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  1. YourMuscleShop

    Routine Is The Enemy

    Routine Is The Enemy Visit us:- www.yourmuscleshop.com Join us:- TelegramYourMuscleShop
  2. YourMuscleShop


    One stop shop for all your supplements need for muscle building- 100% Natural- Whey Protein Creatine Glutamine Carnitine L-Arginine SOLD BY www.yourmuscleshop.com
  3. YourMuscleShop


    Anavar is an anabolic steroid which was first synthesized in 1962. Anavar is different from other anabolic steroids in that it has a high oral bio-availability (it can be taken by mouth) and is resistant to liver metabolism. Anavar is primarily used to prevent frailty and muscle loss associated...
  4. YourMuscleShop

    For what purpose is an anabolic steroid used? Do they harm bodybuilders or an athlete’s health?

    Well, we all know that steroids or anabolic steroids are types of artificial testosterone. It is a hormone that is typically associated with the male body. But the female body also produces testosterone in smaller amounts. When taken properly, steroids aren't always hazardous. They’re used for...
  5. YourMuscleShop

    Dbol or Anadrol while bulking ? Cycle length ??

    Dbol or Anadrol while bulking ? Cycle length ?? Your Muscle Shop
  6. YourMuscleShop


    Are you an online coach? Or someone who wants to become their own boss? Dropship with us today. We can directly ship any of our products to your customer’s given address from our US-based warehouse. Why Dropship with us? • We are US based • 100% Delivery rate • 24*7 Customer Service • Top...
  7. YourMuscleShop

    Best Deals Begins. Grab Now

    Get D-bol (Dianabol) at the best price- Dianabol 20mg (D-Bol), also known as Methandrostenolone, is an anabolic steroid (AAS) that is still widely used for bulking cycles due to its low cost and effectiveness. The drug was first made available in the late 1950s to help American athletes...
  8. DragonPhill

    Dihydroboldenone (DHB)

    DHB 100 mg/ED (700 mg/week) Test Undeco 200 mg/sunday Test Cyp 100 mg/ Tuesday and Friday (400 mg/week) AI (arimidex and aromasin) as needed. Current weight 78 kg (171.96) BF 6.4% 3000-3200 kcal/day ...more details to come BIG Thanks to PuritySourceLabs for making this possible.
  9. DragonPhill

    Stenbolone & Gold Bulk Cycle

    Stenbolone 1/2 ml/ED - 50 mg/ED for 1-2 week then 1 ml/ED - 100 mg/ED Testosterone Enan 1/2 ml - 125 mg/ M-W-F + 250 mg test Undeco on Sunday (625 mg/week) I'm also waiting for an order with the new Bulk Cycle (D-bol 25mg + Drol 25mg - 50mg/tab). As soon as it arrives I will take one tabs...
  10. T

    Looking to meet like minded friends

    Hi guys/gals I am living in Thailand most of the time apart from overseas work which should be changing in the next 6 months. Im far from a bbers physique . Il be in Thailand August 6th for around a mo th before returning to work if anyone would like to train. I currently live in pattaya but...
  11. T

    New Member Old Stalker

    Hey I have bought produts several times from companies referred from IronMag, but I you want me to be honest I haven't got the results I was looking for. Those sources inside here are only selling research products. That's like products powder plus some extra vitamins Anyway i found this place...
  12. M

    Anabolic steroids Europe

    Hi! We are sellers of high quality anabolic steroids and hgh for whole Europe. Contact me if you need information about prices, shipping and payment.
  13. B

    King's College London University study on the use of anabolic steroids

    Hello, My name is Barnaby Carter and I am a current King?s College Student in London. I would like to invite you to participate in this King?s College London postgraduate research project on the use of anabolic steroids and we are currently looking for volunteers. If you are 18 years of age...
  14. B

    Study on the use of anabolic steroids

    Hello, My name is Barnaby Carter and I am a current King?s College Student in London. I would like to invite you to participate in this King?s College London postgraduate research project on the use of anabolic steroids and we are currently looking for volunteers. If you are 18 years of age...
  15. B

    Study on the use of anabolic steroids

    Hello, My name is Barnaby Carter and I am a current King?s College Student in London. I would like to invite you to participate in this King?s College London postgraduate research project on the use of anabolic steroids and we are currently looking for volunteers. If you are 18 years of age...
  16. Z

    Use of anabolic steroids

    Hello, I would like to invite you to participate in this King?s College London postgraduate research project on the use of anabolic steroids, we are currently looking for volunteers. If you are 18 years of age and over, have used anabolic steroids in the last 12 months and would like to take...
  17. Z

    Use of anabolic steroids

    Hello, I would like to invite you to participate in this King?s College London postgraduate research project on the use of anabolic steroids, we are currently looking for volunteers. If you are 18 years of age and over, have used anabolic steroids in the last 12 months and would like to take...
  18. T

    Pieds research

    Hello, I have sought permission from the administrators and they have advised that I am OK to post the below. I am an Assistant Professor at Bond University, Australia. I am seeking your assistance in relation to research we are currently conducting into the use of performance and image...
  19. S

    Need help with beginner cycle

    hey, i got some questions about some product and im going to start on beginner cycle and if someone could explain me what these things do and such? (sorry about grammar from EU) :) i was looking at WP forum and the admin had a post there i was looking at and would maybe try that if isnt some...
  20. C

    Hardening cycle help

    So far this is what I am going to be doing 1-25 weeks 3ius 5x/week 1-15 750 Test Cyp 1-13 600 Masteron E 1-4 Dbol 30 MG/day 5x 9-12 Dbol 30mg/day 5x Would yall up anything or change? at 5'11" 235lbs, 17.5% BF