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What's wrong with people!

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IML Gear Cream!
can't say that I do
GR81 (Aaron) is a good guy Greeky, I've spoken with him on the phone and he's quite pleasant and I think a little shy ;) believe it or not, lol

But like anyone on the internet, everyone has their own opinion on anything, we agree or we disagree, and everyone has bad days, so we forgive and forget, besides we don't have to walk in another person's shoes, they do, so the way they live their life is their choice, I only have one judge and it's not anyone on this board, thank God :D
Originally posted by firestorm
You know in person, not one of you would act or say SHIT cause you'd be afraid to get YOUR ass kicked for speaking what you believe to be what is right.

I'll take you up on that little wager FS. I've stepped out into the parking lot of more than one restaurant when some rude A-hole has gone overboard with a server. Not to mention with someone that yelled at his wife in front of an entire restaurant.

I can say this....I know for a fact that NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU have EVER visited Saint Gregorys the Great Roman Catholic Chruch in Hamilton TWP NJ for the Xmas Eve masses because EVER single mass has Women, Children,, Mothers holding babies STANDING through the entire service while healthy males AND FEMALES NOT HOLDING BABIES sit their ASSES in the chairs while all these women and children stand.

Maybe if they went to church more than one friggin day of the year, they might not be pregnant 24/7 and not know the dad.

I know none of you good ole folks that sound off so highly on right and wrong have never been there because I've yet to hear one of you say shit in person.

Sorry bro, but this happens in places other than just you Chrismas Mass...go weekly and you'll see that. On second thought, no you won't. There are plenty of seats on days other than Chrismas and Easter.

I'm actually pretty disgusted at many of you. Cyber musclemen sheit you words without action to back them up means nothing more then just words with no meaning. Feel free to toss my words around in all the quotes you wish because it means nothing.

Bro, you are passing the same judgement, since you do not see how I live my life in person. I am far from perfect, but I am also far from all talk either.

for the record , I go to church with my family every year for xmas mass, We get their early so we have seats for my wife and my 2 sons and myself. Just priot to mass "every" year,,, just before the priest comes in,, I do my normal ritual,,, I stand and give my seat away as I've done since I was a boy. If I have a chair and a woman, a mother, or a child stands you can best believe one of

I know this will sound harsh, but I hope that is not your only good deed for the year.

Disclaimer to FS and for the record...

FS and I are the best of friends and agree and disagree on many topics. This was in no way meant to disrespect FS. Just expressing MY thoughts. FS is always good in my book...whether I agree with him or not.
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Originally posted by oaktownboy
ahh Aaron they were yelling and shit at you ..jumping all over you and then you pull a 180 and they look like complete idiots..lol man u one funny mofo bro...working tonight??

Anyone can "act" like they were kidding. You can get your nose out of gr8's ass anytime now before YOU look like the idiot.
Originally posted by BUSTINOUT
Anyone can "act" like they were kidding. You can get your nose out of gr8's ass anytime now before YOU look like the idiot.
Moffo,you know it,I know it and a handfull of other guys know it also,save yourself,it's not worth it anymore...
Looking at the way this thread is going,you and I are going to become the bad boyz and Numbnuts will be the hero.

I say fuck it...

Sorry gurlz,I guess chivalry is out the window on this site...
Here Bustin,I'll hold the door open for ya,after you,I insist.

Astalavista Numbnuts!!! :spaz:
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Originally posted by BUSTINOUT
Anyone can "act" like they were kidding. You can get your nose out of gr8's ass anytime now before YOU look like the idiot.
man what the fuck is ur problem??i wasn't even talking to you..
dero dont be mad at gr81 he is just a wanna be "G" of the modern world, "do ya feel mE"??? anyway this thread made me laugh esspecially the "FAT PIG WIFE" or the "WANTED TO ROLL HER DOWN THE HILL" part, it was funny as shit
Originally posted by BUSTINOUT
I'll take you up on that little wager FS. I've stepped out into the parking lot of more than one restaurant when some rude A-hole has gone overboard with a server. Not to mention with someone that yelled at his wife in front of an entire restaurant.

