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fun thread, which AAS make you feel good or crap?

IML Gear Cream!
Still new to the game but so far.

Superdrol- irritable, foggy and lethargic and general flu like feeling

MHN- clear, chill and insane euphoric feeling while working out

I'm thinking about trying methylhydroxynandrolone just for fun one of these days. What was your experience with it like, in terms of anabolism and fat loss and whatnot? I've heard it's a viable alternative to anavar.
Test and dbol were the only ones that were noticeably good. Tren and superdrol make me angsty and aggressive, sd also made me a bit depressed but I love the results
Test, dball, primo, all make me feel very positive, happy and more confident. Clen, gives me horrible muscle cramps during workout or when im just sitting around very annoying and painful, even if i drink a ton of water. Trenbolone Ace, Makes me extremly confident, because its really magic in a vial, but on it i am lethargic, feel like a zombie, i am watching TV, but im really just looking threw the tv, not knowing what is going on around me. Also takes away my appetite and gives me some vivid crazy dreams, makes me very hot cant stand being in the heat. Now if i could pick just one for ever, i would take Tren. The results just to good to be true.
I'm thinking about trying methylhydroxynandrolone just for fun one of these days. What was your experience with it like, in terms of anabolism and fat loss and whatnot? I've heard it's a viable alternative to anavar.

Never taken Anavar yet. But my results with it were great. Amazing vascularity (since I rly wasnt vascular at all before), not much strength increase but didnt lose any either and I was also in a severe cal deficit. ran it with a keto diet. I also gained 2 lbs while cutting quite a bit of fat.

Considering I was only taking in about 1500-1800 daily and very very low carbs and the results i had, it will definitely be a main stay oral for me, esp since its on the low side as far as liver toxicity and I experienced no side effects what-so-ever.

I ran it at 30mg, then bumped it to 35mg. couldnt go higher b/c i didnt have enough. When I run it again I wont be going below 40mg. which is where the only downside comes in. Its a bit pricey but not too bad and it only comes in 5mg pills, so I was taking 6/day which is annoying.

P.S. like I said never taken Anavar BUT from my experience and from reviews I have read it is a better lean tissue producer than Anavar, esp in higher doses
Superdrol - lethargic, dead libido, also feel hypoglycemic around an hour after I take it,
Tren - I definitely had some side effects from tren but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. The biggest negative from tren is now every time I run another compound I think it's bunk because I compare it to results I see from tren.