus it would be an uphil battle to get even get androgel under 40 years old.
Mudge said:
What would be the point anyway? So that they can give you an andro script? If you are one of the few "lucky" ones you get to do your own cypionate shots, and we aren't talking enough to cycle with. Unless you are trying to beat the system, and with a test only cycle at that, there is little point in trying to fake numbers to get put on HRT.

Plus it would be an uphil battle to get even get androgel under 40 years old.

Well you could just stock it up and use it to do in cycles. If you had to give blood tests in the beginning you would just do it like normal to pretend your using it as intended and then when he stops giving you very frequent blood tests you could start storing it up and then doing cycles and then getting off in time for blood tests(lets ay he only gives them every 3 months). Im assuming though most doctors won't give you more then the gel though. I don't think it would be hard to convince a doctor you need to be on HRT if your test levles are below 100ng/dl. Hell cycle m1t for a few weeks and you can keep it at that level if you want your doctor to make sure your test levels are really that low. And to make it look like you have test levels make sure you are bulked up so your bf% hides your definition. :)
If it were that easy to trick doctors you could dress like a woman, tuck your dick between your legs and pretend you want gender reassignment.
On the topic of the original post these are the 3 REAL reasons why steroids are illegal.

1) Bush son and elder and certain senators such as Biden have a hardon for baseball/athletics purity so thats why they had no problem banning them. The sports organizations and their staunch supporters in congress/executive was the main drive in 91 and 2004.

2) Ignorance. Steroids are harmless if you were to compare to alchohol. Look at marijuana, way safer and even less dangerous for someone when driving a car compared to alchohol yet alchohol is legal and marijuana is not. Look at what got marijuana illegal in the first place "reefer madness" and some other stuff like racism. Everyone blows the health effects way out of proportion. The media and stupid articles by ignorant people makes sure of that.

3)Lack of numbers. No money to help keep it from not getting banned when compared to alchohol and cigarrettes. Not even people use them to cause an outrage in congress or from voters for congress to think twice about not banning them.
Rich46yo said:
First off steroids are not "illegal". You can get them and use them legaly if you have a doctors prescription.

Ya, no shit. My point was that you should be able to buy/use for personal reasons.

Rich46yo said:
Secondly tobbacco and alchohol kill more people then every illegal drug combined. Is that a good argument for legalizing crack or smack?

You're comparing steroids to crack and/or smack? Are you serious?

MY point was that the gov't seems to "blacklist" and stigmatize steroids b/c of its adverse health effects. (OBVIOUSLY crack and other hardcore drugs have adverse effects, not to mention your brain goes whacko when on them.)

Rich46yo said:
Lastly the health consequances of using these steroids are pretty well documented.

Oh really. that's interesting, i've never seen any proof besides "may cause: acne, shuts down natural test production, premature baldness, feminization, high bp and high cholesterol."

Rich46yo said:
Take comfort in the fact that most of us street cops couldnt give a shit if you use them or not...........................Rich

well you WOULD give a shit if you found someone in possession of them w/o a script, THATS the point.
Flex you sound like a kid whos had his candy taken from him. When I say I couldn't give a damn if you shoot yourself up with this shit I really mean "I couldn't give a shit if you shoot yourself up with this shit". Really, and I mean really, I couldn't give a shit if you take this crap.

And I don't need you to tell me about the social destructiveness of various drugs. I wish I had a nickle for every fool Ive seen OD'd, shot up, fucked up, knifed, beat to fuck...ect, that is in some way connected to drug use. I'd rate steroids and weed far down the list in destructiveness. And coke,smack,alcohol,meth, and prescribed opiates, high up that list. Of them all alcohol is the most socially destructive.

But Ive only been a street cop for 20+ years. What the fuck do I know?

I smoke cigars, and I don't try and convince myself there is no chance for adverse affects from them. Anyone that juices and thinks they are not taking a chance is a fool. Do you really think that you are not risking adverse side affects when your using steroids?

Whatever! Your an adult and you can shoot up with whatever you want. Steroids are like candy. Many people think the more you take the more mass you'll put on, even worse many high school aged kids are taking them in the hope of making it in pro sports. Why not? When all these fugazzi pro athletes are rubbing themselves with the cream and making millions?

