Damn brother am sorry just got your message.. I haven't been on hear in a few... Naw man the top color is just people preference green ,gray ,blue as long as the purity is the same doesn't matter what color the top is.. I have found the name brand stuff to be a little stronger.. Paxton stuff is good but if it just said HGH on it then it's all generic that's what I have been taking for years just more Aforable. . The longest you can stay on it the better.. If your have to go out of the country I would not start until I got back ,its very sensitive ,you want to be very anla about taking it the same time everyday and staying on track... Just save up where you can take it 7 days a week 6 month's plus ...Just let me know if I can help in anyway. Sorry it took me so long to get back with u I'll stay a little more on toP of it.