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Anavar is an anabolic steroid which was first synthesized in 1962. Anavar is different from other anabolic steroids in that it has a high oral bio-availability (it can be taken by mouth) and is resistant to liver metabolism.
Anavar is primarily used to prevent frailty and muscle loss associated...
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Hi all. 46 yo female bikini competitor, doing it for 2 seasons. This last season did 20mg var and put on muscle but still looked 'thick' through the middle even at 10.5% body fat. I stayed on cycle through the show days and took a break in between.
Anyone advise as to when to gear down on...
OK. 1st, I am not a serious bodybuilder. I've cycled 2 other times over the last 2 years, with amazing gains. No PCT (which I didn't hold my gains for more than 6-9 months). I'm 5'10", 145Lbs.
1st cycle Androgel and 90 10mg anavar pills STRETCHED over 60-75 days? (it was awhile ago). That's it...
Well Finally after 4 years of trt...you know the story, like others...I finally got put on 150mg per week about 6-7 months ago. Not EOW etc. I have had numerous labs, and have a good degree of my test lines. That aside, I see forums on anavar. Most say you keep alot of the strength and...
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