Or was it arthritis cream? :laugh: .............Rich
Rich46yo said:
Flex you sound like a kid whos had his candy taken from him. When I say I couldn't give a damn if you shoot yourself up with this shit I really mean "I couldn't give a shit if you shoot yourself up with this shit". Really, and I mean really, I couldn't give a shit if you take this crap.

so you're gonna tell me if you pull someone over and they are in possession of anabolics, you'll "let it slide?"

Rich46yo said:
And I don't need you to tell me about the social destructiveness of various drugs. I wish I had a nickle for every fool Ive seen OD'd, shot up, fucked up, knifed, beat to fuck...ect, that is in some way connected to drug use. I'd rate steroids and weed far down the list in destructiveness. And coke,smack,alcohol,meth, and prescribed opiates, high up that list. Of them all alcohol is the most socially destructive.

that was my whole point.

Rich46yo said:
Do you really think that you are not risking adverse side affects when your using steroids?

Show me any proof.

Rich46yo said:
When all these fugazzi pro athletes are rubbing themselves with the cream and making millions?

riiiiiight. Rubbing cream on his leg made Bonds hit 73 HR's.
""""""""so you're gonna tell me if you pull someone over and they are in possession of anabolics, you'll "let it slide?""""""""

Yeah, thats what one normally means when they say, "I dont give a shit"! In the last 20 years you want to know how many coppers Ive seen grow out of their uniforms, get zitt-faced, and start acting looney?? Yaknow where I work we have a lot bigger problems then giving a shit about insecure bodybuilders who have to shoot up with juice to enjoy the sport. For that matter, I wouldn't give a fuck if I walked in your house and saw a bong and weed on your table. Who cares??????? Im a fucking big city street cop ; I have better things to do with my time! 20+ years on and you think I give a shit what you get off with?

""""Show me any proof.""""""

Your kidding right? Listen friend anytime you put a drug into your system your rolling the dice. I know that when I smoke a cigar, I knew that when I was drinking, I even knew that when I was a kid smoking shit!

""""""""riiiiiight. Rubbing cream on his leg made Bonds hit 73 HR's."""""""

Thats a surprise to you? Let me ask you this, "and already hes admitted in court he was juicing during his home run years", do you think he would have done it if he wasn't juicing? I don't! Theres one thing I wont argue with you about. And that is that the proper use of steroids can vastly improve strength, explosive power, and reflexes.

But thats the whole point in using them eh? But the live ball, low mound, extended seasons, and modern nutrition and fitness all played a part. But 51% of it was the juice, and theres no way any of the three players would have done what they did without it. No fucking way! And you've seen that now that the heat is on about the juice, the re-run of "The Incredible Shrinking Man". MLB is a piece of shit in my book. I have more respect for the he/she whores I lock up on the street. At least they don't pretend to be legit. Bonds should be stripped of his HR title, and so should Mcgwire and Sosa. They were all on the juice, as were probably upwards of 50% of MLB at one time.

Its incredible to think that Ruth and Maris did it without juicing, with a dead ball and high mound, and 1/2 drunk all the time................Rich
Rich46yo said:
Yeah, thats what one normally means when they say, "I dont give a shit"! In the last 20 years you want to know how many coppers Ive seen grow out of their uniforms, get zitt-faced, and start acting looney?? Yaknow where I work we have a lot bigger problems then giving a shit about insecure bodybuilders who have to shoot up with juice to enjoy the sport. For that matter, I wouldn't give a fuck if I walked in your house and saw a bong and weed on your table. Who cares??????? Im a fucking big city street cop ; I have better things to do with my time! 20+ years on and you think I give a shit what you get off with?

well, i hope if one ever gets caught with possession, it's by you.

Rich46yo said:
Thats a surprise to you? Let me ask you this, "and already hes admitted in court he was juicing during his home run years", do you think he would have done it if he wasn't juicing? I don't! Theres one thing I wont argue with you about. And that is that the proper use of steroids can vastly improve strength, explosive power, and reflexes.

