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  1. RoidsSeek

    👉Weekly SALE👈 Tren Enanthate Tbol & Dbol

    PRODUCTS OF THE WEEK -30% OFF Kalpa Trenbolone Enanthate - 77 USD Kalpa Turanaxyl (Turanabol 100 tabs) - 35 USD Kalpa Methandienone (Dianoxyl 10, 100 tabs) - 28 USD BUY 3 and GET 1 FREE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONUS Orders over...
  2. RoidsSeek

    Tren Enanthate Tbol & Dbol *DISCOUNT*

    PRODUCTS OF THE WEEK -30% OFF Kalpa Trenbolone Enanthate - 77 USD Kalpa Turanaxyl (Turanabol 100 tabs) - 35 USD Kalpa Methandienone (Dianoxyl 10, 100 tabs) - 28 USD BUY 3 and GET 1 FREE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONUS Orders over...
  3. YourMuscleShop

    DIANABOL ( D – BOL )

    Do you want to use a steroid to boost your lean muscle mass, physical strength, and endurance? Dianabol is one of many anabolic steroids that can boost your performance and body composition significantly. The usage of the steroid Dianabol raises testosterone levels. It works by increasing...
  4. YourMuscleShop

    Dbol or Anadrol while bulking ? Cycle length ??

    Dbol or Anadrol while bulking ? Cycle length ?? Your Muscle Shop
  5. A

    NEW MEMBER ALERT! Mini Bio Included!

    Hey guys, I'm excited to have newly joined the forum! I am an up and coming bodybuilder, 24 years old... I have done a few test cycles, have found some bunk gear and have had some very good gear. I have messed around with some other things such as prohormones, dbol, and some natural test...
  6. BadGas

    BasicStereo (Domestic) DBOL

    First, I can't stress enough how happy I am with Pharmacom's oral product line. I always recommend them to anyone who asks. And they always achieve the results they hope for. A few weeks back, a close friend of mine decided he was going to get back on blast. He's been out of commission for...
  7. G

    New Guy needs help with 1st cycle

    Hey guys I am new to this forum, I have been doing most of my research here but I still have some questions. I was planning on doing my 1st cycle. I am 19, 5'7 165lbs. I'm a slim guy and it has been very difficult to bulk up and I have been stuck at this weight for a while. My cycle plan is as...
  8. D

    dbol kicker and lower back pain

    Ladies and gents, I started my first cycle about two weeks ago. I've been reading where people have used dbol as a pre-workout. Thought I would give it a try. Started having a lot of lower back pain and again, this being my first cycle, didn't connect it to the dbol. I'm 36 years old and...
  9. D

    Newbie to the BIG DEE'YAM SUPPLEMENTS world and wanna cannonball in!

    Hey Everybody :hiya: Little nervous at first, never been a forum guy before but everybody here seems pretty welcoming. I'm not young, not old, but just got into supplementing and lifting to shape up for summer, and holy ballz... now I know why some of you are so damn huge! Not to be sappy on...
  10. J

    Test Cyp/Tren E/Dbol/Anavar Cycle Review

    Hello all, this will be my first time running Tren and I know the compound A is suggested by first time users, but I've first-hand witnessed the sides from people with low test/high tren and low tren/high test combinations and I understand what Tren entails; I'm beyond prepared to deal with the...
  11. Sickofskinny

    Now THIS is a sexy picture!

  12. J


    This will be my second cycle(first cycle was test e 250mg/ml - 1ml twice a week) I know what my macros will be, but I am not for sure about the numbers on this cycle. I want to know what others think about this: Test e: 250mg twice a week - week 1-10 deca: 200mg twice a week - week 1 - 10...
  13. J

    GP Dbol and British Dispensary Anabol question?

    Hey fellas just looking for some feedback on which Dbol i should go with for my upcoming cycle. I Have taken the British Dispensary Anabol 5MG pink"s before and loved them but that was a few yrs ago. I have noticed alot of good reviews lately on the GP 10mg Dbol and was thinking of giving them a...
  14. A

    Second cycle Help

    Hi guy this will be my first time injecting and would like your input on my future cycle Test e 500mg weeks 1-10 D Bol 40mg weeks 1-6 adex 0.25mg weeks 1-10 Pct clomid 100 100 50 50 nolva 60 40 20 10 I am thinking about adding hcg throughout the cycle but am unsure on wat dossing I will need...
  15. D

    Opinions on Tren E/Test E Cycle? W/ Questions

    STATS Age: 24 Height: 6'4" Weight: 235lbs BF %: ~11 I've run Test only and Test/DBOL cycles before. CYCLE 1-4: DBOL @ 40MG/ED 1-12: Test E @ 200mg/WK 1-12: Tren E @ 500mg/WK 11-12: DBOL @ 40mg/ED 1-15: Aromasin @ 12.5mg/ED PCT: 15-16: Clomid @ 150mg/ED 17-18: Clomid @ 100mg/ED 19: Clomid @...
  16. P

    Deca vs Anavar

    What combinations produce the best lean mass results? I've gotten good feedback from this forum indicating that Deca should be stacked with TestCyp because Deca is in the Anabolic class of roids and TestCyp is in the Androgenic class. The difference being that Anabolics negatively affect your...