Well now it's going to appear that Fire is doing a little back peddling but to be totally honest, I did NOT read the names of the posters only the comments. To be totally honest with you BO,, I dont even know what you said but If I had know you were one of the individuals lashing out at GP in a "mean" way then I would have worded that comment a bit differently such as I'd bet none of you with the exception of bustenout would ......
Now some peeps may think I'm kissing B/Os ass but I've known him WAY too long and know he would be the one to stand up and call out a room. He is a bit of a sick fuq like myself which is why we get along so well.
So anyway I'll say it now,, BO if you had something nasty to say to GR8 I believe you'd do it in persone too which is admirable and I dont have a problem with that but you know I wasn't far off base saying that the Majority of people that talk on here would not say the things they say here to people in person. You know that.

Maybe if they went to church more than one friggin day of the year, they might not be pregnant 24/7 and not know the dad.

Sorry bro, but this happens in places other than just you Chrismas Mass...go weekly and you'll see that. On second thought, no you won't. There are plenty of seats on days other than Chrismas and Easter.

Actually my man,, our church is huge and I've yet to see this seating problem except at Xmas time. And yea I get pissed because a good portion of them probably only go once a year. Why bother? Ass clowns.

Bro, you are passing the same judgement, since you do not see how I live my life in person. I am far from perfect, but I am also far from all talk either.

As stated, B/O your an exception to what I said. I know you too well as well as your demeanor. I doubt you put up with much of anything in real life bro. See above.

I know this will sound harsh, but I hope that is not your only good deed for the year.

Sound harsh? Hell no B/O!! I didn't see you call me an asshole or tell me to shut the F up!! You merely defended yourself and did so with class.

Disclaimer to FS and for the record...

FS and I are the best of friends and agree and disagree on many topics. This was in no way meant to disrespect FS. Just expressing MY thoughts. FS is always good in my book...whether I agree with him or not.

Oh and IF B/O DID call me an asshole for anything it would STILL be OK because I consider him a close friend and I can accept that From him.
I agree that this thread went to shit but I'm saying one last thing. I disagree with GR8's stance as I've said above and I would and Have given up my seat for women and they weren't even pregnant. My only argument was I've done so and didn't say a word to those around me that did not. I only shook my head in disgust in regards to them. The thing that irked me is all the cyber muscle and name calling because some of you disagree with his standpoint and knowing that "some" of you (how is that Busten lol) wouldn't call someone a numbnutz in person. I just don't think the name calling and attacts were justified if you don't have the balls to do it in person too. Case closed.
Originally posted by firestorm
I agree that this thread went to shit but I'm saying one last thing. I disagree with GR8's stance as I've said above and I would and Have given up my seat for women and they weren't even pregnant. My only argument was I've done so and didn't say a word to those around me that did not. I only shook my head in disgust in regards to them. The thing that irked me is all the cyber muscle and name calling because some of you disagree with his standpoint and knowing that "some" of you (how is that Busten lol) wouldn't call someone a numbnutz in person. I just don't think the name calling and attacts were justified if you don't have the balls to do it in person too. Case closed.
Ok,since I am addressed,I assume you are talking to me,yes I was pissed off at the way that GR81 was froathing at the mouth and I would do the same thing if I was face to face with him,you should know me by now FS,now I wonder about you,buddy ol' pal.
As I have done it numourous time,I do not back down from telling a person what I think of them when they are wrong,many times you have seen me do it.As you also know,I don't hide with PMs,I do it publically,since the first assault was done publically.
The other thing,you've all seen pics of me,I'm not a wall o' muscle
like many of you's are.So,if I don't like what somebody tells me I don't use the "I'll use my strenght as oppose to my mind"More muscle then brain is not the case here...
So don't try to intimidate me in a corner FS!!!
I said what I said and have not tried to weasel out of my statement,like our friend GR81 has.
Many peeps have tried to come to his rescue,but with what? the proof is there,black on white...