But thats the whole point in using them eh? But the live ball, low mound, extended seasons, and modern nutrition and fitness all played a part. But 51% of it was the juice, and theres no way any of the three players would have done what they did without it. No fucking way! And you've seen that now that the heat is on about the juice, the re-run of "The Incredible Shrinking Man". MLB is a piece of shit in my book. I have more respect for the he/she whores I lock up on the street. At least they don't pretend to be legit. Bonds should be stripped of his HR title, and so should Mcgwire and Sosa. They were all on the juice, as were probably upwards of 50% of MLB at one time.

Its incredible to think that Ruth and Maris did it without juicing, with a dead ball and high mound, and 1/2 drunk all the time................Rich

and i'm not even gonna get into this arguement again. Sure steroids will improve strength.

alls i have to say is this... NO amount of steroids in the world is gonna make him bat .380, NOT TO MENTION hit .380 when he NEVER GETS ANY PITCHES TO HIT.

oh ya, and btw, steroids WERENT illegal in baseball until this comng year.
IML Gear Cream!
Flex almost my entire job description is gang/drugs/violence. If you arent into any of these then you'll never even see me. Thats what I do, I dont come into contact with suburban,whiteboy bodybuilders,jacking up on roids. And I couldnt give a shit what they do! I cant speak for the DEA,FBI, or other narcos. If you mess with this stuff your rolling the dice. But you know that right?

And we werent talking about batting for average. We were talking about homeruns,"and mind you I couldnt give a shit about pro sports". The heat came on over roids and the HR counts came down, injuries went up, players shrunk and were out longer for those injuries. Bonds would have been a great player no matter what, as would have Sosa or Mcgwire. But they wouldnt have jacked all those HRs without drugs! Its that simple! And deep down even you probably know that.

Or do you need a house to fall on your head?..............Rich
I really don't want to get into this, b/c it's SUCH a ridiculous arguement that steroids make you hit HR's, but you've forced me into it b/c Your arguement is ridiculous.

Rich46yo said:
And we werent talking about batting for average. We were talking about homeruns. But they wouldnt have jacked all those HRs without drugs! Its that simple! And deep down even you probably know that.

No kidding we were'nt talking about Batting Average. But YES they WOULD'VE hit all those HR's.
He hit .380 AND broke the MLB record in walks. Who cares? What does that hafta do with anything? The REASON i mentioned that is b/c Bonds is such a great HITTER, THATS WHY he hits all those HR's. He NEVER gets pitches too, hence all the walks. When he does finally get that MAYBE one good pitch/at bat, he either a)gets a hit or b)jacks it out most of the time. You knwo where that comes from? SKILL. All the steroids in the world won't make you hit a HR when you don't face any pitches.

If you don't believe me, LOOK AT YOUR OWN ADVICE. Maris and Ruth did it without juice, but you don't think Bonds, in today age, with their knowledge of all aspects of baseball, strength training etc. etc. etc. LIGHTYEARS ahead of Maris and Ruth, they couldn't do that?

What about Ken Griffey Jr. when he entered baseball in the early '90's. He was jackin' 'em out left and right. What about Vlad Guerrero? He's a skinny Dominican and he has more power than most of the league. You knwo why he jacks them out? Cuz he bats .330 and he's a GREAT HITTER.
In my opinion steroids give you an unfair advantage. Be it football, track,swimming, body building, baseball............... The fact remains that Bonds home run tallys in starting in 1993 went up by far and it coincided with a highly unusual gain in muscle mass. "Funny how a move out to California can do that to you". In my opinion MLB has been rife with steroid use for years.

Your right. He is a great player. He would have been even without the juice. As to getting good pitches? Theres an awful lot of good hitters that pitchers are afraid to pitch to. He just another one. But they are still throwing to him, or must be for him to be getting so many hits.

