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The road less traveled....

IML Gear Cream!
go man, GO!
speaking of which...I gotta go...
run some erands and get myself to the gym before work...
Ok then, only 3 more weeks before you can indulge...no worries, m8!
:hair: 3 WEEKS :grumble: There are Australian titles after that too.... could be longer....
I gotta bail too i got some work to do :wave: Later chubs :p
Rissole said:
Later chubs :p
<sniff sniff> that...hurts! You big bully!
Had fun in the gym lastnigt. My buddy is back in town for the weekend, so we went and did chest together. My friend is a great story teller. While he is in Kansas and I canot witness hi workouts, he's told me how he was repping 105 lb DB for reps.
"oh really," I say to myself "I've never seen you get over 90's any time recently"
So....we started off and he got to one set of 95 for maybe 6 reps, then dropped back off to 80's for another couple sets of 5-6.
Then, we went to flat bench. I started to goad him on. (in a positive and coaching kind fo way. That is, as you know, a respnsibility of a good spotter; to push your partner passed what he thinks his breaking point is and keep going)
So, he did his set and got 5 reps. I did 6. Told him he needed to out do me. So, he did 6..I did 7..
Then I got one last set of 5 out...
That was fun..


Friday, 17 October, 04

Incline DB Press:
50*10, 70*5, 90*5, 110*5, 110*5, 110*5

Bench Press:
225*6, 225*7, 225*5

Low to high Cable flyes:
50*10, 50*10, 50*10

at least you spared me alittle dignity and not call me a butter ball...
I better make some damn money! We gotz lotza things to do there! Dive, tube down a river! Lift, find me some hot sheilas to shag...
Not get bitten by all those damn dangerous critters I keep hearing about there!
hell yeah!
Thrusday, 23 October:
Machine Military Press (independant arm):
10*15, 25*10, 45*8, 45*6, 45*6 :(
* Medial delt was buggin so didn't push it
Standing Side Lateral Raises:

Upright Rows:

BO Rear Raises:

DB Shrugs:

Close Grip Tri Press:
135*10, 2*185*8


kinda of a shitty workout, but at least went...
just trying to get my world back in order.
Keep it up brother, your doing good.
Hey Jake!
You feeling better? You been able to get back in the gym yet?
Yup. This was my first week back. I am sore as hell :lol:
Ahh, it will be beter next week!
Did your read my 'experience' last night i the what makes you ill thread?
some people....
what'cha doing tonight?
No, I am still browsing the new posts for the day. Havent made it through them all yet. No plans as of yet. Now that I am lifting though, I am no longer drinking. Back to being made fun of at parties lol
How about you?
Just gotta get to the gym after while and take out my back.
After that, unsure. No plans
Mike, hows it going man? Havent seen you around in a while :)
Hey Jake!
I switched back to day shift on Friday and it was hell!
I had to work the whole weekend. All i did was wake up @ 0430, be to work @ 0600 until 1800 (6pm) then get home...take a nap..then just hang out until I went back to bed. I even let myself sleep in this morning. I should be good to go now!
I ate a little while ago, so will be in the gym in another 1/2 hour to get back on track in the gym.
I just saw some pics of me from May of 03..(my avi pic is one of them)
then, I saw some pics of me from last winter, and now see how I am now..and it isn't good. I dunno what I am waiting for..every friggin thng on me is tight. (pants)
I am disgusted at how i look in the mirror.
THings are getting better for me in my life. So, I ma not as depressed, which I won't be too bummed to go to the gym...now I have to force myself to ad my cardio into my workouts as well...
Also, I have to crack back down on my food.
thanks for checking up!
IML Gear Cream!
ok...made it to the gym today. work out sucked. My right shoulder wsa acting up again. 275 felt heavy adn I barely got 3 reps out w/ a spottre..
I should have been doing reps in the 4-6 range. I even did a little cardio! It was bare'y any, but start small and get big, eh?
I do cardio once a week now.. infact, just finished. Its total hell :)
5 Oct, 04
Bar Bell Bench Press:
135*15, 185*10, 225*8, 275*3, 3*225*6 :(

Incline Bench Press:

Machine Press / flye: 2*100*10

Alt. DB Curl:

Bar Bell Curl:
*tendons started acting up again, so I quit.

Jumped on elliptical for a decent pace for 10 minutes. That sucked, but it was a start.

1) bowl low fat granola cereal w/ skim milk, cup coffee
2) 2 chx breast w/ mac-n-cheese, diet pepsi
3) chicken breast.

**ok, I barely ate today. Have not had much of an appetite. I'm getting chunky..and am aftraid to eat...Most of my food is pretty decent I had been craving junk food lately, so I got low fat puddings to stop my sweet tooth cravings..hopefully it works.

I just picked up another 'cycle' of spray on 1-test and 4AD. I figure I will wait a week to start it, as I need to make sure I get conssisstant again.
PreMier said:
I do cardio once a week now.. infact, just finished. Its total hell :)
yes..it doth suck some righteous crap!
I did 10mins stair stepper, and 10 HIIT on the treadmill. My heartbeat is in my head still, and I finished an hour ago :lol:
musta been goooood!
those stair steppers are death!