So now,to answer the original question,if anybody remembers it.
What is wrong with people and the topic was when a pregnant woman steps on a bus,why doesn't she get a seat and has to stand when people are sitting?

By reading this thread,I don't think we have to go far to get the answer,different folks with different ways/values on life.
I,who is from the older generation gets offended and will SAY SO AND TELL a person be it live or on the net,when I see somebody ANYBODY(so that nobody feels that I discriminate)not respecting another human being.
IML Gear Cream!
Originally posted by firestorm
Oh and IF B/O DID call me an asshole for anything it would STILL be OK because I consider him a close friend and I can accept that From him.


What ????
You thought I was going to give you the answer...
Read the thread.
every time i read the title of this thread i think to myself..

"lots of things" :lol:
Originally posted by greekblondechic
every time i read the title of this thread i think to myself..

"lots of things" :lol:
How true!!!
Originally posted by greekblondechic
every time i read the title of this thread i think to myself..

"lots of things" :lol:

I think it's cool just to find a chick that can think. lol
we all have our flaws :evil:
speak for yourself. lol
Originally posted by BUSTINOUT
speak for yourself. lol
Mister PURFECT :rolleyes:
And don't forget it pops.
Originally posted by BUSTINOUT
And don't forget it pops.
Oh,your talking to me???
All of these non personal hits,I never know if somebody is talking to me or not!!!
That's the other thing FS,you could had said" EH dero" as oppose to using the words I used in the various past posts sometimes you answer a question but you get a response such as EH,I WASNOT TALKING TO YOU!!!
Know what I mean?

He,he...Bo,I think I need to take my red pills tonight,so I remember what you just said.
IML Gear Cream!
Originally posted by Dero
Ok,since I am addressed,I assume you are talking to me,yes I was pissed off at the way that GR81 was froathing at the mouth and I would do the same thing if I was face to face with him,you should know me by now FS,now I wonder about you,buddy ol' pal.

Dero my friend and I hope we're still friends,,, you wonder about me? PLease feel free to explain what your wondering about me? Friend to friend so please be blunt.

As I have done it numourous time,I do not back down from telling a person what I think of them when they are wrong

I have to stop you there Dero,, you said "when they are wrong" How was GR8 wrong? Because he won't give up his seat? That wouldn't make him wrong just ignorant like 90% of the population. Look you and I agree that both of us would give up our seat. Gr8 would not. That doesn't give you or anyone else the right to pass judgement on him for taking that stance let alone call him names for not compying with OUR way of life and the way WE were brought up. Im sorry but it just wasn't right!!! Like I've said we have all at some point in our lives seen situations similar to this and I doubt anyone here started calling a bus load of people or a subway car names for not getting up for a female. We just get up and leave it at that. What makes it different here?? That is what I just don't get! I'm not saying Dero that your some kind of candy ass because I wouldn't jump up making statements like that either which is my point. None of us do so why do it here?? Because we're safe? I don't know?


,many times you have seen me do it.As you also know,I don't hide with PMs,I do it publically,since the first assault was done publically.

but not towards you or anyone here. That is the difference. He was just being playing with you all. Maybe i see this all differently because I know GR8 a bit better then most of you. I knew he was playing with you guys because he's played that game before arguing the against the obvious. He was kidding around and if you've ever seen anyting this guy wrote in the past when he "really" believed in something, you would see he has NEVER backed down to the majority crowd. He and I went at it when we 1st met where he had my blood boiling mad where I wanted to rip his head off. Even though we have since become friends, he believed in what he was saying at that time and never appologized. There was no reason for him to try to back peddle out of this here beleive me. It may have been in bad taste but it was only GR8 being GR8. NOw he said he was kidding so just let it be! I already was done after responding for the last time to Bustenout. This is just not worth loosing friends over expecially since we all agree on the topic at hand.

But it wasn't directed towards you Dero or a friend of ours. You know I've done it myself but usually as coming to the aid of a friend here. I don't ever remember you calling someone names because you had a difference of opinions!

The other thing,you've all seen pics of me,I'm not a wall o' muscle
like many of you's are.So,if I don't like what somebody tells me I don't use the "I'll use my strenght as oppose to my mind"More muscle then brain is not the case here...
So don't try to intimidate me in a corner FS!!!

I was doing no such thing Dero. I stated the obvious. YOu would not say shit and if it were the other way around,,, I wouldn't say shit to you either if you wouldn't get up. You damn well know it wouldn't be worth it. YOU and I would just give up our seats as the ignorant fatasses sit oblivious to a standing female.

I said what I said and have not tried to weasel out of my statement,like our friend GR81 has.

He doesn't weasle, he told the truth. I believe that as I'd believe you if you told me something was a joke taken to far.

Many peeps have tried to come to his rescue,but with what? the proof is there,black on white...

He didn't need rescuing. Some of us know him better then you guys which is why we were sitting back quietly laughing at the whole thing. But then I saw he was just overwhelmingly undergunned so I wanted you all to stop attacking him for stating his own opinion.

So now,to answer the original question,if anybody remembers it.
What is wrong with people and the topic was when a pregnant woman steps on a bus,why doesn't she get a seat and has to stand when people are sitting?

By reading this thread,I don't think we have to go far to get the answer,different folks with different ways/values on life.

That is correct. people are different which is what makes the world go around. If we yelled or spoke our mind every time someone did something other then what WE would deem appropriate, we would go insane!!!

I,who is from the older generation gets offended and will SAY SO AND TELL a person be it live or on the net,when I see somebody ANYBODY(so that nobody feels that I discriminate)not respecting another human being.

Well your a better man then me Dero because I wouldn't have that kind of energy to fight a verbal battle every time I saw someone doing something differently from how I was raised.

Women smacks her 3 year old on the ass for knocking over a cereal box at the market.
I start telling her: OMG I can't believe you just hit your child over something so damn innocent!!! God knows what you do to him if he spills a drink on your carpet you horrible witch!!!!
Car full of gangster teenagers pull into the convienient store blaring music out of their car.
HEY you bunch of hoodelums, turn that crap down before I call the cops!!

Man throws a gum wrapper on the ground instead of tossing it in the trash can 3 inches away.
Hey you old bastard! I know your so old you can die any second now but you telling me that tossing that little piece of paper in that trash can would have taken more time of our pitiful life then tossing it 3 inches to your right!!! Bastard!
Police car speeds buy at 80mph and he isn't on a call. You catch up to him a few minutes later at a red traffic light as he is eating a doenut.
Hey PIG who the hell are you that you can speed around town and have the balls to give me a ticket for going 30 in a 25???? You suck Copper!!!!

See what I'm saying DERO? we don't do this!!! We just go about our lives trying to do the right thing. We may give a stare or a head shake but we don't go crazy and start laying into people for this behavior. We just do it better then them and hope they learn from watching us.
Peace and no hard feelings. Let's just say we agree to disagree on this subject Dero and drop it now.
Originally posted by BUSTINOUT


So it seems B. I guess I am. See? never come to the aid of the underdog,, you only become his side kick. hahahahahaha
Hey yo, I just want to say a few things before I make my graceful exit and bow out. To the people that tihnk I changed my opinion b/c some heat came down on me, you can go check my track record from any debate I have ever had on here and see exactly what my style is. I have more integrity in my fucking pinky than most of you bitches have in your whole body. PLEASE, GO AHEAD AND CHECK... see if I have ever, EVER backed down from an arguement, and believe me you will find plenty of them on here. It has never happened. The only thing I have in this world is my word and my balls, and I never compromise either of them. I wouldn't get up for a women just b/c she is a women, I don't believe that is right. I might get up for a pregnant women. thats as far as it goes. I can see who my real friends on here are, and who is showing that bitch color on the inside. If there is one thing that always rings true with me it is that I never can be pressured into believing something that I can't feel. Check my profile, down to die for everything I represent. Dat shit is too true, and anyone who knows me, knows that shit is true. I really don't give a fuck whatchall think bout it either. For those that wanna play that hatin shit, you can eat a fat dick. you can't fade me you pussies. ha ha. that includes you questionguy. Go back to the sex forum little boy, b/c this weight training shit is over your head.
Thank you again firestorm for presenting you opinion with respect and honor, even though we don't agree, you are very big man in my opinion. I love you dawg. Katie, I love you babe, its all good. BO you are a bastard but I still like you anyways for some reason even though you hate on me all the time. Dero, pick your battles man, find something more worthwhile to get all worked up about cuz this ain't it. Oak, you know the deal. fuck them clowns. to the rest that don't know me, you should never form an opinion without seeingn the whoel story. check my track record and you will see. I am done with this circus..
yo G,, come on man, let's grab our ball and go home dawg. Let's go beat up some Circus midgets to make us feel better and then feed them to the Tigers. I love the sound of crunching Midget bones in the jaws of a tiger. What a RUSH!!!!
pretty good budday!! Little tired. You have to hear what stupid thing I did today. I was doing DB Bench presses. I picked up the 120's from the floor and heaved them onto my lap in preperation to lie down into position except when I slammed them down onto my thighs, I dropped em a bit too damn high and smashed some thingamajig in my right hip just above my thigh. I can barely lift my damn leg now. I'll tell ya,, I can't fuqing win man. If I'm not hurting myself heaving snow or pulling my groin 'on the left side" squatting too heavy Im doing something stupid to hurt myself even more like I don't have enough injuries to be working around!!! I'm so damn mad at myself right now man you have no Idea.
The next thing I have planned to do to myself to further demolish my leg training is stabbing myself in the thigh again with a double edged boot knife. Yes I did say "again" because I've done that before too!!! Years ago while yapping with a friend on the phone I had my leg up on the edge of a wooden table and stabbing the edge with a boot knife. Well here I am bored out of my mind I'm talking and stabbing the table harder and harder pulling away shardes of wood until suddenly I find I've missed my target and plunged it about 3 inches into my thigh. So I'm like Ummm Rich,, I have to go now, something just came up that I have to tend to. He says: Well go ahead Bri I'll hang on. I say,, well I think this is going to take some time so I have to go. He says well I'm stuck here at work all night so I don't mind waiting. Finally as the pain finally begins I tell him.. Yo Rich,, I just stuck a knife in my leg and have to pull it out and stitch it the fuq up!!! I gotta go, I'll call ya back later. So I hang up, pull the knife out, blood starts pumping out like a hole in a garden hose! I'm ripping my belt off tighten it around my thigh and start searching for my med kit. No needle or thread so Off I go to the emergency room at 3 in the morning. On the way tossing hands full of blood out my car window. By the time I get there the bleeding finally subsides. the dumbass ER doc gives it a look over and asks me if I "want" stitches so I look at it and seeing it stopped bleeding I say, well it isn't bleeding anymore so I guess if you don't think I need em I don't want em. So I leave. I no sooner get to my car and out of the parking lot and bammmm,, bleeding like a stuck pig again. Turn around go back inside and get 5 stitches and then back to work and finish my shift. And yea I was working alone. Next morning I look at the side of my shiney Green car with blood all down the door. It looked like a murder scene. Ruined a good pair of new jeans too!!!
awww im sorry fire i hope u feel better soon!

and stop playing with knives! :finger:
jesus man, beating up circus midget, stabbing yourself with knives, I don't kno what you are talking to me about. you are the one that is hardcore. ha ha. screwball..:nut: :spaz: maybe you should just chill for a bit so you don't hurt yourself. ha ha
Originally posted by greekblondechic
awww im sorry fire i hope u feel better soon!

and stop playing with knives! :finger:
Greek baby maybe you and I can get together and you can massage my boo boo shoulder. I'll save your the agony of massaging my boo boo hip. lol
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