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  1. Richie1888

    Carb Cycling for Mass

    ye thats a shout actually. ive found an article im going to have a glance over and see what i make of it but i might just do what you said
  2. Richie1888

    Carb Cycling for Mass

    ok will do was just looking for some starting figures to get me going and refine from there
  3. Richie1888

    Carb Cycling for Mass

    on the low days i assume its as low as you can go and on the high days its 1 to 1 with protein or should it be higher ? how many high days should you have ?
  4. Richie1888

    Carb Cycling for Mass

    so you cant carb cycle for mass then ?
  5. Richie1888

    Carb Cycling for Mass

    sorry mate ull have to come with that again ? :hmmm:
  6. Richie1888

    Carb Cycling for Mass

    Hi guys can someone talk em through the basics of how to carb cycle for mass im unsure of what kind of ratios you should use and where to place high carb days any help would be good Cheers Richie
  7. Richie1888

    Loosing last bit of fat

    many thanks for the advice guys
  8. Richie1888

    Loosing last bit of fat

    thanks for getting back to me mate but im not on any suppliments just now other than portein in the morning
  9. Richie1888

    Loosing last bit of fat

    PSMF ? im about 12 stone 5
  10. Richie1888

    Loosing last bit of fat

    as little as 50 is it worth working towards it or just going for it ? im taking olive oil in my shakes and eating makrel and tuna
  11. Richie1888

    Loosing last bit of fat

    Hi Guys Ive been cutting down my BF for my coming honeymoon right now im down to about 12% but am still carrying fat around my gut ive been eating 150g of protein, 150g of carbs and about 40g of fats. ive done pretty decent and lost a stone. whats the best way now to keep the lose going...
  12. Richie1888

    Lift % Proportions

    thanks for the input guys
  13. Richie1888

    Deadlift 360 x 1 (Video)

    nice one mate looked a good solid lift
  14. Richie1888

    Lift % Proportions

    Alright Guys Is there a sort of rough measure of % for what you should roughly be lifting for the big lifts from a starting weight of say your absolute squat or deadlift etc ? So say if I know my deadlift is 160kg is there a rough % guide to what the other numbers should be Back Squat Bench...
  15. Richie1888

    MMA News and Notes

    whos the ass landing kicks is that nate diaz ? theres a slow mo on youtube its gil melendez that pushes him then he goes back to push him back and like 5 ceasar gracie guys go for him and thats when the gif kicks in. hes was being an ass in the ring interupting the interview but come on a bit...
  16. Richie1888

    MMA News and Notes

    MMA Videos And News, UFC Videos, Pride Videos, K-1 Videos, And EliteXC Videos from MMATKO.com. MMA Videos | LowKick.com knock yourself out mate
  17. Richie1888

    MMA News and Notes

    The Debacle of The Decade: Antonio Inoki vs. Muhammad Ali | Five Ounces of Pain great read sheds alot of light on this farce.
  18. Richie1888

    MMA News and Notes

    great article about a debate between Dan Hardy and posh newspaper reader UFC: Dan Hardy, the intellectual welterweight warrior – Telegraph Blogs
  19. Richie1888

    MMA News and Notes

    Eddie Bravo vs. Royler Gracie ADCC 2003 | MMATKO Mixed Martial Arts Videos, MMA Videos, UFC Videos Well worth a watch for BJJ folks out there. might be hard to watch if you dont know whats going on.
  20. Richie1888

    MMA News and Notes

    all with u mate I dont like the take down and just hold him down, dont even think 25% of his ground strikes were seriously worth anything other than looking busy. but in his defence thats what mma is all about u can bring a style to the cage and if your opponent can do nothing about it you...