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*warning* Very Graphic


Mar 4, 2005
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IML Gear Cream!
If you shop at Wet Seal, you should stop. If you disagree with me, watch this video and read the article...

I must warn you, it's very disturbing


That is so wrong. Animals should be treated like humans. Why cant they just give them an injection so that they will die peacefully and then skin them/cook it. I dont understand people who do that. If i ever saw them doing that up close in real life, i'd go over to them and fuck them up. Especially if it was my cat, i'd skin him alive, a slow painful death.

I watched it for 2 seconds, up to that part the animal was struggling to get away after being tied and cut open. Shit like that makes me sick.
I won´t even watch it, it will make me sick and angry instantly. Why do they do that? I can´t understand. :mad:
OMFG is this real??? THere are some sick ass people in this world poor things :(( They skinned him alive and it was still alive after all it was off :(
I think if you want fur you should be required to hunt and kill your own. While others like Flex and I hunt you for your skull.
that is fucking gross.
P-funk there address is right there lets get a group of people and go murder them, their number is there and everything... Lets skin them and see if they still live..
man i couldnt watch the hole video i almost cried seeing that animal getting skinned alive... i mean what tha fuck is wrong with them at least kill that poor animal before u skin them u fucking bastards... wtf is wrong with the world omg
I'm an animal lover, but damn the peta people get on my nerves!
Did you catch the language they were speaking. Not here in the USA. It is very common in third world contries.
Wouldn't bother me a bit to do the same exact thing to the man skinning the animal, in fact I think I could quite enjoy it with his friends lined up waiting their turn. It is no wonder so many people prefer animals to humans.
what he said. and i don't give a crap what language they are speaking... the screaming all sounds the same.
Robert DiMaggio said:
very disturbing, I guess they do not view these animals as anything more than a "product", they have no regard for their lives, kind of the way a serial killer views it's victims I guess.
You know, you strike a very interesting comparison. I'e often wondered what kind of person could be capable of commiting out serial murders.

I guess, this (sadly) clears it up for me a bit.
I watched about 1/4 of the video.....Just shows you there is no animal in the world more evil and cruel than Humans.
Yea, got about 1/4th through. Probably one of the first if not THE first video I haven't been able to sit through. Hate, and stating that someone's crime deserves to send them to hell is a strong word/belief, and I personally question hell and purgatory, but people like that deserve to rot. It's beyond belief how you could POSSIBLY even fathom doing that without a care. Unless you've never felt pain before in your life, and lack total and any form of compassion. I don't even understand why you wouldnt aat least kill them first. Seeing a living creature dieing, w/o its skin on, squirming in such an immesne pain, wants to make me fucking beat the shit out of these people. Sorry for my rant, but I cant get over it. We should go on an IM-Animal Skinner Hunt.
i could only bare to watch for first 20 sec. but omg thats so fucked up. oh man.
That is what I said above ^^, there address is there and so is there number. I want to tourture them and let them live for awhile and keep tourturing them, cut off a toe make them eat them. Cut off their testicles feed them to the other guy and so forth. That is so messed up!
What the fuck is wrong with people. So inhumaine.
Is this the cat skinning video? I had to watch this in an ethics class in college, pretty fucked up.
IML Gear Cream!
Ethics?? Did you pass??

BTW.....if you guys want to try and do something to stop this, count me in!!
I gots an A.
You know this is more than just a cultural issue, that guy has some serious mental issues. Even my dogs know when they've hurt another living being. While playing if they get too rough and one of them wimpers the others will come to it's aid and lick it's face and have concerned looks on their faces. I can play with them and pretend to start crying and they all change from aggressive play postures to tail wagging, happy, let me make you feel better actions.
I really could go without hearing about your sick beastiality gangbangs.
maniclion said:
You know this is more than just a cultural issue, that guy has some serious mental issues.

If I were filming that I swear to god I would have put down that camera and beat that piece of crap until he was dead.
and I am by no means a violent person, quite laid back and passive actually , but I would not stand by and watch anyone do such a thing, although I understand they wanted to get it all on film for the sake of making the video so everyone could see it...very sad.
I worked in a slaughter house for a while, and killing animals really doesn't effect me/gross me out.. but have the decency to cut its throat. Skinning that raccoon alive was fucking wrong :mad: