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ANAVAR (Oxandrolone 10mg*100 tablets)

Anton fire

Nov 8, 2013
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IML Gear Cream!


Anavar is an oral steroid which contains 10mg of the hormone Oxandrolone.This steroid is commonly called Anavar,or "Var" for short.
Anavar is considered one of the mildest steroids that there is. It is mildly anabolic and mildly androgenic. Even though it is a C-17 oral,it still has minimal effect on liver values even at higher doses.Var also isn't known by bodybuilders as the steroid for big mass gains. Rather the mass that is gained by Anavar will be quality gains, and gains that likely to be kept after the steroid is no longer being used. Users of Ananvar often note a very good increase in strength. Some bodybuilders compare the strength increases seen by its use to be similar to Anavar on a mg for mg basis, but without the extra side effects! Because of this, and the fact that users wont gai a lot of weight because of the drug ,Var is a very popular drug for powerlifters and sports related athletes.
Due to its extremely mild nature, Var is also one of the most popular steroids amongst women bodybuilders. Anavar has also been shown in studies to actually decrease bodyfat during use,making it a great choice for bodybuilders who are in the cutting phase of their training.
Anavar is also very mild when it comes to shutting down the bodys ability to produce testosterone ,making ti a great choice for those looking to "bridge"between cycles while allowing the body to recover. Those looking to stack Anavar with something may chose a low dose of f testosterone to do with it. Also, the classic Anavar /Primo cycle is one of the most popular cutting cycles ever. This cycle provides one with quality muscle gain and minimal side effects and risk.
Clearly, Anavar is a great all around steroid.Male bodybuilders will typically use Anavar in doses of 50-100mg a day for 6-12 weeks. Var has a relatively short half life of about 8 hours. So one may chose to split dosages throughout the day in order to keep blood levels as stable as possible. Women bodybuilders typically find a dosage of 2.5-10mgs to be effective for promoting muscle gains and strength without the great risk of side effects.

Can not vouch for what they are selling now, but I have bags of var and winnie from them at my house that I picked up a little over a year ago. Took 2 bags of each and never noticed anything. Took the var up to 150mg a day (which the pumps should have been killing me) and nothing. Then took the winnie up to 150mg/day and nothing.

Not bashing anybody, just responding to werewolf's question.
anyone who knows a company with reputable products which gives results can pm as I haven't seen any yet
Can not vouch for what they are selling now, but I have bags of var and winnie from them at my house that I picked up a little over a year ago. Took 2 bags of each and never noticed anything. Took the var up to 150mg a day (which the pumps should have been killing me) and nothing. Then took the winnie up to 150mg/day and nothing.

Not bashing anybody, just responding to werewolf's question.
Thanks for the answer!