Your also going to be seeing a big reduction in balls over the fence after a rigorous testing policy is implmented, "if it in fact is". Fugazzi MLB has been stalling on it for a long time. Your also going to be seeing more injuries and players out longer, as well as shrinking physiques. Just wait and see is all I can tell you.....................Rich
well, without wading too far into the horrid mess that is Rich's opinions, its very clear to anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together and any kind of education on the subject thats drugs of ALL kinds should not be a criminal issue as much as they are a health issue, no question about it. Our ENTIRE appraoch to drugs needs to be re-thought, none of it makes sense, whether it be steroids, which are preposterously catagorized as a schedule 3 substance, or Cannabis which is a schedule 1, while opiads are a schedule 2 I believe! Opiad dependency and addiction is just about the most destructive behavior a person can engage in on the chemical level. Of course you are right Flex, and you KNOW how I feel. The Steroid Control Act is ridiculous, the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914 is even more pathetic of an attempt to regulate human feelings and tendencies, its all nonsense and yet we keep wasting money and man power where is doesn't need to be. The whoel situation is just an obvious demonstration of the lack of understanding our government has of what a substance is and how it affects the human mind, nor does it have a proper appreciation for the magnitude of our current situation and its affects on daily lives! I will leave it at that bro..
In my opinion steroids give you an unfair advantage. Be it football, track,swimming, body building, baseball...............

first off, you have a legit point in regards to organized sports, but life is not a competition, and if you really want to get technical protien powder gives a person an unfair advantage over a person without it, theres no denying it. Guess what, genetics give people an unfair advantage, along with a million other factors in life. Whats the ONE phrase repeated to us from birth whenever things don't go our way... LIFE AIN'T FAIR. Having a strict diet, or access to the best trainers is an unfair advantage, access to better training facilities or better equipment is an advantage, having a better coach is an advantage, more intensity in your training is an advantage as well, I could go on an on, like for instance, OJ simpson had a HUGE advantage over the average person on trial for murder with the amount of cash he was able to shovel forward for a team of legal proffessionals that the kid in Miss. in the same situaton on trial couldn't afford, is that fair? Is it fair that just about anyone with money to burn has an advantage in court over the law? No one seems to be complaining about that and the hipocracy, so why start here. Athletes aren't meant to be on a level playing field and its certainly not how life is, so lets get real and discuss really why steroids are frowned upon, b/c the gual to fake like this is the problem is just wrong. Steroids don't make you a better athlete, they have the potential to increase strength and muscle mass, which isn't necessarily a benefit. It doesn't increase quickness or coordination, nor does it make your bad speed increase, it doesn't make your feet move faster. The only sport it really has the potential to affect greatly is football, and even then AAS is never such a sure thing. It takes alot of hard work and dicipline and timing to reap its benefits in a lasting manner.
I think that having them banned causes more drug problems with steroids than if they were legal and regulated. Even if they were legal, some would still abuse them, and by abuse, I mean like nutjobs taking 2grams of Test enanthanate a week, with 150mg of dbol a day and shit. But at least there wouldn't be as much fakes running around and guys injecting stuff that's not sterilized, or even real. Let's say they legalized it, but you still would need to talk to a doctor to have your bloodwork done and to check on your medical conditions while on it as well as recommending dosage. You go in and the doc prescribes you a cycle within normal reason, they'd schedule follow-up's, PCT, and you'd see a lot less guys with adverse side effects. I doubt you'd see insurance companies covering this type of use since it would fall under that for cosmetic reasons, not health. Not to mention what I've always said about marijauna. Legalize pot and and treat it like liquor. Hell, legalize pot, tax it, and we would be out of our debt that we're in now in two years. Maybe sooner. I don't think I would tax steroids. Just treat them like a prescription, but allow a doc to prescribe them for muscle building, not just hormone replacement therapy for sixty year old men.
your absolutely right man, its no secret that the US totally created this black market of subpar mexican and worldwide anabolics. theres no rational to it at all, it makes zero sense. Do yourself a favor if you haven't already, go and pickup Rick Collics Anabolics in America. The whole first chapter covers teh process of how the Steroid act came about, I guarantee you will blow a fuse at how it all went down. Its very dissapointing to see the level of chaos and misrepresentation as well as ignorance that goes on at the gov. level
du510 said:
But in 1992, seven years after playing in his last regular-season game, Alzado died from brain lymphoma, a rare form of cancer. He was 43. Although there is no medical link between steroids and brain lymphoma, Alzado was certain the drugs were responsible for his cancer. He became a symbol of the dangers of steroid abuse.

Even that is bullshit. :pissed:
Yea that was the way he let his mind go to ease probably. Some kinda scape goat idea. Oh well cant blame him. I would want a reason to who wouldnt. Though to go public with it kinda shady.:hmmm: