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Terminal illness and bodybuilding

Are you serious ?! Are you aware that if I'm using wifi my ip changes ?! Lmao

Absolutely, but what are the odds that two different people, one a male, the other a female, both sharing the same WIFI connection also visit this site, without either knowing each other or being the same person?

If its true, you need to go buy a lotto ticket sweetie.
Lmao I probably should, u never know I still might have that husband of mine locked up lol
â??????follow carefully I am not in UK, and if country is stupid enought to be sparingly giving out social welfare payments to people who are not citezents that's their own political issue blood..

What would they be mate,its not a term used here????Or blood.....are u from the USA mate,you dont
sound UK or talk like a woman lol.
What would they be mate,its not a term used here????Or blood.....are u from the USA mate,you dont
sound UK or talk like a woman lol.
oh I can't believe this sham are u mentally challenged young boy?! How Long I have to say I'm not ENGLISH ‹ never was and never will be, so I don't have to talk like I'm from uk neither I'm from USA. Just in case u didn't get that either, and btw where I live blood is pritty used slang. Now go and join that dole que ;)
It is rather challenging getting any sense from you , i would agree with your point
Surely you have to wonder why your constantly bombarded with negative comments,
about your sexuality..birth place...true identity etc.
Although you could post another pic of yourself holding a carrot and a banana,
and the local newspaper,this would end any speculation.
I won't post a picture with local newspaper but I'll try a newspaper , sense from me? How thick u actually are?! I explained you multiple times .lmao
It is rather challenging getting any sense from you , i would agree with your point
Surely you have to wonder why your constantly bombarded with negative comments,
about your sexuality..birth place...true identity etc.
Although you could post another pic of yourself holding a carrot and a banana,
and the local newspaper,this would end any speculation.

He's a TROLL you hard-dicked moron..
Look you Irish troll, get a copy of The Irish Times or whatever they call it and post it in your pic….if i see a hint of penis, shit will get real….
lol tupaya shalava
Absolutely, but what are the odds that two different people, one a male, the other a female, both sharing the same WIFI connection also visit this site, without either knowing each other or being the same person?

If its true, you need to go buy a lotto ticket sweetie.

about the same as a guy seeing her in a coffee shop posting on this forum and signing himself up hoping to shag her?
she posted titty pic with "come at me bro"
she seems to be dating a guy on these boards now
SHE is talking to him on the phone

still shes a he? i know thick mother fuckers like rednack cant get it through his 6toe, 3 tooth, inbred fucken brain (ima puke cause its my first workout ever *QQ), but seriously?

are you all still that fucken stupid to think shes a he?
she posted titty pic with "come at me bro"
she seems to be dating a guy on these boards now
SHE is talking to him on the phone

still shes a he? i know thick mother fuckers like rednack cant get it through his 6toe, 3 tooth, inbred fucken brain (ima puke cause its my first workout ever *QQ), but seriously?

are you all still that fucken stupid to think shes a he?
bro,ain't dating him but god damn I wish. Lol I think these guys don't have enought brain cells between them do I ain't posting on this anymore:) thanks for sticking up my friend :) plus they gonna find it hard to get me down. I never been so happy in past year or so I am the happiest I've been in a long while;)
I just browsed through 7 pages of this horseshit looking for a titty pic and said pic was not found. Fuck you Tall Paul.
I just browsed through 7 pages of this horseshit looking for a titty pic and said pic was not found. Fuck you Tall Paul.

ur up to date with current affairs lmao

u realise ur people landed on the moon yeah? nobody said her titty pic was posted in this thread lmao
Ah guys I keep browsing throughout this nonsense and realised, most of you guys must be fancying bitta cock really.Jesus look up some tranny porn and wank off, respect lol;) keep on rocking this party you guys I'm having great time reading throughout this;)
Nobody actually cares though, OP has deluded herself into thinking people do.

Do not feed the troll ladies.

(& tit pic was gross anyway)


^^ people are chasing that away??? same guys arent chasing Ben the cock poster away!!! just stop posting (no homo), ur not fooling anyone!

careful around this lot Ben, get soap on a rope around them brah
mate I've seen your taste in women, I aint suprised youre white knighting that horse FFS !
h2otapout said:
Awwhh you can't pick on anything else so you pick on language ?! Good move blood but LOL English aint my first language, infact I speak in 3 different languages. I presume English is your first language?! Great, I think you are the one who needs to go back to school;) Hei maybe you should post some pictures of your rack see what u have going on there, because it feels like I'm talking with chubby motherfucka;) come at me bro :D

^^ perhaps im just in a foul fucken mood cause my wife nagged me for a week to download Leonardo Dicaprio movies for her and when they are done Keanu Reeves, i did sneak some classis Jack and Gibson in there though, or else id slit my own wrists



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