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Arthritis help?


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Sep 18, 2013
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IML Gear Cream!
Been looking for anything that helps with arthritis, but it seems like the only thing is NSAID's and those are death to your kidneys. Just wondering if any of these research chems have any effect?
Kratom is a god send for arthritis.
Pain relief. Also it has some anti inflammatory effects too.

Which type? I tried some a year or more ago, it didn't agree with me, but I have no clue about type or dosage etc.
Straightup kratom from heavyiron

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Which type? I tried some a year or more ago, it didn't agree with me, but I have no clue about type or dosage etc.
Red vein is very good for pain management.

All Kratom is helpful but, red strains seem to be the best.

Try the new Old Forest Green from
Straightupkratom.com - great for pain -OD